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Last active May 13, 2024 07:48
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WhisperCPP Batch File Script
:: ---- Lines beginning with :: are comments ----
:: This script is meant to make it easy to transcribe a video file using WhisperCPP.
:: You can simply drag a video file into the cmd window, then it will use ffmpeg to extract the audio, then transcribe using WhisperCPP and output to a text file.
@echo off
set /p videopath="Enter the full path to the video file to transcribe: "
:: Remove quotes from the input path
set videopath=%videopath:"=%
:: Extracting the base filename without the extension
for %%A in ("%videopath%") do set "basename=%%~nA"
:: Get the directory of the batch file
set "scriptdir=%~dp0"
:: Ensure the output directory exists
if not exist "%scriptdir%output\" mkdir "%scriptdir%output"
:: Extracting audio from the video file - You probably shouldn't change this. It extracts the audio with settings that Whisper uses natively
:: Just make sure ffmpeg is either in your PATH environment variable, or within the same folder as the script
ffmpeg -i "%videopath%" -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -ac 2 temp.wav
:: Running Whisper CPP main.exe with the parameters, specifying full path for output
:: Here you can change around the parameters that get used
main.exe -t 16 -p 1 -otxt -of "%scriptdir%output\%basename%" -l en -bs 5 -bo 5 -m ggml-large-v2.bin -f temp.wav --prompt "Hello."
:: Deleting the temporary wave file
del temp.wav
:: Use PowerShell to remove newlines
set "textfile=%scriptdir%output\%basename%.txt"
set "tempfile=%scriptdir%output\temp.txt"
powershell -command "(Get-Content '%textfile%') -join ' ' | Set-Content '%tempfile%'"
move /Y "%tempfile%" "%textfile%"
:: Wait for user input before closing and open output directory
set /p EXIT_INPUT="Done! Close this window, or press Enter to open the Output folder and exit..."
start "" "explorer.exe" "%scriptdir%output"
exit /b
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