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Generate self-signed SSL certs & keys from a script

I usually use this for generating SSL certificates for IP addresses - such as internally hosted applications, so they can be secured properly. You will need to manually install and trust the certificate on all clients that wish to access the service with SSL, and provide the cert & key to the service.

This is not a guide! It is simply a script I wrote in about 5 minutes to quickly generate certificates for IP addresses. It is very badly written but it works. Just about.

I won't be maintaining this unless the entire premise of SSL and self-signed certificates magically breaks overnight.

echo ":: Enter IP: "
read IP
echo "[req]
default_bits = 2048
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = req_ext
x509_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no
countryName = GB
stateOrProvinceName = N/A
localityName = N/A
organizationName = N/A
commonName = $IP: N/A
subjectAltName = @alt_names
subjectAltName = @alt_names
IP.1 = $IP" >> ssl-config-$IP
echo "Generating certificate..."
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 730 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout KEY-$IP.pem -out CERT-$IP.pem -config ssl-config-$IP >> /dev/null
rm ssl-config-$IP
echo "!! Certificate generated"
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