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Created July 3, 2015 11:09
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This script attempts to prove that the ISWT2 implementation from does not work properly.
This script attempts to prove that the ISWT2 implementation from
does not work properly.
import numpy as np
import pywt
import pywt_addon
# `iswt2` appears to work from a round-trip test perspective
A = np.random.rand(32,32)
coeffs = pywt.swt2(A, 'db10', 2)
B = pywt_addon.iswt2(coeffs, 'db10')
assert np.allclose(A, B), 'The original matrix and its round-trip transform are not identical'
# However, it only reconstructs the matrix based on the level-1
# coefficients. Proof:
coeffs_new1 = (coeffs[0], (np.random.rand(32,32),
C = pywt_addon.iswt2(coeffs_new1, 'db10')
assert np.allclose(A, C), 'The original matrix and its round-trip transform are not identical'
# See? The above does not fail although I have turned the level-2
# wavelet coefficients into complete gibberish. It does fail on the
# first level, though:
coeffs_new0 = ((np.random.rand(32,32),
np.random.rand(32,32))), coeffs[1])
D = pywt_addon.iswt2(coeffs_new0, 'db10')
assert np.allclose(A, D), 'The original matrix and its round-trip transform are not identical'
# This means that this `iswt2` implementation only works reliably for
# 1-layer transforms. For multi-layer transforms, it will not work
# correctly in applications that modify the layer > 1 transform
# coefficients.
This module is supposed to supplement Pywavelets (pywt) with inverse
stationary wavelet transforms. The code originates from: The
current version has a couple of minor modifications:
* Imports numpy in the common way (`as np`).
* Construction of `Range` in the `iswt2` function has been altered
for Python 3 compatibility.
import pywt
import numpy as np
def iswt(coefficients, wavelet):
Input parameters:
approx and detail coefficients, arranged in level value
exactly as output from swt:
e.g. [(cA1, cD1), (cA2, cD2), ..., (cAn, cDn)]
Either the name of a wavelet or a Wavelet object
output = coefficients[0][0].copy() # Avoid modification of input data
#num_levels, equivalent to the decomposition level, n
num_levels = len(coefficients)
for j in range(num_levels,0,-1):
step_size = int(pow(2, j-1))
last_index = step_size
_, cD = coefficients[num_levels - j]
for first in range(last_index): # 0 to last_index - 1
# Getting the indices that we will transform
indices = np.arange(first, len(cD), step_size)
#print first, indices
# select the even indices
even_indices = indices[0::2]
# select the odd indices
odd_indices = indices[1::2]
# perform the inverse dwt on the selected indices,
# making sure to use periodic boundary conditions
x1 = pywt.idwt(output[even_indices], cD[even_indices], wavelet, 'per')
x2 = pywt.idwt(output[odd_indices], cD[odd_indices], wavelet, 'per')
# perform a circular shift right
# original:
#x2 = roll(x2, 1)
# average and insert into the correct indices
#output[indices] = (x1 + x2)/2.
#modified to allow exact reconstruction of original data, if swt2 is used
# with start_level = 0, and wavelet is haar or db1
output[even_indices] = x1[0::2]
output[odd_indices] = x2[0::2]
return output
def iswt2(coefficients, wav):
Input parameters:
Approx and detail coefficients, arranged in level value
exactly as output from swt2:
e.g. [(cA_n, (cH_n, cV_n, cD_n)), (cA_n+1, (cH_n+1, cV_n+1, cD_n+1)), ...]
Note: for accurate reconstruction of original data, swt2 must be used with
start_level = 0, unless wavelet is haar or db1 (see modification of iswt).
The name of a wavelet
Level = len(coefficients)
Range = np.arange(Level)[::-1]
Shape = coefficients[0][1][0].shape
Out = np.zeros(Shape,'d')
for iRange in Range:
C1 = coefficients[iRange]
approx = C1[0]
LL = np.transpose(approx)
LH = np.transpose(C1[1][0])
HL = np.transpose(C1[1][1])
HH = np.transpose(C1[1][2])
H = np.zeros(Shape,'d')
L = np.zeros(Shape,'d')
for i in range(H.shape[0]):
coef = [(HL[i], HH[i])]
out = iswt(coef, wav)
H[i] = out
H = H.T
for i in range(L.shape[0]):
coef = [(LL[i], LH[i])]
out = iswt(coef, wav)
L[i] = out
L = L.T
for i in range(Out.shape[0]):
coef = [(L[i], H[i])]
out = iswt(coef, wav)
Out[i] = out
return Out
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