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Forked from julienvaslet/
Created February 6, 2019 10:21
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# -*-coding:Utf-8 -*
Script pour récupérer des renseignements utiles au brassage sur l'eau du réseau public, et les plus récents possibles, à partir du site du ministère de la santé : "".
Pour l'instant ces renseignements concernent le pH, les nitrates, le calcium, le magnésium, le sodium, les chlorures, les sulfates et le potassium.
Les données de recherche (post_data) concernent la ville de Toulouse.
Fonctionnalité à ajouter
- récupérer la date du relevé pour chaque valeur
- exporter les données dans un fichier
- testé uniquement sur linux
fedora 28
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
requested_data = [ ["PH *", "pH"], ["NITRATES", "Nitrates (NO3)"], ["CALCIUM", "Calcium (Ca)"] , ["MAGNÉSIUM", "Magnésium (Mg)"], ["SODIUM", "Sodium (Na)"], ["CHLORURES", "Chlorures (Cl-)"], ["SULFATES", "Sulfates (SO4)"], ["POTASSIUM", "Potassium (K)"], ["TITRE ALCALIMÉTRIQUE COMPLET", "Alkalinity as HCO3"], ["TITRE HYDROTIMÉTRIQUE", "Alkalinity as CaCO3"] ]
post_data = {
"methode": "rechercher",
"idRegion": "73",
"usd": "AEP",
"posPLV": "0",
"departement": "031",
"communeDepartement": "31555",
"reseau": "031000006_031"
i = 0
resultat = []
while i < len(requested_data):
http_session = requests.session()
first_url = "{region}&dpt={dpt}&usd={usd}&comDpt={comdpt}".format( region=post_data["idRegion"], dpt=post_data["departement"], usd=post_data["usd"], comdpt=post_data["communeDepartement"] )
print ( "Loading website" )
#print( "Loading:", first_url )
result = http_session.get( first_url )
if result.status_code == 200:
failure = False
pos_plv = 0
source_url = ""
pattern = re.compile( r"{0}".format( requested_data[i][0] ) )
while result.text ) is None:
print( "Try #{}, searching \"{}\"".format( pos_plv, requested_data[i][1] ) )
print( "Loading:", source_url )
result = source_url, post_data )
if result.status_code != 200:
print( "Unable to get page:", result.status_code, result.reason )
failure = True
pos_plv += 1
post_data["posPLV"] = str(pos_plv)
if not failure:
print( "Data found." )
soup = BeautifulSoup( result.text, features="html.parser" )
# All page tables have the same "id"...
for table in soup.find_all( id="tableau" ):
tds = table.find_all( "td", { "class": "gras" } )
found = False
for td in tds:
if len(td.contents):
# Some td have div tag inside...
title = td.contents[0].find( "Valeur" )
if title is not None and title >= 0:
# Good table !
found = True
if found:
for tr in table.find_all( "tr" ):
td = tr.find( "td" )
needed_data = False
if len(td.contents) and td.contents[0].find(requested_data[i][0] ) >= 0:
if needed_data:
print( " ".join( tr.stripped_strings ) )
resultat.append( " ".join( tr.stripped_strings) )
print( "Unable to find criteria" )
print( "Can not get main page:", result.status_code, result.reason )
i += 1
i = 0
while i < len(resultat):
unit = resultat[i].split(" ")
del resultat[i]
i += 1
print("Voici le résumé des résultats :\n")
for elt in resultat:
unit = elt.split(" ")
for elt2 in requested_data:
if unit[0] == "PH":
nom = "pH"
elif unit[0] == "TITRE":
if unit[1] == "ALCALIMÉTRIQUE":
nom = "Alkalinity as HCO3"
nom = "Alkalinity as CaCO3"
if unit[0] == elt2[0]:
nom = elt2[1]
if unit[0] == "PH":
print("{} = {}".format(nom, unit[2]))
elif unit[0] == "TITRE":
if unit[1] == "ALCALIMÉTRIQUE":
deg_f_str1 = unit[3]
deg_f_list = deg_f_str1.split(",")
deg_f_str2 = ".".join(deg_f_list)
deg_f = float(deg_f_str2)
alca_hco3 = deg_f * 12.2
print("{} = {} mgl/L".format(nom, alca_hco3))
print(" Titre alcalimétrique complet (TAC) = {} °f".format(deg_f_str1))
deg_f_str1 = unit[2]
deg_f_list = deg_f_str1.split(",")
deg_f_str2 = ".".join(deg_f_list)
deg_f = float(deg_f_str2)
alca_caco3 = deg_f * 10
print("Alkalinity as CaCO3 = {} mg/L".format(alca_caco3))
print(" Titre hydrotimétrique (TH) = {} °f".format(deg_f_str1))
print("{} = {} {}".format(nom, unit[1], unit[2]))
for elt in resultat:
unit = elt.split(" ")
if unit[0] == "CALCIUM":
resu_ca_str1 = unit[1]
test = []
for elt1 in resu_ca_str1:
if elt1 == ",":
if len(test) != 0:
resu_ca_list = resu_ca_str1.split(",")
resu_ca_str2 = ".".join(resu_ca_list)
resu_ca = float(resu_ca_str2)
resu_ca = float(resu_ca_str1)
elif unit[0] == "MAGNÉSIUM":
resu_mg_str1 = unit[1]
test = []
for elt1 in resu_mg_str1:
if elt1 == ",":
if len(test) != 0:
resu_mg_list = resu_mg_str1.split(",")
resu_mg_str2 = ".".join(resu_mg_list)
resu_mg = float(resu_mg_str2)
resu_mg = float(resu_mg_str1)
res_alka = alca_caco3 - ((resu_ca / 14) + (resu_mg / 1.7))
print("\nResidual Alkalinity as CaCO3 = {} mg/L".format(res_alka))
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