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Created May 7, 2015 08:40
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CIS194 - HW04
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module HW04 where
newtype Poly a = P [a]
-- Exercise 1 -----------------------------------------
x :: Num a => Poly a
x = P [0, 1]
-- Exercise 2 ----------------------------------------
instance (Num a, Eq a) => Eq (Poly a) where
(P p1) == (P p2) = p1 == p2
-- Exercise 3 -----------------------------------------
instance (Num a, Eq a, Show a) => Show (Poly a) where
show (P arr) = displayArr 0 arr
displayArr _ [] = ""
displayArr len [x] = displayTerm len x
displayArr len (x:xs)
| x == 0 = displayArr (len + 1) xs
| otherwise = (displayArr (len + 1) xs) ++ " + " ++ (displayTerm len x)
displayTerm _ 0 = ""
displayTerm 0 coef = show coef
displayTerm 1 1 = "x"
displayTerm 1 (-1) = "-x"
displayTerm 1 coef = (show coef) ++ "x"
displayTerm pow 1 = "x^" ++ (show pow)
displayTerm pow coef = (show coef) ++ "x^" ++ (show pow)
-- Exercise 4 -----------------------------------------
plus :: Num a => Poly a -> Poly a -> Poly a
plus (P coefs1) (P coefs2) = P (addCoefs coefs1 coefs2)
addCoefs [] [] = []
addCoefs [x] [] = [x]
addCoefs [] [x] = [x]
addCoefs (x:xs) [] = x : (addCoefs xs [])
addCoefs [] (y:ys) = y : (addCoefs [] ys)
addCoefs (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x + y) : (addCoefs xs ys)
-- Exercise 5 -----------------------------------------
times :: Num a => Poly a -> Poly a -> Poly a
times (P coefs1) (P coefs2) = foldl (+) (P [0]) $ multiplyCoefs coefs1 coefs2
multiplyCoefs [] _ = []
multiplyCoefs (x:xs) coefs = (P (map (* x) coefs)) : (multiplyCoefs xs (0 : coefs))
-- Exercise 6 -----------------------------------------
instance Num a => Num (Poly a) where
(+) = plus
(*) = times
negate = (* P [(-1)])
fromInteger x = P ([fromInteger x])
-- No meaningful definitions exist
abs = undefined
signum = undefined
-- Exercise 7 -----------------------------------------
applyP :: Num a => Poly a -> a -> a
applyP (P coefs) val = evaluateCoefs 0 coefs val
evaluateCoefs _ [] val = 0
evaluateCoefs acc [x] val = x * (val ^ acc)
evaluateCoefs acc (x:xs) val = x * (val ^ acc) + (evaluateCoefs (acc + 1) xs val)
-- Exercise 8 -----------------------------------------
class Num a => Differentiable a where
deriv :: a -> a
nderiv :: Int -> a -> a
nderiv 0 f = f
nderiv n f = deriv (nderiv (n - 1) f)
-- Exercise 9 -----------------------------------------
instance Num a => Differentiable (Poly a) where
deriv (P coefs) = P (derivCoefs 0 coefs)
derivCoefs _ [] = []
derivCoefs pow (x:xs) = (x * pow) : (derivCoefs (pow + 1) xs)
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