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Created September 12, 2022 17:01
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package io.github.sceneview.geometries
import dev.romainguy.kotlin.math.TWO_PI
import dev.romainguy.kotlin.math.normalize
import io.github.sceneview.math.Direction
import io.github.sceneview.math.Position
import io.github.sceneview.math.Size
import kotlin.math.cos
import kotlin.math.sin
* Creates a [Geometry] in the shape of a cylinder with the give specifications.
* @param radius the radius of the constructed cylinder
* @param height the height of the constructed cylinder
* @param center the center of the constructed cylinder
class Cylinder(
engine: Engine,
radius: Float,
height: Float,
center: Position,
sideCount: Int = 24
) : Geometry(
engine = engine,
vertices = mutableListOf<Vertex>().apply {
val halfHeight = height / 2
val thetaIncrement = TWO_PI / sideCount
var theta = 0f
val uStep = 1.0f / sideCount
val lowerCapVertices = mutableListOf<Vertex>()
val upperCapVertices = mutableListOf<Vertex>()
val upperEdgeVertices = mutableListOf<Vertex>()
// Generate vertices along the sides of the cylinder
for (side in 0..sideCount) {
// Calculate edge vertices along bottom of cylinder
var lowerPosition = Position(
x = radius * cos(theta), y = -halfHeight, z = radius * sin(theta)
lowerPosition += center
position = lowerPosition,
normal = normalize(
Direction(x = lowerPosition.x, y = 0.0f, z = lowerPosition.z)
uvCoordinate = UvCoordinate(x = uStep * side, y = 0.0f)
// Create a copy of lower vertex with bottom-facing normals for cap
position = lowerPosition,
normal = Direction(y = -1.0f),
uvCoordinate = UvCoordinate(x = uStep * side, y = 0.0f)
// Calculate edge vertices along top of cylinder
var upperPosition = Position(
x = radius * cos(theta), y = halfHeight, z = radius * sin(theta)
upperPosition += center
position = upperPosition,
normal = normalize(
x = upperPosition.x,
y = 0.0f,
z = upperPosition.z
uvCoordinate = UvCoordinate(x = uStep * side, y = 1.0f)
// Create a copy of upper vertex with up-facing normals for cap
position = upperPosition,
normal = Direction(y = 1.0f),
uvCoordinate = UvCoordinate(
x = (cos(theta) + 1.0f) / 2.0f, y = (sin(theta) + 1.0f) / 2.0f
theta += thetaIncrement
// Generate vertices for the centers of the caps of the cylinder
val lowerCenterIndex = size
position = center + Size(y = -halfHeight),
normal = Direction(y = -1.0f),
uvCoordinate = UvCoordinate(x = 0.5f, y = 0.5f)
val upperCenterIndex = size
position = center + Size(y = halfHeight),
normal = Direction(y = 1.0f),
uvCoordinate = UvCoordinate(x = 0.5f, y = 0.5f)
submeshes = mutableListOf<Submesh>().apply {
// Create triangles for each side
for (side in 0 until sideCount) {
val bottomRight = side + 1
val topLeft = side + sideCount + 1
val topRight = side + sideCount + 2
val lowerCenterIndex = 2 * sideCount
val upperCenterIndex = lowerCenterIndex + 1 + sideCount
// First triangle of side
side, topRight, bottomRight,
// Second triangle of side
side, topLeft, topRight,
// Add bottom cap triangle
lowerCenterIndex, lowerCenterIndex + side + 1, lowerCenterIndex + side + 2,
// Add top cap triangle
upperCenterIndex, upperCenterIndex + side + 2, lowerCenterIndex + side + 1
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