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Forked from iandanforth/
Created March 14, 2017 13:31
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A pure python implementation of K-Means clustering. Optional cluster visualization using
# Full Imports
import math
import random
This is a pure Python implementation of the K-Means Clustering algorithmn. The
original can be found here:
I have refactored the code and added comments to aid in readability.
After reading through this code you should understand clearly how K-means works.
If not, feel free to email me with questions and suggestions. (iandanforth at
This script specifically avoids using numpy or other more obscure libraries. It
is meant to be *clear* not fast.
I have also added integration with the plotting library. So you can see
the clusters found by this algorithm. To install run:
pip install plotly
This script uses an offline plotting mode and will store and open plots locally.
To store and share plots online sign up for a plotly API key at
plotly = False
import plotly
from plotly.graph_objs import Scatter, Scatter3d, Layout
except ImportError:
print "INFO: Plotly is not installed, plots will not be generated."
def main():
# How many points are in our dataset?
num_points = 20
# For each of those points how many dimensions do they have?
# Note: Plotting will only work in two or three dimensions
dimensions = 2
# Bounds for the values of those points in each dimension
lower = 0
upper = 200
# The K in k-means. How many clusters do we assume exist?
num_clusters = 3
# When do we say the optimization has 'converged' and stop updating clusters
cutoff = 0.2
# Generate some points to cluster
points = [
makeRandomPoint(dimensions, lower, upper) for i in xrange(num_points)
# Cluster those data!
clusters = kmeans(points, num_clusters, cutoff)
# Print our clusters
for i, c in enumerate(clusters):
for p in c.points:
print " Cluster: ", i, "\t Point :", p
# Display clusters using plotly for 2d data
if dimensions in [2, 3] and plotly:
print "Plotting points, launching browser ..."
plotClusters(clusters, dimensions)
class Point(object):
A point in n dimensional space
def __init__(self, coords):
coords - A list of values, one per dimension
self.coords = coords
self.n = len(coords)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.coords)
class Cluster(object):
A set of points and their centroid
def __init__(self, points):
points - A list of point objects
if len(points) == 0:
raise Exception("ERROR: empty cluster")
# The points that belong to this cluster
self.points = points
# The dimensionality of the points in this cluster
self.n = points[0].n
# Assert that all points are of the same dimensionality
for p in points:
if p.n != self.n:
raise Exception("ERROR: inconsistent dimensions")
# Set up the initial centroid (this is usually based off one point)
self.centroid = self.calculateCentroid()
def __repr__(self):
String representation of this object
return str(self.points)
def update(self, points):
Returns the distance between the previous centroid and the new after
recalculating and storing the new centroid.
Note: Initially we expect centroids to shift around a lot and then
gradually settle down.
old_centroid = self.centroid
self.points = points
self.centroid = self.calculateCentroid()
shift = getDistance(old_centroid, self.centroid)
return shift
def calculateCentroid(self):
Finds a virtual center point for a group of n-dimensional points
numPoints = len(self.points)
# Get a list of all coordinates in this cluster
coords = [p.coords for p in self.points]
# Reformat that so all x's are together, all y'z etc.
unzipped = zip(*coords)
# Calculate the mean for each dimension
centroid_coords = [math.fsum(dList)/numPoints for dList in unzipped]
return Point(centroid_coords)
def kmeans(points, k, cutoff):
# Pick out k random points to use as our initial centroids
initial = random.sample(points, k)
# Create k clusters using those centroids
# Note: Cluster takes lists, so we wrap each point in a list here.
clusters = [Cluster([p]) for p in initial]
# Loop through the dataset until the clusters stabilize
loopCounter = 0
while True:
# Create a list of lists to hold the points in each cluster
lists = [[] for _ in clusters]
clusterCount = len(clusters)
# Start counting loops
loopCounter += 1
# For every point in the dataset ...
for p in points:
# Get the distance between that point and the centroid of the first
# cluster.
smallest_distance = getDistance(p, clusters[0].centroid)
# Set the cluster this point belongs to
clusterIndex = 0
# For the remainder of the clusters ...
for i in range(clusterCount - 1):
# calculate the distance of that point to each other cluster's
# centroid.
distance = getDistance(p, clusters[i+1].centroid)
# If it's closer to that cluster's centroid update what we
# think the smallest distance is
if distance < smallest_distance:
smallest_distance = distance
clusterIndex = i+1
# After finding the cluster the smallest distance away
# set the point to belong to that cluster
# Set our biggest_shift to zero for this iteration
biggest_shift = 0.0
# For each cluster ...
for i in range(clusterCount):
# Calculate how far the centroid moved in this iteration
shift = clusters[i].update(lists[i])
# Keep track of the largest move from all cluster centroid updates
biggest_shift = max(biggest_shift, shift)
# If the centroids have stopped moving much, say we're done!
if biggest_shift < cutoff:
print "Converged after %s iterations" % loopCounter
return clusters
def getDistance(a, b):
Euclidean distance between two n-dimensional points.
Note: This can be very slow and does not scale well
if a.n != b.n:
raise Exception("ERROR: non comparable points")
accumulatedDifference = 0.0
for i in range(a.n):
squareDifference = pow((a.coords[i]-b.coords[i]), 2)
accumulatedDifference += squareDifference
distance = math.sqrt(accumulatedDifference)
return distance
def makeRandomPoint(n, lower, upper):
Returns a Point object with n dimensions and values between lower and
upper in each of those dimensions
p = Point([random.uniform(lower, upper) for _ in range(n)])
return p
def plotClusters(data, dimensions):
This uses the plotly offline mode to create a local HTML file.
This should open your default web browser.
if dimensions not in [2, 3]:
raise Exception("Plots are only available for 2 and 3 dimensional data")
# Convert data into plotly format.
traceList = []
for i, c in enumerate(data):
# Get a list of x,y coordinates for the points in this cluster.
cluster_data = []
for point in c.points:
trace = {}
centroid = {}
if dimensions == 2:
# Convert our list of x,y's into an x list and a y list.
trace['x'], trace['y'] = zip(*cluster_data)
trace['mode'] = 'markers'
trace['marker'] = {}
trace['marker']['symbol'] = i
trace['marker']['size'] = 12
trace['name'] = "Cluster " + str(i)
# Centroid (A trace of length 1)
centroid['x'] = [c.centroid.coords[0]]
centroid['y'] = [c.centroid.coords[1]]
centroid['mode'] = 'markers'
centroid['marker'] = {}
centroid['marker']['symbol'] = i
centroid['marker']['color'] = 'rgb(200,10,10)'
centroid['name'] = "Centroid " + str(i)
symbols = [
"cross", "x"
symbol_count = len(symbols)
if i > symbol_count:
print "Warning: Not enough marker symbols to go around"
# Convert our list of x,y,z's separate lists.
trace['x'], trace['y'], trace['z'] = zip(*cluster_data)
trace['mode'] = 'markers'
trace['marker'] = {}
trace['marker']['symbol'] = symbols[i]
trace['marker']['size'] = 12
trace['name'] = "Cluster " + str(i)
# Centroid (A trace of length 1)
centroid['x'] = [c.centroid.coords[0]]
centroid['y'] = [c.centroid.coords[1]]
centroid['z'] = [c.centroid.coords[2]]
centroid['mode'] = 'markers'
centroid['marker'] = {}
centroid['marker']['symbol'] = symbols[i]
centroid['marker']['color'] = 'rgb(200,10,10)'
centroid['name'] = "Centroid " + str(i)
title = "K-means clustering with %s clusters" % str(len(data))
"data": traceList,
"layout": Layout(title=title)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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