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Created February 23, 2017 10:19
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Firefox, Thunderbird, Chromium, Chrome Root CA certificate installer
### Script installs root.cert.pem to certificate trust store of applications using NSS
### (e.g. Firefox, Thunderbird, Chromium)
### Mozilla uses cert8, Chromium and Chrome use cert9
### Requirement: apt install libnss3-tools
### CA file to install
certname="ADITO Software Root CA"
### For cert8 (legacy - DBM)
for certDB in $(find ~/ -name "cert8.db")
certdir=$(dirname ${certDB});
certutil -A -n "${certname}" -t "TCu,Cu,Tu" -i ${certfile} -d dbm:${certdir}
### For cert9 (SQL)
for certDB in $(find ~/ -name "cert9.db")
certdir=$(dirname ${certDB});
certutil -A -n "${certname}" -t "TCu,Cu,Tu" -i ${certfile} -d sql:${certdir}
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