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Last active January 22, 2022 07:06
Out-of-the-box "dark mode" appearance
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
Dark mode CSS by Thomas Rettig
License: Public Domain
@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
html {
/* ensure input elements such as <textarea> and <input type="checkbox"> are rendered in native dark mode for consistency */
color-scheme: dark auto;
:not(h1, h2, h3) {
/* 1. use an off-white colour so reading text is less strenous to the eye */
/* 2. use the recommended dark background colour according by Material Design guidelines */
color: #bbb; /* 1 */
background-color: #131313; /* 2 */
h1, h2, h3, h4 {
/* make important headings stand out more */
color: white;
img:not(.icon, .Icon, .glyphicon, .fa, .fas, .far, .fal, .fab, .font-fontello, .material-icons, .DPvwYc, .Mwv9k, .NtU4hc) {
/* decrease the brightness of images which are NOT icons */
/* use the "filter" property instead of "opacity" for a two reasons:
- hardware acceleration
- "opacity" makes the images faded, which is not what we want
filter: brightness(0.85);
li::marker {
/* reduce the contrast of list markers, suggested by Aral Balkan */
/* */
color: #aaa;
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ThomasRettig commented Jan 22, 2022

Here's the SASS version:

// Dark mode CSS by Thomas Rettig
// SASS Version
// License: Public Domain

@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
    // ensure input elements such as <textarea> and <input type="checkbox"> are rendered in native dark mode for consistency
    color-scheme: dark auto
  :not(h1, h2, h3)
    // 1. use an off-white colour so reading text is less strenous to the eye
    // 2. use the recommended dark background colour according by Material Design guidelines
    color: #bbb
    background-color: #131313

  h1, h2, h3, h4
    // make important headings stand out more
    color: white

  img:not(.icon, .Icon, .glyphicon, .fa, .fas, .far, .fal, .fab, .font-fontello, .material-icons, .DPvwYc, .Mwv9k, .NtU4hc)
    // decrease the brightness of images which are NOT icons
    // use the "filter" property instead of "opacity" for a two reasons:
    // - hardware acceleration
    // - "opacity" makes the images faded, which is not what we want
    filter: brightness(0.85)

    // reduce the contrast of list markers, suggested by Aral Balkan
    color: #aaa

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