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Last active November 17, 2022 11:28
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Attach a property label to view objects #Archi, #JArchi, #Archimatetool
Author: Thomas Klok Rohde
Insert labels on the current view, or delete labels if no property is selected
If a view is selected all elements will be labeled, or if an element is selected,
all view elements with the same type will be labelled.
Thanks to Adam Ernst Bisek:
November 16, 2022 : Created
load(__DIR__ + "lib/stringwidth.js");;
// A helper function to create a prompt to select from a list op options
window.promptSelection = function (title, choices) {
var ElementListSelectionDialog = Java.type('org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ElementListSelectionDialog');
var LabelProvider = Java.type('org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider');
var dialog = new ElementListSelectionDialog(shell, new LabelProvider());
return new String(dialog.getResult());
let view = $(selection).filter("archimate-diagram-model").first();
let prototype = $(selection).filter("element").first();
let filter = "element";
if (!view && !prototype) {
window.alert("Please select either a view or element in a view");
if (!view) view = prototype.view;
if (prototype) filter = prototype.concept.type;
let elements = $(view).find().filter(filter);
let target = [];
// Get a property from the user to use as label
let propertySet = new Set();
elements.each(e => {
let props = e.prop();
props.forEach(p => {
if (p) propertySet.add(p);
let property = window.promptSelection("Select a property to use as label.", Array.from(propertySet));
// Clear existing labels. If no property was selected, then all property labels will be deleted.
$(view).find("diagram-model-note").each(n => {
if (n.prop("Label") && n.prop("Label").toLowerCase() == "yes") n.delete();
// Helper function to find absolute position of an element in a view
function absoluteXY(obj) {
x = obj.bounds.x;
y = obj.bounds.y;
p = $(obj).parent().first();
while (p && p.bounds) {
x = x + p.bounds.x;
y = y + p.bounds.y;
p = $(p).parent().first();
return {
x: x,
y: y
// Now proceed to the fun part of actually putting labels on stuff!
if (property) {
elements.each(e => {
let label = e.prop(property);
if (label) {
let posXY = absoluteXY(e);
let fontName = "Verdana";
let fontSize = 10;
let x = posXY.x;
let y = posXY.y + e.bounds.height;
let height = fontSize * 2 + 4; // Height of label
let width = pixelWidth(label, { font: fontName, size: fontSize }) + fontSize + 4; // Width of label
let note = view.createObject("diagram-model-note", x, y, width, height);
note.fontColor = "#ff0000"; // Sets font color to red
note.fontName = fontName;
note.fontSize = fontSize;
note.opacity = 0;
note.prop("Label", "yes");
note.borderType = BORDER.NONE;
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