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Last active May 13, 2021 08:35
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Chromium accept self-signed SSL certificate

Make Chromium accept self-signed certificates on localhost server.

  • Arch
  • Nginx
# Navigate to folder
cd /etc/nginx/ssl

# Become a Certificate Authority
# Generate private key
sudo openssl genrsa -des3 -out myCA.key 2048
# Generate root certificate
sudo openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key myCA.key -sha256 -days 825 -out myCA.pem

# Create CA-signed certs
# Set global variable # Use your own domain name
# Generate a private key
sudo openssl genrsa -out $NAME.key 2048
# Create a certificate-signing request
sudo openssl req -new -key $NAME.key -out $NAME.csr

# Generate cert
# Create a config file for the extensions
sudo nano $NAME.ext
# Insert (change $NAME to value manually) >>
keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = $NAME # Be sure to include the domain name here because Common Name is not so commonly honoured by itself
DNS.2 = app.$NAME # Optionally, add additional domains (I've added a subdomain here)
IP.1 = # Optionally, add an IP address (if the connection which you have planned requires it)
# End <<<

# Create the signed certificate
sudo openssl x509 -req -in $NAME.csr -CA myCA.pem -CAkey myCA.key -CAcreateserial -out $NAME.crt -days 825 -sha256 -extfile $NAME.ext

# Validate cert
openssl verify -CAfile myCA.pem -verify_hostname

# Chromium -> SSL -> Manage certificates -> Authorities -> Import (myCA.pem) -> Trust all
  • Based on JellicleCat answer on SO#7580508 *
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