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Last active March 2, 2023 20:12
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Contour ConfigMap Example with Carvel ytt
connection-idle-timeout: 30s
stream-idle-timeout: 2m
disablePermitInsecure: true
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml")
#@ def configmap():
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: contour
namespace: projectcontour
#@ end
#! first, decode/parse the contents of `contour.yaml`
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(configmap())
#@overlay/replace via=lambda left, _: yaml.decode(left)
#! second, overlay that parsed YAML with the custom config
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(configmap())
#@overlay/match-child-defaults missing_ok=True
contour.yaml: #@ data.values["config-contour"]
#! finally, re-encode that overlayed result back to a string
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(configmap())
#@overlay/replace via=lambda left, _: yaml.encode(left)
request-timeout: infinity
connection-idle-timeout: 60s
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: contour
namespace: projectcontour
contour.yaml: |
# server:
# determine which XDS Server implementation to utilize in Contour.
# xds-server-type: contour
# Specify the Gateway API configuration.
# gateway:
# controllerName:
# should contour expect to be running inside a k8s cluster
# incluster: true
# path to kubeconfig (if not running inside a k8s cluster)
# kubeconfig: /path/to/.kube/config
# Disable RFC-compliant behavior to strip "Content-Length" header if
# "Tranfer-Encoding: chunked" is also set.
# disableAllowChunkedLength: false
# Disable Envoy's non-standard merge_slashes path transformation option
# that strips duplicate slashes from request URLs.
# disableMergeSlashes: false
# Disable HTTPProxy permitInsecure field
disablePermitInsecure: false
# minimum TLS version that Contour will negotiate
# minimum-protocol-version: "1.2"
# TLS ciphers to be supported by Envoy TLS listeners when negotiating
# TLS 1.2.
# cipher-suites:
# Defines the Kubernetes name/namespace matching a secret to use
# as the fallback certificate when requests which don't match the
# SNI defined for a vhost.
# name: fallback-secret-name
# namespace: projectcontour
# name: envoy-client-cert-secret-name
# namespace: projectcontour
# ExternalName Services are disabled by default due to CVE-2021-XXXXX
# You can re-enable them by setting this setting to `true`.
# This is not recommended without understanding the security implications.
# Please see the advisory at for the details.
# enableExternalNameService: false
# Address to be placed in status.loadbalancer field of Ingress objects.
# May be either a literal IP address or a host name.
# The value will be placed directly into the relevant field inside the status.loadBalancer struct.
# ingress-status-address:
### Logging options
# Default setting
accesslog-format: envoy
# The default access log format is defined by Envoy but it can be customized by setting following variable.
# accesslog-format-string: "...\n"
# To enable JSON logging in Envoy
# accesslog-format: json
# accesslog-level: info
# The default fields that will be logged are specified below.
# To customise this list, just add or remove entries.
# The canonical list is available at
# json-fields:
# - "@timestamp"
# - "authority"
# - "bytes_received"
# - "bytes_sent"
# - "downstream_local_address"
# - "downstream_remote_address"
# - "duration"
# - "method"
# - "path"
# - "protocol"
# - "request_id"
# - "requested_server_name"
# - "response_code"
# - "response_flags"
# - "uber_trace_id"
# - "upstream_cluster"
# - "upstream_host"
# - "upstream_local_address"
# - "upstream_service_time"
# - "user_agent"
# - "x_forwarded_for"
# - "grpc_status"
# - "grpc_status_number"
# default-http-versions:
# - "HTTP/2"
# - "HTTP/1.1"
# The following shows the default proxy timeout settings.
# timeouts:
# request-timeout: infinity
# connection-idle-timeout: 60s
# stream-idle-timeout: 5m
# max-connection-duration: infinity
# delayed-close-timeout: 1s
# connection-shutdown-grace-period: 5s
# connect-timeout: 2s
# Envoy cluster settings.
# cluster:
# configure the cluster dns lookup family
# valid options are: auto (default), v4, v6
# dns-lookup-family: auto
# Envoy network settings.
# network:
# Configure the number of additional ingress proxy hops from the
# right side of the x-forwarded-for HTTP header to trust.
# num-trusted-hops: 0
# Configure the port used to access the Envoy Admin interface.
# admin-port: 9001
# Configure an optional global rate limit service.
# rateLimitService:
# Identifies the extension service defining the rate limit service,
# formatted as <namespace>/<name>.
# extensionService: projectcontour/ratelimit
# Defines the rate limit domain to pass to the rate limit service.
# Acts as a container for a set of rate limit definitions within
# the RLS.
# domain: contour
# Defines whether to allow requests to proceed when the rate limit
# service fails to respond with a valid rate limit decision within
# the timeout defined on the extension service.
# failOpen: false
# Defines whether to include the X-RateLimit headers X-RateLimit-Limit,
# X-RateLimit-Remaining, and X-RateLimit-Reset (as defined by the IETF
# Internet-Draft linked below), on responses to clients when the Rate
# Limit Service is consulted for a request.
# ref.
# enableXRateLimitHeaders: false
# Defines whether to translate status code 429 to grpc code RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED
# instead of the default UNAVAILABLE
# enableResourceExhaustedCode: false
# Global Policy settings.
# policy:
# # Default headers to set on all requests (unless set/removed on the HTTPProxy object itself)
# request-headers:
# set:
# # example: the hostname of the Envoy instance that proxied the request
# X-Envoy-Hostname: %HOSTNAME%
# # example: add a l5d-dst-override header to instruct Linkerd what service the request is destined for
# # default headers to set on all responses (unless set/removed on the HTTPProxy object itself)
# response-headers:
# set:
# # example: Envoy flags that provide additional details about the response or connection
# X-Envoy-Response-Flags: %RESPONSE_FLAGS%
# metrics:
# contour:
# address:
# port: 8000
# server-certificate-path: /path/to/server-cert.pem
# server-key-path: /path/to/server-private-key.pem
# ca-certificate-path: /path/to/root-ca-for-client-validation.pem
# envoy:
# address:
# port: 8002
# server-certificate-path: /path/to/server-cert.pem
# server-key-path: /path/to/server-private-key.pem
# ca-certificate-path: /path/to/root-ca-for-client-validation.pem
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