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Last active March 2, 2023 16:45
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  • Save ThomasVitale/44a9802731758d6a8207b8a76325ed40 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Carvel ytt - Example with empty ConfigMap
secure-pod-defaults: "enabled"
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"ConfigMap", "metadata":{"name":"config-features"}}),expects=1
#@overlay/match-child-defaults missing_ok=True
data: #@ data.values["config-features"]
secure-pod-defaults: "disabled"
multi-container: "enabled"
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: config-features
namespace: knative-serving
labels: knative-serving controller devel
annotations: "d3565159"
_example: |-
# #
# #
# This block is not actually functional configuration,
# but serves to illustrate the available configuration
# options and document them in a way that is accessible
# to users that `kubectl edit` this config map.
# These sample configuration options may be copied out of
# this example block and unindented to be in the data block
# to actually change the configuration.
# Default SecurityContext settings to secure-by-default values
# if unset.
# This value will default to "enabled" in a future release,
# probably Knative 1.10
secure-pod-defaults: "disabled"
# Indicates whether multi container support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
multi-container: "enabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes affinity support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-affinity: "disabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes topologySpreadConstraints support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-topologyspreadconstraints: "disabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes hostAliases support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-hostaliases: "disabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes nodeSelector support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-nodeselector: "disabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes tolerations support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-tolerations: "disabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes FieldRef support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-fieldref: "disabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes RuntimeClassName support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-runtimeclassname: "disabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes DNSPolicy support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-dnspolicy: "disabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes DNSConfig support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-dnsconfig: "disabled"
# This feature allows end-users to set a subset of fields on the Pod's SecurityContext
# When set to "enabled" or "allowed" it allows the following
# PodSecurityContext properties:
# - FSGroup
# - RunAsGroup
# - RunAsNonRoot
# - SupplementalGroups
# - RunAsUser
# - SeccompProfile
# This feature flag should be used with caution as the PodSecurityContext
# properties may have a side-effect on non-user sidecar containers that come
# from Knative or your service mesh
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-securitycontext: "disabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes PriorityClassName support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-priorityclassname: "disabled"
# Indicates whether Kubernetes SchedulerName support is enabled
# WARNING: Cannot safely be disabled once enabled.
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-schedulername: "disabled"
# This feature flag allows end-users to add a subset of capabilities on the Pod's SecurityContext.
# When set to "enabled" or "allowed" it allows capabilities to be added to the container.
# For a list of possible capabilities, see
kubernetes.containerspec-addcapabilities: "disabled"
# This feature validates PodSpecs from the validating webhook
# against the K8s API Server.
# When "enabled", the server will always run the extra validation.
# When "allowed", the server will not run the dry-run validation by default.
# However, clients may enable the behavior on an individual Service by
# attaching the following metadata annotation: "":"enabled".
# See:
kubernetes.podspec-dryrun: "allowed"
# Controls whether tag header based routing feature are enabled or not.
# 1. Enabled: enabling tag header based routing
# 2. Disabled: disabling tag header based routing
# See:
tag-header-based-routing: "disabled"
# Controls whether http2 auto-detection should be enabled or not.
# 1. Enabled: http2 connection will be attempted via upgrade.
# 2. Disabled: http2 connection will only be attempted when port name is set to "h2c".
autodetect-http2: "disabled"
# Controls whether volume support for EmptyDir is enabled or not.
# 1. Enabled: enabling EmptyDir volume support
# 2. Disabled: disabling EmptyDir volume support
kubernetes.podspec-volumes-emptydir: "enabled"
# Controls whether init containers support is enabled or not.
# 1. Enabled: enabling init containers support
# 2. Disabled: disabling init containers support
kubernetes.podspec-init-containers: "disabled"
# Controls whether persistent volume claim support is enabled or not.
# 1. Enabled: enabling persistent volume claim support
# 2. Disabled: disabling persistent volume claim support
kubernetes.podspec-persistent-volume-claim: "disabled"
# Controls whether write access for persistent volumes is enabled or not.
# 1. Enabled: enabling write access for persistent volumes
# 2. Disabled: disabling write access for persistent volumes
kubernetes.podspec-persistent-volume-write: "disabled"
# Controls if the queue proxy podInfo feature is enabled, allowed or disabled
# This feature should be enabled/allowed when using queue proxy Options (Extensions)
# Enabling will mount a podInfo volume to the queue proxy container.
# The volume will contains an 'annotations' file (from the pod's annotation field).
# The annotations in this file include the Service annotations set by the client creating the service.
# If mounted, the annotations can be accessed by queue proxy extensions at /etc/podinfo/annnotations
# 1. "enabled": always mount a podInfo volume
# 2. "disabled": never mount a podInfo volume
# 3. "allowed": by default, do not mount a podInfo volume
# However, a client may mount the podInfo volume on an individual Service by attaching
# the following metadata annotation to the Service: "":"enabled".
queueproxy.mount-podinfo: "disabled"
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