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Last active October 25, 2023 13:43
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AsyncHttpClient is an asyncio-based MicroPython library, designed for asynchronous, concurrent HTTP/HTTPS requests to avoid blocking the execution of other coroutines.


In the MicroPython ecosystem, the uasyncio library provides the asynchronous I/O framework for developing concurrent applications, but it lacks a native asynchronous HTTP client that can make non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS requests.

Here, I'm sharing my attempt at implementing an HTTP client built specifically for MicroPython that leverages uasyncio to enable non-blocking requests.


  1. Asynchronous and Concurrent: AsyncHttpClient is built upon uasyncio, the asyncio library for MicroPython, allowing multiple HTTP/HTTPS requests to be made concurrently without blocking the execution of other coroutines.

  2. HTTP/HTTPS Support: AsyncHttpClient can handle both HTTP and HTTPS requests, providing flexibility in communicating with different servers.

  3. Timeout and Retries: It supports custom settings for connection and response timeouts, as well as the number of retries in case of request failure.

  4. Robust Error Handling: AsyncHttpClient is designed to robustly handle potential errors and exceptions that might occur during network programming.

  5. User Agent: It includes a User-Agent in the request headers to identify the client.

  6. JSON Parsing: AsyncHttpClient automatically parses JSON responses if the content type is application/json.


The GET method can be called asynchronously with a URL. The method returns the body of the response as a string or a dictionary if the response is in JSON format.

Example 1: Basic Usage

This is a basic example where we simply fetch a web page:

# Import the necessary modules
import asyncio
from async_http_client import AsyncHttpClient

# Define an asynchronous function to fetch a web page
async def fetch_page():
    # Create an AsyncHttpClient instance
    client = AsyncHttpClient()
    # Use the client to send a GET request to a web page
    response = await client.get('')
    # Print the response

# Run the fetch_page function

Example 2: Robust Usage

This example shows a more robust usage where we handle exceptions:

# Import the necessary modules
import asyncio
from async_http_client import AsyncHttpClient

# Define an asynchronous function to fetch a web page
async def fetch_page():
    # Create an AsyncHttpClient instance with custom timeout and retries
    client = AsyncHttpClient(timeout=10, retries=5)
    # Use the client to send a GET request to a web page
        response = await client.get('')
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Failed to fetch page: {e}')

# Run the fetch_page function

Example 3: Realistic Usage

This is a realistic example where we use the client to fetch weather data and update a shared state:

# Import the necessary modules
import asyncio
from async_http_client import AsyncHttpClient

# Define a global variable to hold the current temperature
current_temp = None

# Define an asynchronous function to fetch the weather
async def fetch_weather():
    # Create an AsyncHttpClient instance
    client = AsyncHttpClient()
    # Fetch the weather data every 10 minutes
    while True:
            # Send a GET request to the weather API
            response = await client.get('')

            # Update the current temperature
            global current_temp
            current_temp = response['current']['temp_c']

        except Exception as e:
            print(f'Failed to fetch weather: {e}')

        # Wait for 10 minutes before fetching the weather again
        await asyncio.sleep(600)

# Define an asynchronous function to display the current temperature
async def display_temperature():
    while True:
        # Print the current temperature

        # Wait for 1 second before updating the display
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

# Run the fetch_weather and display_temperature functions concurrently, display_temperature()))

In this example, the fetch_weather function sends a GET request to a weather API every 10 minutes and updates the current_temp global variable. The display_temperature function displays the current temperature every second. Both functions run concurrently, so the display is updated regularly even while the weather data is being fetched. This is an example of how you might use the AsyncHttpClient class to fetch data from an API and update a shared state in a real-world application.



  • Initial implementation
  • Introduce get(url) method
  • Untested
# v0.1
import usocket as socket
import ussl
import uasyncio as asyncio
import ujson as json
from utime import ticks_ms, ticks_diff
class AsyncHttpClient:
A class used to represent an Asynchronous HTTP Client
timeout : int
The maximum time to wait for a response before timing out (default is 5)
retries : int
The maximum number of retries if the request fails (default is 3)
Sends a GET request to the specified url
def __init__(self, timeout=5, retries=3):
timeout : int, optional
The maximum time to wait for a response before timing out (default is 5)
retries : int, optional
The maximum number of retries if the request fails (default is 3)
self.timeout = timeout
self.retries = retries
async def _timeout_manager(self, t):
"""Checks if the operation has timed out.
t : int
The time when the operation started
True if the operation has timed out, False otherwise.
if ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), t) > self.timeout * 1000:
return True
return False
async def _connect(self, addr):
"""Opens a non-blocking socket to the specified address.
addr : tuple
The address of the host to connect to, as a (host, port) tuple
The socket object connected to the host.
If the connection times out
s = socket.socket()
t = ticks_ms()
while True:
except OSError:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
if await self._timeout_manager(t):
raise OSError('Connection timeout')
return s
async def get(self, url):
"""Sends a GET request to the specified url.
The request is sent over a non-blocking SSL socket. The function waits
for the response and returns the body as a string or a JSON object.
url : str
The URL to send the GET request to
str or dict
The body of the response. If the response is JSON, a dictionary is returned.
If the connection or response times out, or if the connection fails after retries
_, _, host, path = url.split('/', 3)
addr = socket.getaddrinfo(host, 443)[0][-1]
for _ in range(self.retries):
s = await self._connect(addr)
except OSError:
raise OSError('Failed to connect after {} retries'.format(self.retries))
s = ussl.wrap_socket(s)
request = 'GET /{} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {}\r\nUser-Agent: ESP32\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n'.format(path, host)
while True:
except OSError:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
response = b''
t = ticks_ms()
while True:
data =
if data:
response += data
except OSError:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
if await self._timeout_manager(t):
raise OSError('Response timeout')
header, body = response.split(b'\r\n\r\n', 1)
body = body.decode('utf-8')
if 'application/json' in header:
body = json.loads(body)
return body
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