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Created February 7, 2022 19:12
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KML / Google Maps / Oculus Wander
/// Set of little F# (FSharp) functions as script tools to work with
/// - KML files (Keyhole Markup Language) used by Google Earth and Google Maps
/// - Google Maps Streetview API,
/// - Oculus Wander Application (by Parkline Interactive, LLC) bookmarks: Wander_Favorites.json
/// You have to first set your Google API key to environment variables as api-key and enable
/// Streetview API for that
// System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("api-key", "...")
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
#r "System.Xml.Linq"
open System
open FSharp.Data
open System.Xml.Linq
let kmlschemaPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/sample.kml"
type StreetviewMeta = FSharp.Data.JsonProvider<"""[{"copyright" : "© TH","date" : "2017-08","location" : {
"lat" : 60.1697536,"lng" : 24.9332589},"pano_id" : "asdfasdfasdf","status" : "OK"},{"status":"ZERO_RESULTS"}]""", SampleIsList=true>
type KmlSchema = FSharp.Data.XmlProvider<kmlschemaPath, SampleIsList = false>
type PlaceId =
| Location of string
| PanoId of string
| Unknown
override this.ToString() =
match this with
| Location x -> x
| PanoId p -> p
| Unknown -> ""
type StreetviewRequestType =
| Picture of string //filename
| Metadata
type WanderSchema = FSharp.Data.JsonProvider<"""[
[{"title": "FolderName","isFolder": true,"folderContents": [{"panoid": "1Eo78UUvk1O-KWRDO-egtg",
"title": "Placename","isFolder": false,"timeStamp": 637791743005323710},
{"title": "FolderName","isFolder": true,"folderContents": [{"panoid": "1Eo78UUvk1O-KWRDO-egtg",
"title": "Placename","isFolder": false,"timeStamp": 637791743005323710}],"timeStamp": 637791743005323710}
],"timeStamp": 637794221079717650}],
[{"panoid": "1Eo78UUvk1O-KWRDO-egtg","title": "Placename","isFolder": false,"timeStamp": 637791743005323710}]
]""", SampleIsList=true>
/// Given Google Maps StreetView URL, parse Panoid
let parse_panoid (uri:string) =
let start = uri.IndexOf("!1s")
if start = -1 || not (uri.Contains ".google.") then Unknown
else PanoId (uri.Substring(start+3, uri.IndexOf("!2e") - 3 - start).Replace("%2F","/"))
/// Read Google API key from environment variables
/// You can do in Console: set api-key ...
let google_api_key =
match Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "api-key" with
| null -> failwith "Set environment variable api-key to point your Google Maps API key. Enable Streetview API for the key."
| x -> x
let googleMapsStreetviewBaseUrl = ""
/// Request uri to fetch google data
let getStreetUri reqtype place =
let apireq =
match reqtype with
| Picture _ -> "?"
| Metadata -> "/metadata?"
match place with
| PanoId panoid -> googleMapsStreetviewBaseUrl + apireq + "pano=" +
panoid + "&size=500x500&key=" + google_api_key
| Location place -> googleMapsStreetviewBaseUrl + apireq + "location=" +
(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode place) + "&size=500x500&key=" + google_api_key
| Unknown -> ""
/// Parse kml: Address name, location
let parseKmlAddresses (filePath:string) =
//let filePath = @"C:\Users\...\Downloads\myMap.kml"
if not (System.IO.File.Exists filePath) then
failwith ("File not found: " + filePath)
let text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText filePath
let data = KmlSchema.Parse text
let places1 =
|> p ->
match p.Address with
| Some x -> x
| None ->
match p.Point with
| Some point -> point.Coordinates.Replace("\r","").Replace("\n","").Trim()
| None -> p.Name)
let places2 =
|> f ->
|> p ->
match p.Address with
| Some x -> x
| None ->
match p.Point with
| Some point -> point.Coordinates.Replace("\r","").Replace("\n","").Trim()
| None -> p.Name))
Array.concat [|places1; Array.concat places2|]
/// Read place names from a KLM file and export them to CSV file
/// File is generated to __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
let kmlToCsv kmlPath =
let csvPath = "exportPlaceNames.csv"
let places = parseKmlAddresses kmlPath
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(csvPath, "Continent;Country;Place;Location\r\n", Text.Encoding.Unicode)
System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(csvPath, places |> (p,l) -> p + ";" + l), Text.Encoding.Unicode)
/// Ask Google StreetView pictures or panoid metadata from place
let getLocationData reqtype place =
let uri = getStreetUri reqtype place
use cli = new System.Net.WebClient()
match reqtype with
| Metadata ->
let res = cli.DownloadString uri
let r = StreetviewMeta.Parse res
(match r.PanoId with Some v -> v | None -> ""),
(match r.Location with Some v -> v.Lat, v.Lng | None -> 0m,0m)
| Picture name ->
let file = "streetview-" +
(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode (name + "_" + place.ToString())) +
"_" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyMMddhhmmss") + ".jpg"
cli.DownloadFile(uri, file)
file, (0m,0m)
/// Creates a single Wander bookmark based on place name
let wanderBookmarkItem place =
let panoid, _ = getLocationData Metadata place
if String.IsNullOrEmpty panoid then None
else Some (WanderSchema.FolderContent(Some panoid,
false, DateTime.UtcNow.ToBinary(), [||]))
/// Creates new Wander_Favourites with places from the place names array
let wanderFavourites (placeNames:string[]) =
let favouritesFile = "Wander_Favorites.json"
let folderContent =
|> placeName -> wanderBookmarkItem (Location placeName))
|> Array.filter(fun place -> place.IsSome)
|> place -> place.Value)
let wanderContent =
"[" +
WanderSchema.Root("Import", true, folderContent, DateTime.UtcNow.ToBinary(), None)
.Replace(",\"folderContents\":[]","") + "]"
/// Export all places from KLM file as Wander bookmark file
/// Requests n times Google API.
let kmlToWander kmlPath =
let favouritesFile = "Wander_Favorites.json"
let places = parseKmlAddresses kmlPath
let folderContent =
|> (p,_) -> wanderBookmarkItem (Location p))
|> Array.filter(fun p -> p.IsSome)
|> p -> p.Value)
let wanderContent =
"[" +
WanderSchema.Root("Import", true, folderContent, DateTime.UtcNow.ToBinary(), None)
.Replace(",\"folderContents\":[]","") + "]"
/// Fetch pictures for Wander bookmarks.
/// Requests n times Google API.
let extractWanderPictures (wanderBookmarks:string) =
//let wanderBookmarks = @"C:\Users\...\Documents\Wander_Favorites.json"
//from: \Quest 2\Internal shared storage\Android\data\com.parkline.wander\files
let wss = WanderSchema.Load wanderBookmarks
wss |> Array.iter(fun ws ->
match ws.IsFolder with
| false ->
match ws.Panoid with
| Some panoid ->
let file,_ = getLocationData (Picture ws.Title) (PanoId panoid)
| None -> ()
| true ->
|> Array.iter(fun b ->
match b.IsFolder with
| false ->
match b.Panoid with
| Some panoid ->
let files,_ = getLocationData (Picture b.Title) (PanoId panoid)
| None -> ()
| true -> // let's support only 2 nested folders for now
|> Array.filter(fun bb -> not bb.IsFolder)
|> Array.iter(fun bb ->
let files,_ = getLocationData (Picture bb.Title) (PanoId bb.Panoid)
let wanderToKlm (wanderBookmarks:string) =
let kmlFile = "klm_Import.kml"
let wss = WanderSchema.Load wanderBookmarks
let places =
seq {
for ws in wss do
match ws.IsFolder with
| false ->
yield ws.Title
| true ->
for b in ws.FolderContents do
match b.IsFolder with
| false ->
yield b.Title
| true -> // let's support only 2 nested folders for now
for bb in
|> Array.filter(fun bb -> not bb.IsFolder) do
yield bb.Title
} |> Seq.toArray
let places_and_ponts =
places |> place ->
let panoid, (lat,lon) = getLocationData Metadata (Location place)
place, (lon,lat).ToString().Replace("(","").Replace(")","")
) |> Array.filter(fun (p,_) -> not(String.IsNullOrEmpty p))
let placemarks = places_and_ponts
|> (p,lonlat) ->
KmlSchema.Placemark(p, Some p, None, None, None, Some(KmlSchema.Point lonlat)))
let kml = KmlSchema.Kml(
KmlSchema.Description(), Array.empty, Array.empty, placemarks, Array.empty))
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(kmlFile, [|"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"""|])
System.IO.File.AppendAllText(kmlFile, kml.ToString())
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
<Style id="icon-959-DB4436-normal">
<Style id="icon-959-DB4436-normal">
<StyleMap id="icon-959-DB4436">
<StyleMap id="icon-959-DB4436">
<name>Africa;South Africa;Western Cape: Cape Point;</name>
<address>Africa;South Africa;Western Cape: Cape Point;</address>
<description><![CDATA[<img src="" height="200" width="auto" />]]></description>
<Data name="gx_media_links">
<name>Africa;South Africa;Western Cape: Cape Town Central;</name>
<address>Africa;South Africa;Western Cape: Cape Town Central;</address>
<name><![CDATA[Africa;South Africa;Western Cape: Simon's Town;]]></name>
<address><![CDATA[Africa;South Africa;Western Cape: Simon's Town;]]></address>
<name>Asia;Japan;Tokyo Prefecture: Chiyoda;</name>
<name>Piste 1</name>
<name>Asia;Malaysia;Sabah: Kota Kinabalu;</name>
<address>Asia;Malaysia;Sabah: Kota Kinabalu;</address>
<description><![CDATA[<img src="" height="200" width="auto" /><br><br><img src="" height="200" width="auto" /><br><br><img src="" height="200" width="auto" /><br><br><img src="" height="200" width="auto" />]]></description>
<Data name="gx_media_links">
<name>Asia;Japan;Tokyo Prefecture: Chiyoda;</name>
<address>Africa;South Africa;Western Cape: Cape Point;</address>
<name>Asia;Japan;Tokyo Prefecture: Chiyoda;</name>
<name>Piste 1</name>
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Thorium commented Feb 8, 2022

Initially I wanted to import / export Cities I've Visited app / Tripadvisor Travel Map to Wander, and via KML you may do it (if export is still supported).

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