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Last active February 19, 2019 03:24
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Parsing UserAgent strings with FSharp
open System
open System.IO
open System.Net
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let req = HttpWebRequest.Create ""
let resp = (new StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())).ReadToEnd()
let lines = resp.Split( [| Environment.NewLine; "\r"; "\n"; "\r\n" |], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
/// Minimal YAML-file parsing
let yamlParse =
let yamlParsed, lastName, lastMap =
lines |>
Seq.filter(fun line ->
not(line.Trim().StartsWith("#") || line.Trim().Length = 0) && line.Contains(":")
) |> Seq.fold(fun (mapping:Map<string,ResizeArray<Map<string,string>>>,name,activemap:ResizeArray<Map<string,string>>) line ->
let mc = line.IndexOf ':'
match line.[0] with
| ' ' ->
let key, startLine =
match line.Substring(0, mc).Trim() with
| x when x.StartsWith("-") ->
x.Substring(1).Trim(), true
| y -> y, false
let valu =
match line.Substring(mc + 1).Trim() with
| x when x.StartsWith("'") && x.EndsWith("'") -> x.Substring(1, x.Length-2)
| x when x.StartsWith("\"") && x.EndsWith("\"") -> x.Substring(1, x.Length-2)
| y -> y
if startLine then
activemap.Add( Map.empty.Add(key, valu))
activemap.[activemap.Count-1] <- activemap.[activemap.Count-1].Add(key, valu)
mapping, name, activemap
| _ ->
let mapped =
if name <> "" && (not (activemap |> Seq.isEmpty)) then
mapping.Add(name, activemap)
else mapping
let newMap = ResizeArray()
mapped,line.Substring(0, mc).Trim(), newMap
) (Map.empty,"", ResizeArray())
if lastName <> "" && (not (lastMap |> Seq.isEmpty)) then
yamlParsed.Add(lastName, lastMap)
else yamlParsed
let getParser parserName (parameters:string list) =
|> Seq.filter(fun p -> p.ContainsKey("regex"))
|> parser ->
let reg = Regex(parser.["regex"], RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ||| RegexOptions.Compiled)
let groups = reg.GetGroupNumbers().Length
parameters |> List.mapi(fun idx p ->
if groups > idx && parser.ContainsKey p then parser.[p] else ""
) |> Seq.toArray
// To add more versions, add more parameters.
let os = getParser "os_parsers" ["os_replacement"; "os_v1_replacement"; "os_v2_replacement"]
let browser = getParser "user_agent_parsers" ["family_replacement"; "v1_replacement"; "v2_replacement"]
let device = getParser "device_parsers" ["device_replacement"; "brand_replacement"; "model_replacement"]
let parseCollection (coll:(Regex*List<string>)[]) (uaString:string) =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty uaString then [||] else
coll |> Array.filter(fun (regex,_) ->
|> (regex,pars) ->
let matchedData = regex.Match uaString
let grps = regex.GetGroupNames()
|> List.mapi(fun idx label ->
let itemName = (idx+1).ToString()
let groupName = regex.GroupNumberFromName(itemName)
let itemValue = matchedData.Groups.[groupName].Value
if label <> "" then
label.Replace("$"+itemName, itemValue)
else itemValue
) |> List.filter(fun p -> not(String.IsNullOrEmpty p)) |> List.distinct
) |> Array.filter(fun p -> p |> List.isEmpty |> not) |> Array.distinct
type UASoftware = { Item: string; MajorVersion: string; MinorVersion: string }
type UADevice = { Item: string; Brand: string; Model: string }
type UAInfo = { Browser: UASoftware option; Os: UASoftware option; Device: UADevice option }
with override __.ToString() =
String.Join(" - ", [|
(if __.Browser.IsSome then __.Browser.Value.Item + " " + __.Browser.Value.MajorVersion else "");
(if __.Os.IsSome then __.Os.Value.Item + " " + __.Os.Value.MajorVersion else "");
(if __.Device.IsSome then __.Device.Value.Brand + " " + __.Device.Value.Item + " " + __.Device.Value.Model else "")
|] |> Seq.filter(fun x -> x <> "")).Trim()
/// Parse the UserAgent
let parse uaString =
let pickInfo =
Array.tryHead >> Option.bind(function
| [] -> None
| [h] -> Some {Item = h; MajorVersion = ""; MinorVersion = ""}
| [h;v] -> Some {Item = h; MajorVersion = v; MinorVersion = ""}
| [h;v;t]
| h::v::t::_ -> Some {Item = h; MajorVersion = v; MinorVersion = t})
let browserInfo = parseCollection browser uaString |> pickInfo
let osInfo = parseCollection os uaString |> pickInfo
let deviceInfo = parseCollection device uaString |> pickInfo
{ Browser = browserInfo; Os = osInfo; Device = deviceInfo |> d ->
{ Item = d.Item; Brand = d.MajorVersion; Model = d.MinorVersion})}
//let uaString = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B206 Safari/7534.48.3"
//printfn "%O" (parse uaString) // Prints: Mobile Safari 5 - iOS 5 - Apple iPhone
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Thorium commented Feb 18, 2019

Identify user's browser, Os and device by the browser's UserAgent string.

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