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Created November 1, 2013 12:13
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Save Thorium/7264563 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Actors with control actor. No mutable state.
open System
open System.Threading
open System.IO
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.WebExtensions
type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>
type SingleAgent<'T> =
| Set of 'T
| Get of AsyncReplyChannel<List<'T>>
type Identifier =
| RoomId of Guid // Room is a container (e.g. a game)
| UserId of Guid // User (e.g. a player)
type ControlMethods<'T> =
| Create of Identifier * Agent<'T>
| Read of Identifier * AsyncReplyChannel<Option<Agent<'T>>>
| Delete of Identifier
| ReadAllIds of AsyncReplyChannel<List<Identifier>>
| ReadAllOf of (Identifier -> bool)*AsyncReplyChannel<List<Identifier * Agent<'T>>>
let internal notifyError = new Event<_>()
let public OnError (watch:Action<_>) =
notifyError.Publish |> Observable.add(fun e -> watch.Invoke(e))
// Error queue agent
let internal supervisor =
Agent<System.Exception>.Start(fun inbox ->
async { while true do
let! err = inbox.Receive()
printfn "an error occurred in an agent: %A" err })
// Agent for storing other agents
let internal control = new Agent<ControlMethods<SingleAgent<obj>>>(fun msg ->
let rec msgPassing all =
async {
let! c = msg.Receive()
match c with
| Create(id,agent) ->
return! msgPassing((id,agent)::all)
| Read(id,reply) ->
let response =
|> List.filter (fun i -> (fst i) = id)
match response with
| [] -> reply.Reply(None)
| h::t -> reply.Reply(Some(snd h))
return! msgPassing(all)
| Delete(id) ->
let removed =
|> List.filter (fun i -> (fst i) <> id)
return! msgPassing(removed)
| ReadAllIds(reply) ->
let agents = all |> fst
return! msgPassing(all)
| ReadAllOf(myfilter, reply) ->
let agents =
|> List.filter(fun i -> myfilter(fst i))
return! msgPassing(all)
msgPassing [])
control.Error.Add(fun error -> supervisor.Post error)
/// Create a new actor (like room or user)
let public CreateNewItem id initialState =
let agent = new Agent<_>(fun msg ->
let rec msgPassing all =
async {
let! r = msg.Receive()
match r with
| Set(i) ->
//printf "%s" r
//let r = f(c)
return! msgPassing(i::all)
| Get(reply) ->
return! msgPassing(all)
msgPassing [])
(id, agent) |> Create |> control.Post
agent.Error.Add(fun error -> supervisor.Post error)
/// Fetch agent form the control agent
let internal fetchAgent id = control.PostAndReply(fun a -> Read(id, a))
/// Insert item state
let public AddAction id msg =
match fetchAgent id with
| Some(agent) ->
| _ -> false
/// Get item state
let public ShowItemState id =
let result =
match fetchAgent id with
| Some(agent) -> agent.PostAndReply(fun msg -> Get(msg))
| _ -> []
result |> List.toSeq
/// This just removes the reference
let public Delete id =
Delete(id) |> control.Post
/// Return all states
let public ReturnAllOf(i) =
let rec fetch (r:list<Identifier*Agent<_>>) (acc:list<Identifier*seq<_>>) =
match r with
| [] -> acc
| iagent::t ->
let agent = snd iagent
let one = (fst iagent), agent.PostAndReply(fun msg -> Get(msg)) |> List.toSeq
fetch t (one :: acc)
let result = control.PostAndReply(fun a -> ReadAllOf(i, a))
fetch result []
|> List.toSeq
/// Return all states
let public ReturnAll() = ReturnAllOf(fun _ -> true)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
///Some helper functions for domain "game"
let internal isRoom = function | RoomId(_) -> true | _ -> false
let internal isUser = function | UserId(_) -> true | _ -> false
let public ReturnAllGames() =
control.PostAndReply(fun a -> ReadAllIds(a))
|> List.filter(isRoom)
|> List.toSeq
let public ReturnUserData() = ReturnAllOf(isUser)
let public ReturnGameData() = ReturnAllOf(isRoom)
let NewUser info =
let id = Guid.NewGuid() |> UserId
CreateNewItem id info
type Actions =
| PlayerJoin of Identifier
| VisitorJoin of Identifier
| PlayerMakeMove of Identifier*obj
| SendMsgToAll of Identifier*string
| Leave of Identifier
type UserActions =
| PlayedGame of Identifier*int//opponent, result
| RegisterAsUser of string*int*int*obj //id, name, games, scores, ...
let NewGameRoom player =
let a = player |> Actions.PlayerJoin
let id = Guid.NewGuid() |> RoomId
CreateNewItem id a
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Add a player
let player1 = ("tuomas", 0, 0, obj()) |> UserActions.RegisterAsUser |> NewUser
//Create new game
let game1 = player1 |> NewGameRoom
//Add another player
let player2 = ("toka", 0, 0, obj()) |> UserActions.RegisterAsUser |> NewUser
//AddAction will add any object to any actor.
//There is no limit for objects, but it is easier to follow if
//objects are custom types like Actions or UserActions here
//Adding info to player1:
UserActions.PlayedGame(player2, 1) |> AddAction player1
//Adding info to game1:
Actions.SendMsgToAll(player1, "hello") |> AddAction game1
Actions.PlayerMakeMove(player1, (8, 3)) |> AddAction game1
player2 |> Actions.PlayerJoin |> AddAction game1
//Show item history/state:
ShowItemState game1
ShowItemState player1
let anotherGame =
let newPlayer = ("simppa", 0, 0, obj()) |> UserActions.RegisterAsUser |> NewUser
let game2 = newPlayer |> NewGameRoom
Actions.SendMsgToAll(newPlayer, "hello") |> AddAction game2
Delete game1
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