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Created January 18, 2014 10:21
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Set timeout or cancel Using task based async, won't block the thread.
open System
open System.Threading
/// Async timer to perform actions
let timer interval scheduledAction = async {
do! interval |> Async.Sleep
/// Add action to timer, return cancellation-token to cancel the action
let scheduleAction interval scheduledAction =
let cancel = new CancellationTokenSource()
Async.Start (timer interval scheduledAction, cancel.Token)
// Basic idea from:
/// Agent to maintain a queue of scheduled tasks that can be canceled.
/// It never runs its processor function, so it doesn't do anything.
let scheduleAgent = new MailboxProcessor<Guid * CancellationTokenSource>(fun _ -> async { () })
let postToken = scheduleAgent.Post
let cancelAction(agentId) =
scheduleAgent.TryScan((fun (aId, source) ->
let action =
async {
return agentId
if (agentId = aId) then
None), 100) // timeout: if queue is empty, wait 100ms to get a value.
|> Async.RunSynchronously
// Testing:
// Do action when timeout:
let notifyTimeout1() = Console.WriteLine "5 seconds elapsed."
let id1 = Guid.NewGuid()
let token1 = scheduleAction 5000 notifyTimeout1
postToken(id1, token1)
// Cancel action before timeout:
let notifyTimeout2() = Console.WriteLine "This won't happen"
let id2 = Guid.NewGuid()
let token2 = scheduleAction 3000 notifyTimeout2
postToken(id2, token2)
cancelAction(id2) |> ignore
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