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Created March 25, 2014 00:00
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Generate random hex-string and calculate base58encode. I made these for some initial BTC-testing, but didn't test too much... seems to work, but would need some unit-tests... :-)
module BtcTesting
open System
open System.Security.Cryptography
let base58encode (hash:byte[]) =
let code_string = ['1'..'9']@['A'..'H']@['J'..'N']@['P'..'Z']@['a'..'k']@['m'..'z'] |> List.toArray
let data = hash |> Array.toList
let rec toBigInt = function
|[], acc -> acc
|h::t, acc -> toBigInt(t, acc*256I + bigint(int h))
let rec base58encodeLeft = function
| i,acc when i>0I ->
let reminder = ref 0I
let dividend = bigint.DivRem(i, 58I, reminder)
let char = code_string.[(int)reminder.contents]
base58encodeLeft(dividend, char::acc)
| _,acc -> acc
let appendOnes =
let rec insertOnes = function
| h::t,acc when h=0uy -> insertOnes(t, '1'::acc)
| _,acc -> acc
insertOnes(data, [])
let big = toBigInt(data, 0I)
let encoded = appendOnes @ base58encodeLeft(big, []) |> List.toArray
/// String to byte-array. This is taken from:
let fromHex (s:string) =
|> Seq.windowed 2
|> Seq.mapi (fun i j -> (i,j))
|> Seq.filter (fun (i,j) -> i % 2=0)
|> (fun (_,j) -> Byte.Parse(new System.String(j),System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier))
|> Array.ofSeq
let keyToWif (key:string) =
use sha = new SHA256Managed()
let extended = "80"+key |> fromHex
let hashCheck = extended
|> sha.ComputeHash
|> sha.ComputeHash
Array.append extended hashCheck.[0..3]
|> Array.rev
|> base58encode
/// Generates random HEX-string
let privateKey() =
let chars = ['a'..'f']@['0'..'9'] |> List.toArray
let length = chars.Length
let data = Array.zeroCreate 64
use provider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()
do provider.GetNonZeroBytes(data)
let random = data |> b -> chars.[(int)b % length ])
// let pk = privateKey();;
// pk |> keyToWif;;
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