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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Microsoft Kinect Body Basics with Kinect SDK 2.0 and F#
// Microsoft Kinect Body Basics with Kinect SDK 2.0 and F#
#r @"..\packages\Microsoft.Kinect.2.0.1410.19000\lib\net45\Microsoft.Kinect.dll"
module Kinect20
open Microsoft.Kinect
open System.Collections.Generic
let bodyFrameReader =
let kinectSensor = KinectSensor.GetDefault()
kinectSensor.IsAvailableChanged |> Event.add(fun _ ->
match kinectSensor.IsAvailable with
| true -> printfn "sensor available"
| false -> printfn "sensor disconnected")
let stop() = bodyFrameReader.Dispose()
let mutable bodyContainer = None // mutable API :-(
let bodyTracking =
|> Event.add(
fun bfae ->
use bodyFrame = bfae.FrameReference.AcquireFrame()
match bodyFrame<>null && bodyFrame.BodyCount > 0 with
| false -> ()
| true ->
if bodyContainer = None then
bodyContainer <- Some(Array.create bodyFrame.BodyCount (Unchecked.defaultof<Body>))
match bodyContainer with
| None -> ()
| Some bodies -> //printfn "bc: %i bf: %i" bodies.Length bodyFrame.BodyCount
let parts = bodies |> Seq.filter (fun b -> b.IsTracked)
|> (fun b -> b.Joints)
|> Seq.iter(fun j -> j |> Seq.iter(fun p ->
let part = p.Key.ToString("F")
let pos = p.Value.Position
printfn "Bodypart %s at %f %f %f" part pos.X pos.Y pos.Z))
// parts
// |> Seq.filter(fun b -> b.HandLeftState = HandState.Lasso)
// |> Seq.iter(fun i -> printfn "Lasso!")
//item SpineShoulder at -0.474309 -0.082094 1.528226
//item HandTipLeft at -0.355548 0.007269 1.494294
//item ThumbLeft at -0.425318 -0.049197 1.453333
//item HandTipRight at -0.291631 0.188657 1.813159
//item ThumbRight at -0.320072 0.151973 1.688667
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