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I made some changes to the original script as people were having issues removing assets from users other than admin. this now asks for admin api for scanning and the owners api of the assets to remove which is used in the DELETE command
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Note: you might need to run "pip install requests halo tabulate tqdm" if these dependencies are missing on your machine
import argparse
import json
import requests
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from halo import Halo
from tabulate import tabulate
from tqdm import tqdm
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Fetch file report and delete orphaned media assets from Immich.')
# Make API key and Immich address arguments optional
parser.add_argument('--admin_apikey', help='Immich admin API key for fetching reports', nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--user_apikey', help='User-specific Immich API key for deletion', nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--immichaddress', help='Full address for Immich, including protocol and port', nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--no_prompt', action='store_true', help='Delete orphaned media assets without confirmation')
return parser.parse_args()
def filter_entities(response_json, entity_type):
return [
{'pathValue': entity['pathValue'], 'entityId': entity['entityId'], 'entityType': entity['entityType']}
for entity in response_json.get('orphans', []) if entity.get('entityType') == entity_type
def main():
args = parse_arguments()
# Prompt for admin API key if not provided
admin_api_key = args.admin_apikey if args.admin_apikey else input('Enter the Immich admin API key: ')
# Prompt for user API key if not provided
user_api_key = args.user_apikey if args.user_apikey else input('Enter the Immich user API key for deletion: ')
# Prompt for Immich address if not provided
immich_server = args.immichaddress if args.immichaddress else input('Enter the full web address for Immich, including protocol and port: ')
if not admin_api_key or not user_api_key:
print("Both admin and user API keys are required.")
immich_parsed_url = urlparse(immich_server)
base_url = f'{immich_parsed_url.scheme}://{immich_parsed_url.netloc}'
api_url = f'{base_url}/api'
file_report_url = api_url + '/report'
headers = {'x-api-key': admin_api_key}
spinner = Halo(text='Retrieving list of orphaned media assets...', spinner='dots')
response = requests.get(file_report_url, headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:'Failed to fetch assets: {str(e)}')
orphan_media_assets = filter_entities(response.json(), 'asset')
num_entries = len(orphan_media_assets)
if num_entries == 0:
print('No orphaned media assets found; exiting.')
if not args.no_prompt:
table_data = [[asset['pathValue'], asset['entityId']] for asset in orphan_media_assets]
print(tabulate(table_data, headers=['Path Value', 'Entity ID'], tablefmt='pretty'))
summary = f'There {"is" if num_entries == 1 else "are"} {num_entries} orphaned media asset{"s" if num_entries != 1 else ""}. Would you like to delete {"them" if num_entries != 1 else "it"} from Immich? (yes/no): '
user_input = input(summary).lower()
if user_input not in ('y', 'yes'):
print('Exiting without making any changes.')
headers['x-api-key'] = user_api_key # Use user API key for deletion
with tqdm(total=num_entries, desc="Deleting orphaned media assets", unit="asset") as progress_bar:
for asset in orphan_media_assets:
entity_id = asset['entityId']
asset_url = f'{api_url}/asset'
delete_payload = json.dumps({'force': True, 'ids': [entity_id]})
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': user_api_key}
response = requests.delete(asset_url, headers=headers, data=delete_payload)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
if response.status_code == 400:
print(f"Failed to delete asset {entity_id} due to potential API key mismatch. Ensure you're using the asset owners API key as the User API key.")
print(f"Failed to delete asset {entity_id}: {str(e)}")
print('Orphaned media assets deleted successfully!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Thoroslives commented Apr 21, 2024

I see that, and agree as this now doesnt work with the api anymore, still trying to work out why so being able to suggest updates and having it centralised would be good. Let me know what you need from me

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aviv926 commented Apr 21, 2024

I see that, and agree as this now doesnt work with the api anymore, still trying to work out why so being able to suggest updates and having it centralised would be good. Let me know what you need from me

It does not work? (I currently can't check it, maybe tomorrow) I do see that there are quite a few differences between what appeared in the documentation and what appears here.

It's not really a problem but the admin API cannot remove files in offline mode of other users (for obvious security reasons) there are many users who don't notice this.

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Thoroslives commented Apr 22, 2024

It was working hence why I put in the PR in the first place as I amended the script to be able to use the admin API key to query the missing indices then the user API key to delete but now I'm just getting a 404 error
I believe its got something to do with the URL appendment, as you can see it append the given URL with /api/ then appends that with /audit/file-report/

I troubleshooted this by running
curl -H "x-api-key: yourAdminApiKeyHere"
and it returns the 404 as within the script

I'm assuming an update has caused this unsure of the remedy at this point

UPDATE: Comment below

Okay so I think I have found the issue. Not sure if the API endpoints have been changed recently, cant see anything in the changelog. But the /audit/file-report/ endpoint seems have been depreciated for the getAuditFiles aka /report/ endpoint I updated the script with this and it is working again

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Thoroslives commented Apr 22, 2024

It was working hence why I put in the PR in the first place as I amended the script to be able to use the admin API key to query the missing indices then the user API key to delete but now I'm just getting a 404 error I believe its got something to do with the URL appendment, as you can see it append the given URL with /api/ then appends that with /audit/file-report/
I troubleshooted this by running curl -H "x-api-key: yourAdminApiKeyHere" and it returns the 404 as within the script
I'm assuming an update has caused this unsure of the remedy at this point
UPDATE: Comment below

Okay so I think I have found the issue.
Not sure if the API endpoints have been changed recently, cant see anything in the changelog.
But the /audit/file-report/ endpoint seems have been depreciated for the getAuditFiles aka /report/ endpoint
I updated the script with this and it is working again

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I've got around 20,000 of these errors from the python code:

Failed to delete asset 5bc69091-891b-4cf8-9afd-8ab0c686421c: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://localhost:2283/api/asset

But it did work for a lot of orphaned files!

Along with errors in the immich_server docker log

[Nest] 7  - 04/22/2024, 4:27:07 PM   ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] ENOENT: no such file or directory, access 'upload/profile/bef3720d-9670-4516-b9e8-e150d52cb601/d8e56ba3-dd78-4278-ab02-208103a8a314.jpg'

And these in immich_microservices docker log

[Nest] 7  - 04/22/2024, 4:27:00 PM    WARN [StorageRepository] File upload/thumbs/bef3720d-9670-4516-b9e8-e150d52cb601/db/6b/db6b74d4-801c-464a-83e7-744a9e56d4f4-preview.jpeg does not exist.

I'm assuming something's wrong with my install, at this point. I'm considering clearing out the database's thumbs table and regenerating all thumbs, again.

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I've got around 20,000 of these errors from the python code:

Failed to delete asset 5bc69091-891b-4cf8-9afd-8ab0c686421c: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://localhost:2283/api/asset

But it did work for a lot of orphaned files!

Along with errors in the immich_server docker log

[Nest] 7  - 04/22/2024, 4:27:07 PM   ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] ENOENT: no such file or directory, access 'upload/profile/bef3720d-9670-4516-b9e8-e150d52cb601/d8e56ba3-dd78-4278-ab02-208103a8a314.jpg'

And these in immich_microservices docker log

[Nest] 7  - 04/22/2024, 4:27:00 PM    WARN [StorageRepository] File upload/thumbs/bef3720d-9670-4516-b9e8-e150d52cb601/db/6b/db6b74d4-801c-464a-83e7-744a9e56d4f4-preview.jpeg does not exist.

I'm assuming something's wrong with my install, at this point. I'm considering clearing out the database's thumbs table and regenerating all thumbs, again.

How many users do you have as the second Delete API must be from the user that the asset is owned by. This script will scan all users for orphaned assets but can only delete from the user the Delete API (the second one).

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How many users do you have

2 Users. Attempting to run the script again with my admin API key as the first input and the 2nd user's API key as the second input has resulted in a lot more deleted orphaned media assets, something like 10,000. Look like approx. 4,000 errors like this still remain

Failed to delete asset 91ae7c76-684c-4e6a-9f31-e7ddfebc9297: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://localhost:2283/api/asset
Deleting orphaned media assets:  72%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████                                   | 10634/14769 [01:35<00:37, 111.65asset/s]
Orphaned media assets deleted successfully!

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Thoroslives commented Apr 23, 2024

How many users do you have

2 Users. Attempting to run the script again with my admin API key as the first input and the 2nd user's API key as the second input has resulted in a lot more deleted orphaned media assets, something like 10,000. Look like approx. 4,000 errors like this still remain

Failed to delete asset 91ae7c76-684c-4e6a-9f31-e7ddfebc9297: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://localhost:2283/api/asset
Deleting orphaned media assets:  72%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████                                   | 10634/14769 [01:35<00:37, 111.65asset/s]
Orphaned media assets deleted successfully!

Is this two including the admin user? You should be able to see what the assets are. What library they are located in. Therefore what user they belong too. There may be the chance the are orphaned thumbs or previews?

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Yes, two users including admin.

At this point, I'm unsure what happened, but I think I lost some data... So I'll revisit this another time.

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Thoroslives commented Apr 23, 2024

Yes, two users including admin.

At this point, I'm unsure what happened, but I think I lost some data... So I'll revisit this another time.

If you go to the repair tab in the admin settings does this reflect the orphaned assets youre seeing in the script results?

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After a few refreshes, it eventually loads. I was able to click on Check All and it loaded around 3-5 Matches that could be fixed with the Repair All button, but it kept crashing and taking a really long time to do anything, most likely because of these really large numbers:


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Thoroslives commented Apr 23, 2024

After a few refreshes, it eventually loads. I was able to click on Check All and it loaded around 3-5 Matches that could be fixed with the Repair All button, but it kept crashing and taking a really long time to do anything, most likely because of these really large numbers:


It works a lot better if run on the local network rather than remotely or through a reverse proxy but its overall a bit buggy.

Have a look into the move untracked files script which can help sort that out.

In terms of fixing the orphan files it might be worth having a look into some database repair tools. Do thesr orphan files show as broken results in immich. As in are the degrading your experience?

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Dear @Thoroslives, Can you help me, please?

I've only 2 users: Admin & Normal User

I have 12 Offline Paths:


and 18874 Untracked files:


I've used your script to remove the Offline Paths, but seems it doesn't work. :(

Do you have any suggestion?

I don't know if it is useful to know that before using the "default upload library" I've also tried the external libraries.

Thank you so much for all help you can give me! :)

(.venv) root@miniserver:~/immich-app# python 
Enter the Immich admin API key: <ADMIN-API-KEY>
Enter the Immich user API key for deletion: <ADMIN-API-KEY>
Enter the full web address for Immich, including protocol and port:

✔ Success!
|                                                       Path Value                                                        |              Entity ID               |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/f9/6c/f96ca4df-18b5-4994-a797-3e66fdcafb26-preview.jpeg | f96ca4df-18b5-4994-a797-3e66fdcafb26 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/71/04/7104908c-2c06-4b5d-be35-f7c7f9db347e-preview.jpeg | 7104908c-2c06-4b5d-be35-f7c7f9db347e |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/b3/e9/b3e9c3dc-1222-458a-bb89-c51a5639ce08-preview.jpeg | b3e9c3dc-1222-458a-bb89-c51a5639ce08 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/93/b5/93b57fed-292c-47bb-b476-3f0493bf7022-preview.jpeg | 93b57fed-292c-47bb-b476-3f0493bf7022 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/cc/30/cc30449a-cf44-410a-ae96-44ac6a3b1c46-preview.jpeg | cc30449a-cf44-410a-ae96-44ac6a3b1c46 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/55/79/5579e19c-67b6-40e3-8aeb-5bd1f037ac79-preview.jpeg | 5579e19c-67b6-40e3-8aeb-5bd1f037ac79 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/d7/5b/d75bd5b4-baff-4dd7-a941-ef6e8724f8df-preview.jpeg | d75bd5b4-baff-4dd7-a941-ef6e8724f8df |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/80/4d/804d45c8-b633-4108-abe5-b67c696d2398-preview.jpeg | 804d45c8-b633-4108-abe5-b67c696d2398 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/89/41/89417320-c34c-4d39-be7b-5dabd8f2d393-preview.jpeg | 89417320-c34c-4d39-be7b-5dabd8f2d393 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/29/b8/29b88ec7-7aa1-46bb-9f20-9a938426144b-preview.jpeg | 29b88ec7-7aa1-46bb-9f20-9a938426144b |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/e7/1c/e71ca9a9-5690-4447-92c6-2ed1c9e24329-preview.jpeg | e71ca9a9-5690-4447-92c6-2ed1c9e24329 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/3f/81/3f819148-8ec5-4feb-960c-36cbec31a1b6-preview.jpeg | 3f819148-8ec5-4feb-960c-36cbec31a1b6 |

There are 12 orphaned media assets. Would you like to delete them from Immich? (yes/no): yes

Deleting orphaned media assets:   0%|                                                                                                                                     | 0/12 [00:00<?, ?asset/s]Failed to delete asset f96ca4df-18b5-4994-a797-3e66fdcafb26: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 7104908c-2c06-4b5d-be35-f7c7f9db347e: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset b3e9c3dc-1222-458a-bb89-c51a5639ce08: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 93b57fed-292c-47bb-b476-3f0493bf7022: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset cc30449a-cf44-410a-ae96-44ac6a3b1c46: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 5579e19c-67b6-40e3-8aeb-5bd1f037ac79: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset d75bd5b4-baff-4dd7-a941-ef6e8724f8df: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 804d45c8-b633-4108-abe5-b67c696d2398: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 89417320-c34c-4d39-be7b-5dabd8f2d393: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 29b88ec7-7aa1-46bb-9f20-9a938426144b: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset e71ca9a9-5690-4447-92c6-2ed1c9e24329: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 3f819148-8ec5-4feb-960c-36cbec31a1b6: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Deleting orphaned media assets:   0%|                                                                                                                                     | 0/12 [00:00<?, ?asset/s]
Orphaned media assets deleted successfully!

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Dear @Thoroslives, Can you help me, please?

I've only 2 users: Admin & Normal User

I have 12 Offline Paths:


and 18874 Untracked files:


I've used your script to remove the Offline Paths, but seems it doesn't work. :(

Do you have any suggestion?

I don't know if it is useful to know that before using the "default upload library" I've also tried the external libraries.

Thank you so much for all help you can give me! :)

(.venv) root@miniserver:~/immich-app# python 
Enter the Immich admin API key: <ADMIN-API-KEY>
Enter the Immich user API key for deletion: <ADMIN-API-KEY>
Enter the full web address for Immich, including protocol and port:

✔ Success!
|                                                       Path Value                                                        |              Entity ID               |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/f9/6c/f96ca4df-18b5-4994-a797-3e66fdcafb26-preview.jpeg | f96ca4df-18b5-4994-a797-3e66fdcafb26 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/71/04/7104908c-2c06-4b5d-be35-f7c7f9db347e-preview.jpeg | 7104908c-2c06-4b5d-be35-f7c7f9db347e |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/b3/e9/b3e9c3dc-1222-458a-bb89-c51a5639ce08-preview.jpeg | b3e9c3dc-1222-458a-bb89-c51a5639ce08 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/93/b5/93b57fed-292c-47bb-b476-3f0493bf7022-preview.jpeg | 93b57fed-292c-47bb-b476-3f0493bf7022 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/cc/30/cc30449a-cf44-410a-ae96-44ac6a3b1c46-preview.jpeg | cc30449a-cf44-410a-ae96-44ac6a3b1c46 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/55/79/5579e19c-67b6-40e3-8aeb-5bd1f037ac79-preview.jpeg | 5579e19c-67b6-40e3-8aeb-5bd1f037ac79 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/d7/5b/d75bd5b4-baff-4dd7-a941-ef6e8724f8df-preview.jpeg | d75bd5b4-baff-4dd7-a941-ef6e8724f8df |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/80/4d/804d45c8-b633-4108-abe5-b67c696d2398-preview.jpeg | 804d45c8-b633-4108-abe5-b67c696d2398 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/89/41/89417320-c34c-4d39-be7b-5dabd8f2d393-preview.jpeg | 89417320-c34c-4d39-be7b-5dabd8f2d393 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/29/b8/29b88ec7-7aa1-46bb-9f20-9a938426144b-preview.jpeg | 29b88ec7-7aa1-46bb-9f20-9a938426144b |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/e7/1c/e71ca9a9-5690-4447-92c6-2ed1c9e24329-preview.jpeg | e71ca9a9-5690-4447-92c6-2ed1c9e24329 |
| /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/f4dad349-3b95-4cf5-86ca-143ea74acb18/3f/81/3f819148-8ec5-4feb-960c-36cbec31a1b6-preview.jpeg | 3f819148-8ec5-4feb-960c-36cbec31a1b6 |

There are 12 orphaned media assets. Would you like to delete them from Immich? (yes/no): yes

Deleting orphaned media assets:   0%|                                                                                                                                     | 0/12 [00:00<?, ?asset/s]Failed to delete asset f96ca4df-18b5-4994-a797-3e66fdcafb26: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 7104908c-2c06-4b5d-be35-f7c7f9db347e: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset b3e9c3dc-1222-458a-bb89-c51a5639ce08: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 93b57fed-292c-47bb-b476-3f0493bf7022: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset cc30449a-cf44-410a-ae96-44ac6a3b1c46: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 5579e19c-67b6-40e3-8aeb-5bd1f037ac79: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset d75bd5b4-baff-4dd7-a941-ef6e8724f8df: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 804d45c8-b633-4108-abe5-b67c696d2398: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 89417320-c34c-4d39-be7b-5dabd8f2d393: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 29b88ec7-7aa1-46bb-9f20-9a938426144b: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset e71ca9a9-5690-4447-92c6-2ed1c9e24329: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Failed to delete asset 3f819148-8ec5-4feb-960c-36cbec31a1b6: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Deleting orphaned media assets:   0%|                                                                                                                                     | 0/12 [00:00<?, ?asset/s]
Orphaned media assets deleted successfully!

Are the offline assets for the admin or the other user. As i can see you used the admin API for both scanning and deletion. Try running it again with admin API first the use the other users API as the second prompted one. Let me know how you go

In terms of untracked files have a look at this script which moves them out to a seperate folder where you can attempt to re upload or delete them

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Thank you @Thoroslives, I see that all untracked files are from the following paths:

  1. /usr/src/app/upload/upload/
  2. /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/
  3. /usr/src/app/upload/library/thumbs/
  4. /usr/src/app/upload/library/encoded-video/

But, after to have checked at least 5 paths for the "encoded-video", I didn't found any files.

I think I can't resolve with the script you suggested me. What do you think about?

Thank you so much!

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Thank you @Thoroslives, I see that all untracked files are from the following paths:

  1. /usr/src/app/upload/upload/
  2. /usr/src/app/upload/thumbs/
  3. /usr/src/app/upload/library/thumbs/
  4. /usr/src/app/upload/library/encoded-video/

But, after to have checked at least 5 paths for the "encoded-video", I didn't found any files.

I think I can't resolve with the script you suggested me. What do you think about?

Thank you so much!

Are those paths all showing as untracked in the repair page?
If so thay script i linked will move them all to a folder for you, just make sure your following the instructions properly

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Are those paths all showing as untracked in the repair page?

If so that script I linked will move them all to a folder for you, just make sure your following the instructions properly.
But which files can the script move if the files don't exist?

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Are those paths all showing as untracked in the repair page? Yes

If so that script I linked will move them all to a folder for you, just make sure your following the instructions properly. But which files can the script move if the files don't exist?

If they didnt exist i dont imagine they would show up as untracked files. Thats not my area of expertise unfortunately

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Thank you so much @Thoroslives, I'll update you for the offline paths.

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This Gist has been superseded by the repo I have created for it to explain in more detail usage and error handling of this script.
Immich Remove Offline Files

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