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Created March 8, 2015 14:00
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  • Save ThuCommix/159c74eadf486553014a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ThuCommix/159c74eadf486553014a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//send join request to server and wait for response.
//the initial join should be blocking since if we fail to connect we should not listing for packets
var joinRequest = new byte[2];
joinRequest = BitConverter.GetBytes((short) SystemMessage.Join);
_udpService.Send(joinRequest, joinRequest.Length, _joinedSessionEndPoint);
int timeOut = 1000;
//we should give the server some time to respond.
//Lets say a max length of 1000ms before dropping the connect
var asyncResult = _udpService.BeginReceive(null, null);
if (asyncResult.IsCompleted)
IPEndPoint host = null;
var hostResponse = _udpService.EndReceive(asyncResult, ref host);
if (hostResponse.Length == 2)
var message = (SystemMessage) BitConverter.ToInt16(hostResponse, 0);
if (message == SystemMessage.JoinAccepted)
// Now we should retrieve the session member list.
_udpService.Send(BitConverter.GetBytes((short) SystemMessage.RequestMemberList), 2,
asyncResult = _udpService.BeginReceive(null, null);
if (asyncResult.IsCompleted)
hostResponse = _udpService.EndReceive(asyncResult, ref host);
if (hostResponse.Length >= 6)
message = (SystemMessage) BitConverter.ToInt16(hostResponse, 0);
if (message == SystemMessage.MemberList)
int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(hostResponse, 2);
var memList = new List<SessionMember>();
byte[] ipBytes = new byte[4];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
int offsetIp = 8 * i + 6;
Array.Copy(hostResponse, offsetIp, ipBytes, 0, 4);
var ip = new IPAddress(ipBytes);
int port = BitConverter.ToInt32(hostResponse, offsetIp + 4);
memList.Add(new SessionMember(new IPEndPoint(ip, port)));
_sessionActive = true;
throw new NetworkSessionException(
"The remote host responded with an unexpected packet.");
throw new NetworkSessionException(
"The remote host responded with an invalid packet size.");
throw new NetworkSessionException("The remote host took to long to respond.");
else if(message == SystemMessage.JoinRefused)
throw new NetworkSessionException("Connection refused by remote host.");
throw new NetworkSessionException("The remote host responded with an invalid packet size.");
//the server took to long to respond.
throw new NetworkSessionException("The remote host took to long to respond.");
//connection is confirmed by host, we can now listing for packets.
var remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
_udpService.BeginReceive(AsynClientReceiveCallback, new AsyncReceiveState(_udpService, remoteEndPoint));
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