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Created July 3, 2014 13:33
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  • Save ThuGie/6a3487eb5cdf7bf0f3fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ThuGie/6a3487eb5cdf7bf0f3fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[21:51:15] --- Started Log ---
[21:51:15] Creating new server instance...
[21:51:15] Reading server config...
[21:51:15] Starting server...
[21:51:15] Compatible clients: 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.4.2, 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6, 1.4.7, 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3, 1.6.4, 1.7.2, 1.7.4, 1.7.5, 1.7.6, 1.7.7, 1.7.8, 1.7.9
[21:51:15] Compatible protocol versions 29, 39, 47, 49, 51, 60, 61, 73, 74, 77, 78, 4, 5
[21:51:15] Client IPv4 IPv4: Port 25565 is open for connections
[21:51:15] Client IPv6 IPv6: Port 25566 is open for connections
[21:51:16] WebServer: The server is running in unsecure HTTP mode.
[21:51:16] WebServer IPv4 IPv4: Port 8080 is open for connections
[21:51:16] WebServer IPv6 IPv6: Port 8081 is open for connections
[21:51:16] Loaded 303 crafting recipes
[21:51:16] Loaded 14 furnace recipes and 27 fuels
[21:51:16] -- Loading Plugins --
[21:51:16] Initialised SkyBlock v.1
[21:51:16] Initialised Core v.14
[21:51:16] Initialized TransAPI v.1
[21:51:16] Initialized ChatLog v.3
[21:51:16] -- Loaded 14 Plugins --
[21:51:16] World "skyblock": Unknown mob type: slime
[21:51:16] [Physics] WaterSimulator not present or empty in skyblock/world.ini, using the default of "Vanilla".
[21:51:16] [Physics] LavaSimulator not present or empty in skyblock/world.ini, using the default of "Vanilla".
[21:51:16] [Physics] RedstoneSimulator not present or empty in skyblock/world.ini, using the default of "incremental".
[21:51:16] [Generator] BiomeGen value not set in world.ini, using "MultiStepMap".
[21:51:16] [Generator] HeightGen value not set in world.ini, using "Biomal".
[21:51:16] Preparing spawn area in world "skyblock"...
[21:51:16] 279 chunks to load, 117 chunks to generate
[21:51:18] Chunk generator performance: 70.65 ch/s (142 ch total)
[21:51:18] 226 chunks to load, 28 chunks to generate
[21:51:20] 156 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate
[21:51:22] 77 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate
[21:51:24] 0 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate
[21:51:26] 0 chunks to load, 0 chunks to generate
[21:51:30] Lighting spawn area in world "skyblock"...
[21:51:30] 400 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:32] 385 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:34] 368 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:36] 352 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:38] 337 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:40] 321 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:42] 305 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:44] 289 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:46] 260 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:48] 231 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:50] 202 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:52] 172 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:54] 143 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:56] 117 chunks remaining to light
[21:51:58] 88 chunks remaining to light
[21:52:00] 64 chunks remaining to light
[21:52:02] 32 chunks remaining to light
[21:52:05] 15 chunks remaining to light
[21:52:06] Startup complete, took 50384 ms!
[21:53:31] Player ThuGhacK has joined the game.
[21:53:40] Chunk generator performance: 23.30 ch/s (48 ch total)
[21:53:42] Chunk generator performance: 21.90 ch/s (90 ch total)
[21:53:50] x 96 y 151 z 4
[21:54:20] Player wiiguy has joined the game.
[21:54:45] [wiiguy]: what we doing here ?
[21:55:09] [ThuGhacK]: no clue seems to work.
[21:55:17] [ThuGhacK]: did you fall thru ground ?
[21:55:24] [wiiguy]: at first yeah
[21:55:29] [wiiguy]: then i flew up
[21:55:30] [ThuGhacK]: odd..
[21:55:35] [ThuGhacK]: next to platform ?
[21:55:41] [wiiguy]: think so
[21:55:43] [ThuGhacK]: lol
[21:55:57] [wiiguy]: way under it !!!
[21:56:16] Saving all chunks...
[21:56:18] [ThuGhacK]: lol
[21:56:31] Player wiiguy tried to execute forbidden command: "/setspawn"
[21:56:36] [ThuGhacK]: yeah @ 0
[21:56:42] [wiiguy]: do setspawn here ?
[21:56:45] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[21:57:08] [ThuGhacK]: sure if that works.
[21:57:26] [ThuGhacK]: then thats solved
[21:57:33] [ThuGhacK]: fixed the being gamemode 1 as well.
[21:57:34] [wiiguy]: yep :p
[21:57:55] [wiiguy]: i kill you
[21:58:03] [ThuGhacK]: wtf you where facing other direction.
[21:58:06] [ThuGhacK]: you aint even facing me.
[21:58:19] [ThuGhacK]: err i was on my island for a bit..
[21:58:23] [wiiguy]: you died ?
[21:58:28] [ThuGhacK]: yeah
[21:58:34] [wiiguy]: you aint facing me
[21:58:39] [ThuGhacK]: i know..
[21:58:53] [wiiguy]: got no island
[21:59:02] x 0 y 151 z 100
[21:59:13] Chunk generator performance: 17.51 ch/s (31 ch total)
[21:59:16] [wiiguy]: kill me now
[21:59:17] Chunk generator performance: 20.11 ch/s (35 ch total)
[22:00:03] [wiiguy]: im on my island
[22:00:06] [ThuGhacK]: lol
[22:00:15] [wiiguy]: again kill me
[22:00:16] [ThuGhacK]: k attack me
[22:00:24] [wiiguy]: got some stuff out fo my chest
[22:00:33] [ThuGhacK]: you are facing me this time
[22:00:44] [wiiguy]: perhaps because i walked
[22:00:54] [wiiguy]: where ar ya ?
[22:01:02] [ThuGhacK]: next to you.
[22:01:16] Saving all chunks...
[22:01:17] [ThuGhacK]: wtf
[22:01:19] [wiiguy]: my bones !!!
[22:01:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:01:24] [wiiguy]: nm got them ...
[22:01:49] [wiiguy]: where are ya !!!!
[22:01:53] [wiiguy]: relog
[22:01:54] [ThuGhacK]: see me now ?
[22:01:57] [wiiguy]: yeah
[22:02:00] Player ThuGhacK has joined the game.
[22:02:01] Player ThuGhacK has left the game.
[22:02:07] [wiiguy]: yeah
[22:02:11] [ThuGhacK]: lol i see my logout msg.
[22:02:32] [wiiguy]: yeah you joined before ya left
[22:02:56] [ThuGhacK]: made a mcserver issue
[22:03:13] [wiiguy]: wow ...
[22:03:15] [ThuGhacK]: ?
[22:03:25] [wiiguy]: fall down and do /spawn
[22:03:27] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua:37: attempt to index local 'pi' (a nil value)
[22:03:27] Stack trace:
[22:03:27] Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua(37): (no name)
[22:03:27] Stack trace end
[22:03:27] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[22:03:37] [wiiguy]: hmmm i fell trough 2 time
[22:03:42] [ThuGhacK]: i fell down again..
[22:03:51] [wiiguy]: hmm not anymore
[22:03:53] [wiiguy]: weird
[22:03:58] [ThuGhacK]: indeed
[22:04:54] [ThuGhacK]: meh enough right ?
[22:04:58] [ThuGhacK]: reported enough stuff
[22:06:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:06:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:06:32] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua:37: attempt to index local 'pi' (a nil value)
[22:06:32] Stack trace:
[22:06:32] Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua(37): (no name)
[22:06:32] Stack trace end
[22:06:32] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[22:06:39] [ThuGhacK]: lol i fell again..
[22:06:42] [ThuGhacK]: i died and fell..
[22:06:47] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua:37: attempt to index local 'pi' (a nil value)
[22:06:47] Stack trace:
[22:06:47] Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua(37): (no name)
[22:06:47] Stack trace end
[22:06:47] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[22:06:55] [wiiguy]: set spawn 1 block higher ?
[22:06:55] [ThuGhacK]: i kept deing..
[22:06:58] [ThuGhacK]: sure
[22:07:12] [wiiguy]: i cant do it
[22:07:17] [ThuGhacK]: oh why not ?
[22:07:25] [wiiguy]: not admin ...
[22:07:59] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua:37: attempt to index local 'pi' (a nil value)
[22:07:59] Stack trace:
[22:07:59] Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua(37): (no name)
[22:07:59] Stack trace end
[22:07:59] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[22:08:03] Player wiiguy issued an unknown command: "/span"
[22:08:13] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua:37: attempt to index local 'pi' (a nil value)
[22:08:13] Stack trace:
[22:08:13] Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua(37): (no name)
[22:08:13] Stack trace end
[22:08:13] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[22:08:25] [wiiguy]: so we done ?
[22:08:27] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua:37: attempt to index local 'pi' (a nil value)
[22:08:27] Stack trace:
[22:08:27] Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua(37): (no name)
[22:08:27] Stack trace end
[22:08:27] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[22:08:36] [ThuGhacK]: still below it lol
[22:08:37] [ThuGhacK]: yeah..
[22:08:42] [ThuGhacK]: cya :p
[22:08:44] [wiiguy]: wierd
[22:08:50] Player wiiguy has left the game.
[22:09:15] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua:20: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[22:09:15] Stack trace:
[22:09:15] Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua(20): (no name)
[22:09:15] Stack trace end
[22:09:15] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[22:09:15] Player ThuGhacK has left the game.
[22:11:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:11:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:16:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:16:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:21:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:21:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:26:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:26:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:31:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:31:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:36:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:36:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:41:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:41:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:46:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:46:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:51:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:51:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[22:56:17] Saving all chunks...
[22:56:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:01:17] Saving all chunks...
[23:01:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:06:17] Saving all chunks...
[23:06:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:11:17] Saving all chunks...
[23:11:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:16:17] Saving all chunks...
[23:16:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:21:17] Saving all chunks...
[23:21:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:26:17] Saving all chunks...
[23:26:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:31:17] Saving all chunks...
[23:31:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:36:17] Saving all chunks...
[23:36:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:41:17] Saving all chunks...
[23:41:17] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:46:18] Saving all chunks...
[23:46:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:51:18] Saving all chunks...
[23:51:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[23:56:18] Saving all chunks...
[23:56:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:01:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:01:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:06:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:06:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:11:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:11:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:16:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:16:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:21:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:21:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:26:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:26:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:31:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:31:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:33:37] Player LO1ZB has joined the game.
[00:34:23] x -192 y 151 z 4
[00:34:29] Chunk generator performance: 28.70 ch/s (31 ch total)
[00:34:58] Chunk generator performance: 28.00 ch/s (49 ch total)
[00:35:01] x -192 y 151 z 4
[00:35:22] Chunk generator performance: 48.04 ch/s (49 ch total)
[00:35:26] x -192 y 151 z 4
[00:36:16] Player LO1ZB has left the game.
[00:36:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:36:35] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:41:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:41:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:46:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:46:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:51:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:51:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[00:56:18] Saving all chunks...
[00:56:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:01:18] Saving all chunks...
[01:01:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:06:18] Saving all chunks...
[01:06:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:11:18] Saving all chunks...
[01:11:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:16:18] Saving all chunks...
[01:16:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:21:18] Saving all chunks...
[01:21:18] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:26:19] Saving all chunks...
[01:26:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:31:19] Saving all chunks...
[01:31:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:36:19] Saving all chunks...
[01:36:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:41:19] Saving all chunks...
[01:41:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:46:19] Saving all chunks...
[01:46:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:51:19] Saving all chunks...
[01:51:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[01:56:19] Saving all chunks...
[01:56:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:01:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:01:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:06:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:06:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:11:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:11:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:16:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:16:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:21:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:21:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:26:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:26:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:31:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:31:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:36:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:36:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:41:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:41:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:46:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:46:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:51:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:51:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[02:56:19] Saving all chunks...
[02:56:19] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:01:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:01:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:06:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:06:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:11:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:11:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:16:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:16:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:21:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:21:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:26:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:26:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:31:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:31:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:36:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:36:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:41:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:41:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:46:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:46:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:51:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:51:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[03:56:20] Saving all chunks...
[03:56:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:01:20] Saving all chunks...
[04:01:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:06:20] Saving all chunks...
[04:06:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:11:20] Saving all chunks...
[04:11:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:16:20] Saving all chunks...
[04:16:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:21:20] Saving all chunks...
[04:21:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:26:20] Saving all chunks...
[04:26:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:31:20] Saving all chunks...
[04:31:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:36:20] Saving all chunks...
[04:36:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:41:20] Saving all chunks...
[04:41:20] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:46:21] Saving all chunks...
[04:46:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:46:34] Player Seadragon91 has joined the game.
[04:47:00] Player Seadragon91 issued an unknown command: "/skyblock ply"
[04:47:03] x -96 y 151 z -92
[04:47:12] Chunk generator performance: 21.89 ch/s (44 ch total)
[04:47:15] x -96 y 151 z -92
[04:47:28] Chunk generator performance: 24.11 ch/s (27 ch total)
[04:48:10] Player Seadragon91 tried to execute forbidden command: "/kill"
[04:48:57] Player Seadragon91 has left the game.
[04:49:24] Player Seadragon91 has joined the game.
[04:49:39] Player Seadragon91 tried to execute forbidden command: "/weather"
[04:49:46] Chunk generator performance: 18.81 ch/s (38 ch total)
[04:49:49] x -96 y 151 z -92
[04:50:38] Chunk generator performance: 24.87 ch/s (49 ch total)
[04:50:41] x -96 y 151 z -92
[04:51:21] Saving all chunks...
[04:51:25] Player Seadragon91 has left the game.
[04:51:30] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[04:56:21] Saving all chunks...
[04:56:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:01:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:01:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:04:42] Error 110 while writing to client "", disconnecting. "110: Connection timed out"
[05:06:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:06:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:11:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:11:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:16:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:16:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:21:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:21:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:26:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:26:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:31:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:31:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:36:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:36:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:41:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:41:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:46:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:46:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:51:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:51:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[05:56:21] Saving all chunks...
[05:56:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:01:21] Saving all chunks...
[06:01:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:06:21] Saving all chunks...
[06:06:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:11:21] Saving all chunks...
[06:11:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:16:21] Saving all chunks...
[06:16:21] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:21:22] Saving all chunks...
[06:21:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:26:22] Saving all chunks...
[06:26:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:31:22] Saving all chunks...
[06:31:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:36:22] Saving all chunks...
[06:36:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:41:22] Saving all chunks...
[06:41:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:46:22] Saving all chunks...
[06:46:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:51:22] Saving all chunks...
[06:51:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[06:56:22] Saving all chunks...
[06:56:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:01:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:01:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:06:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:06:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:11:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:11:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:16:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:16:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:21:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:21:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:26:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:26:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:31:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:31:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:36:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:36:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:41:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:41:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:46:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:46:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:51:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:51:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[07:56:22] Saving all chunks...
[07:56:22] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:01:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:01:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:06:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:06:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:11:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:11:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:16:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:16:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:21:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:21:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:26:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:26:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:31:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:31:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:36:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:36:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:41:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:41:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:46:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:46:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:51:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:51:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[08:56:23] Saving all chunks...
[08:56:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:01:23] Saving all chunks...
[09:01:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:06:23] Saving all chunks...
[09:06:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:11:23] Saving all chunks...
[09:11:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:16:23] Saving all chunks...
[09:16:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:21:23] Saving all chunks...
[09:21:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:26:23] Saving all chunks...
[09:26:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:31:23] Saving all chunks...
[09:31:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:36:23] Saving all chunks...
[09:36:23] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:41:24] Saving all chunks...
[09:41:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:46:24] Saving all chunks...
[09:46:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:51:24] Saving all chunks...
[09:51:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[09:56:24] Saving all chunks...
[09:56:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:01:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:01:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:06:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:06:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:11:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:11:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:16:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:16:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:21:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:21:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:26:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:26:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:31:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:31:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:36:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:36:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:41:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:41:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:46:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:46:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:51:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:51:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[10:56:24] Saving all chunks...
[10:56:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:01:24] Saving all chunks...
[11:01:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:06:24] Saving all chunks...
[11:06:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:11:24] Saving all chunks...
[11:11:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:16:24] Saving all chunks...
[11:16:24] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:21:25] Saving all chunks...
[11:21:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:26:25] Saving all chunks...
[11:26:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:31:25] Saving all chunks...
[11:31:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:36:25] Saving all chunks...
[11:36:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:41:25] Saving all chunks...
[11:41:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:46:25] Saving all chunks...
[11:46:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:51:25] Saving all chunks...
[11:51:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[11:56:25] Saving all chunks...
[11:56:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:01:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:01:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:06:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:06:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:11:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:11:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:16:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:16:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:21:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:21:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:26:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:26:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:31:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:31:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:36:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:36:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:41:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:41:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:46:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:46:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:51:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:51:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:56:25] Saving all chunks...
[12:56:25] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[12:59:01] Player Seadragon91 has joined the game.
[12:59:02] Player Seadragon91 has joined the game.
[12:59:05] Error 32 while writing to client "", disconnecting. "32: Broken pipe"
[12:59:06] Player Seadragon91 has left the game.
[12:59:26] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/cmd_SkyBlock.lua:67: attempt to index global 'pi' (a nil value)
[12:59:26] Stack trace:
[12:59:26] Plugins/SkyBlock/cmd_SkyBlock.lua(67): (no name)
[12:59:26] Stack trace end
[12:59:26] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[12:59:26] Player Seadragon91 issued an unknown command: "/skyblock restart"
[12:59:36] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/cmd_SkyBlock.lua:67: attempt to index global 'pi' (a nil value)
[12:59:36] Stack trace:
[12:59:36] Plugins/SkyBlock/cmd_SkyBlock.lua(67): (no name)
[12:59:36] Stack trace end
[12:59:36] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[12:59:36] Player Seadragon91 issued an unknown command: "/skyblock restart"
[12:59:47] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/cmd_SkyBlock.lua:67: attempt to index global 'pi' (a nil value)
[12:59:47] Stack trace:
[12:59:47] Plugins/SkyBlock/cmd_SkyBlock.lua(67): (no name)
[12:59:47] Stack trace end
[12:59:47] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[12:59:47] Player Seadragon91 issued an unknown command: "/skyblock restart"
[12:59:50] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/cmd_SkyBlock.lua:35: attempt to index global 'pi' (a nil value)
[12:59:50] Stack trace:
[12:59:50] Plugins/SkyBlock/cmd_SkyBlock.lua(35): (no name)
[12:59:50] Stack trace end
[12:59:50] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[12:59:50] Player Seadragon91 issued an unknown command: "/skyblock play"
[13:00:05] LUA: Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua:20: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[13:00:05] Stack trace:
[13:00:05] Plugins/SkyBlock/Events.lua(20): (no name)
[13:00:05] Stack trace end
[13:00:05] Error in plugin SkyBlock calling function <callback>()
[13:00:05] Player Seadragon91 has left the game.
[13:01:25] Saving all chunks...
[13:01:26] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[13:06:26] Saving all chunks...
[13:06:26] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[13:11:26] Saving all chunks...
[13:11:26] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[13:16:26] Saving all chunks...
[13:16:26] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[13:21:26] Saving all chunks...
[13:21:26] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[13:26:26] Saving all chunks...
[13:26:26] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[13:31:26] Saving all chunks...
[13:31:26] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[13:31:28] Shutting down server...
[13:31:29] Saving all chunks...
[13:31:29] Saved all chunks in world skyblock
[13:31:29] Waiting for the world storage to finish saving
[13:31:29] World storage thread finished
[13:31:29] Waiting for the world storage to finish saving
[13:31:29] World storage thread finished
[13:31:29] Disabled Core!
[13:31:29] SkyBlock is shutting down...
[13:31:29] Disabled TransAPI!
[13:31:29] Cleaning up...
[13:31:29] Shutdown successful!
[13:31:29] --- Stopped Log ---
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