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kristopolous / hn_seach.js
Last active July 24, 2023 04:12
hn job query search
// Usage:
// Copy and paste all of this into a debug console window of the "Who is Hiring?" comment thread
// then use as follows:
// query(term | [term, term, ...], term | [term, term, ...], ...)
// When arguments are in an array then that means an "or" and when they are seperate that means "and"
// Term is of the format:
// ((-)text/RegExp) ( '-' means negation )

How To - Upload and add Images to markdown files in Gist

Markdown files allow embedding images in it. However it requires the image to be hosted at some location and we can add the url of the image to embed it.

Example: ![Alternate image text](https://someurl/imagelocation/image.png)

We can use services like imgur or other services to host the images and use the hosted URL.