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chris mckenzie kristopolous

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ssh() {
local _ssh="/usr/bin/ssh"
local n=""
[[ "$*" =~ \/ ]] || { $_ssh $*; return }
echo "$*" | tr "/" " " | rev | while read -d' ' i; do
i=$(echo "$i" | rev)
[[ -n "$n" ]] && n="\"$n"\"
n="$_ssh $i $n"
i=$(echo "$i" | rev)
kristopolous /
Created June 7, 2023 18:15
The ROI if you decided to withhold your rent during COVID and invest it instead in LA county
import math
import numpy as np
for roi in np.arange(1.01, 1.07, 0.01):
monthly = math.log(roi)/12
rent = 1000
ttl = 0
# "From March 2020 - Sept 2021 is due by Aug 2023"
kristopolous /
Last active May 4, 2023 06:37
Well well, I've never actually run this ...
# nmap -sn subnet > scan
cat > try.awk << ENDL
switch(NR % 3) {
case 0:
kristopolous / 7segscroll.ino
Created December 14, 2022 18:35
7segment scroll
#include <TM1637.h>
// This is just some mish-mash of a bunch of things but it's posted for the video over here:
// How you set the date:
// exec 3<> /dev/ttyUSB0
// printf "$(date "+obase=16;4096+(%H*60+%M)" | bc | sed -E s'/(..)/\\x\1/g')" > /dev/ttyUSB0
// exec 3<&-
kristopolous /
Created November 13, 2022 10:33
A simple Emporia command line interface
import pyemvue as pyem, json, sys
with open('keys.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
v = pyem.PyEmVue()
kristopolous /
Last active November 3, 2022 02:59
top-10 URIs in the apache log in pure bash
# This is a very crazy 1-liner that only uses builtins
#set -o noglob;declare -a mapper=() count=();exec 3<access.log; while read -a lines -u 3; do [[ ${lines[5]} != '"GET' ]] && continue; page="${lines[6]}"; ix=0;for i in "${mapper[@]}"; do [[ "$page" = "$i" ]] && break; (( ix++ )); done ; if [[ "$page" = "$i" ]]; then (( count[$ix] ++ )); else mapper+=( $page ); count[$ix]=1; fi; done; (( max=-1, winner=-1, show=10 )); while (( show > 0 )); do ix=0;for i in "${count[@]}"; do (( i > max )) && (( max=i, winner=ix )) ;(( ix++ ));done; builtin echo -e "${count[winner]}\t${mapper[$winner]}";(( count[$winner]=-1, max=0, show-- )); done;
# Here's a formatted nice version
# We need to make sure that bash doesn't do weird substitution
set -o noglob
declare -a mapper=() count=()
# And to avoid cat we do file descriptors
exec 3<access.log
kristopolous /
Last active October 31, 2022 05:05
Animal-say fortune, like cowsay but more animals and faster
cat << ENDL
- - - ~ ~~~~==~#=###=#~==~~~~~ ~ - - -
$(fortune | sed -E 's/^\s+//g' | fold -sbw 40 | sed -E 's/^/ /')
- - - ~ ~~~~==~#=###=#~==~~~~~ ~ - - -
$(curl -s | shuf -n 1 | tr 'F' '\n' | gawk ' { if (FNR == 1) { printf " \\ ";} else if (FNR == 2) { printf " \\ "; } else { printf " " }; print $0 } ';)
kristopolous / simple-datepicker-react.js
Last active January 25, 2022 23:21
simple datepicker using Intl.DateTimeFormat
// this is more a guide than working code.
constructor(props) {
let minimum_age = 21;
this.endyear = (new Date().getYear() + 1900) - minimum_age;
this.state = {
dob_year: this.endyear,
dob_month: 0
kristopolous /
Created January 5, 2022 02:37
No solution word search
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Here's the prompt:
# Construct a "word search" N x M letter grid where:
# * There are NO possible words horizontal or vertical
# * The letters appear random with no trivial patterns
# * The frequency distribution of letters is close to English prose
# This is a naive implementation
kristopolous /
Last active September 20, 2021 07:22
transposition die roll example
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
def encode(plain):
plain = list(plain)
cypher = ''
while len(plain) > 0:
# Roll a die, add 3 to the result
step = random.randint(4,9)
# start at the beginning of the remaining string