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Last active December 23, 2021 19:53
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  • Save Tiagoperes/704d3c9512f4d3fd95eb331de400812b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Tiagoperes/704d3c9512f4d3fd95eb331de400812b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
loading, error, success example
"_beagleComponent_": "beagle:container",
"context": {
"id": "status",
"value": "loading"
"onInit": [
"_beagleAction_": "beagle:sendRequest",
"url": "",
"onSuccess": [
"_beagleAction_": "beagle:addChildren",
"componentId": "successContainer",
"mode": "REPLACE",
"value": "@{}"
"_beagleAction_": "beagle:setContext",
"contextId": "status",
"value": "success"
"onError": [
"_beagleAction_": "beagle:setContext",
"contextId": "status",
"value": "error"
"children": [
"_beagleComponent_": "beagle:container",
"id": "loadingContainer",
"style": {
"display": "@{condition(eq(status, 'loading'), 'FLEX', 'NONE')}"
"children": [
"_beagleComponent_": "beagle:text",
"_beagleComponent_": "beagle:container",
"style": {
"display": "@{condition(eq(status, 'success'), 'FLEX', 'NONE')}"
"id": "successContainer"
"_beagleComponent_": "beagle:container",
"id": "errorContainer",
"style": {
"display": "@{condition(eq(status, 'error'), 'FLEX', 'NONE')}"
"children": [
"_beagleComponent_": "beagle:text",
"text": "THIS IS AN ERROR"
"_beagleComponent_": "beagle:button",
"text": "Retry",
"onPress": [
"_beagleAction_": "beagle:setContext",
"contextId": "status",
"value": "loading"
"_beagleAction_": "beagle:sendRequest",
"url": "",
"onSuccess": [
"_beagleAction_": "beagle:addChildren",
"componentId": "successContainer",
"mode": "REPLACE",
"value": "@{}"
"_beagleAction_": "beagle:setContext",
"contextId": "status",
"value": "success"
"onError": [
"_beagleAction_": "beagle:setContext",
"contextId": "status",
"value": "error"
"_beagleComponent_": "beagle:container",
"children": [
"_beagleComponent_": "beagle:text",
"text": "This is a successful result!"
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