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Last active December 4, 2022 18:39
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  • Save Tiberriver256/c65f51c30a3798e712c173e7e51b0dfb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Tiberriver256/c65f51c30a3798e712c173e7e51b0dfb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Runs a git log in PowerShell and prints options as a PowerShell custom object
Runs a git log in PowerShell and prints options as a PowerShell custom object
PS> Get-GitLogStats -CommitHash -AuthorName -AuthorEmail -AdditionalArgs '--since="30 days ago"'
CommitHash AuthorName AuthorEmail
---------- ---------- -----------
5426c8744a7fa3a602122738415ab32c80f2c1ad Micah Rairdon
5427c8744a7fa3a602122738415ab32c80f2c1ad Micah Rairdon
5426c8745a7fa3a602122738415ab32c80f2c1ad Micah Rairdon
PS> Get-GitLogStats -AuthorName -AuthorEmail -AdditionalArgs '--since="30 days ago"' -IncludeModifiedLineStats
AuthorName : Micah Rairdon
AuthorEmail :
FilesChanged : 2
Insertions : 2
Deletions : 2
AuthorName : Micah Rairdon
AuthorEmail :
FilesChanged : 29
Insertions : 2500
Deletions : 288
function Get-GitLogStats {
$FormatString = ""
$Headers = @()
$Delimiter = [char]28
if ($CommitHash) {
$Headers += "CommitHash"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%H"
if ($AbbreviatedCommitHash) {
$Headers += "AbbreviatedCommitHash"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%h"
if ($TreeHash) {
$Headers += "TreeHash"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%T"
if ($AbbreviatedTreeHash) {
$Headers += "AbbreviatedTreeHash"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%t"
if ($ParentHashes) {
$Headers += "ParentHashes"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%P"
if ($AbbreviatedParentHashes) {
$Headers += "AbbreviatedParentHashes"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%p"
if ($AuthorName) {
$Headers += "AuthorName"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%an"
if ($AuthorNameRespectingMailmap) {
$Headers += "AuthorNameRespectingMailmap"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%aN"
if ($AuthorEmail) {
$Headers += "AuthorEmail"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%ae"
if ($AuthorEmailRespectingMailmap) {
$Headers += "AuthorEmailRespectingMailmap"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%aE"
if ($AuthorEmailLocalPart) {
$Headers += "AuthorEmailLocalPart"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%al"
if ($AuthorLocalPartRespectingMailmap) {
$Headers += "AuthorLocalPartRespectingMailmap"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%aL"
if ($AuthorDate) {
$Headers += "AuthorDate"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%ad"
if ($AuthorDateRFC2822Style) {
$Headers += "AuthorDateRFC2822Style"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%aD"
if ($AuthorDateRelative) {
$Headers += "AuthorDateRelative"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%ar"
if ($AuthorDateUNIXTimestamp) {
$Headers += "AuthorDateUNIXTimestamp"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%at"
if ($AuthorDateISO8601LikeFormat) {
$Headers += "AuthorDateISO8601LikeFormat"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%ai"
if ($AuthorDateStrictISO8601Format) {
$Headers += "AuthorDateStrictISO8601Format"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%aI"
if ($AuthorDateShortFormat) {
$Headers += "AuthorDateShortFormat"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%as"
if ($AuthorDateHumanStyle) {
$Headers += "AuthorDateHumanStyle"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%ah"
if ($CommitterName) {
$Headers += "CommitterName"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%cn"
if ($CommitterNameRespectingMailmap) {
$Headers += "CommitterNameRespectingMailmap"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%cN"
if ($CommitterEmail) {
$Headers += "CommitterEmail"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%ce"
if ($CommitterEmailRespectingMailmap) {
$Headers += "CommitterEmailRespectingMailmap"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%cE"
if ($CommitterEmailLocalPart) {
$Headers += "CommitterEmailLocalPart"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%cl"
if ($CommitterLocalPart) {
$Headers += "CommitterLocalPart"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%cL"
if ($CommitterDate) {
$Headers += "CommitterDate"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%cd"
if ($CommitterDateRFC2822Style) {
$Headers += "CommitterDateRFC2822Style"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%cD"
if ($CommitterDateRelative) {
$Headers += "CommitterDateRelative"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%cr"
if ($CommitterDateUNIXTimestamp) {
$Headers += "CommitterDateUNIXTimestamp"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%ct"
if ($CommitterDateISO8601LikeFormat) {
$Headers += "CommitterDateISO8601LikeFormat"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%ci"
if ($CommitterDateStrictISO8601Format) {
$Headers += "CommitterDateStrictISO8601Format"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%cI"
if ($CommitterDateShortFormat) {
$Headers += "CommitterDateShortFormat"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%cs"
if ($CommitterDateHumanStyle) {
$Headers += "CommitterDateHumanStyle"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%ch"
if ($RefNames) {
$Headers += "RefNames"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%d"
if ($RefNamesWithoutTheWrapping) {
$Headers += "RefNamesWithoutTheWrapping"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%D"
if ($RefNameGivenOnTheCommandLineByWhichTheCommitWasReached) {
$Headers += "RefNameGivenOnTheCommandLineByWhichTheCommitWasReached"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%S"
if ($Encoding) {
$Headers += "Encoding"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%e"
if ($Subject) {
$Headers += "Subject"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%s"
if ($SanitizedSubjectLine) {
$Headers += "SanitizedSubjectLine"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%f"
if ($Body) {
$Headers += "Body"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%b"
if ($RawBody) {
$Headers += "RawBody"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%B"
if ($CommitNotes) {
$Headers += "CommitNotes"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%N"
if ($RawVerificationMessageFromGPGForASignedCommit) {
$Headers += "RawVerificationMessageFromGPGForASignedCommit"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%GG"
if ($ShowSignatureValidity) {
$Headers += "ShowSignatureValidity"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%G?"
if ($ShowTheNameOfTheSignerForASignedCommit) {
$Headers += "ShowTheNameOfTheSignerForASignedCommit"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%GS"
if ($ShowTheKeyUsedToSignASignedCommit) {
$Headers += "ShowTheKeyUsedToSignASignedCommit"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%GK"
if ($ShowTheFingerprintOfTheKeyUsedToSignASignedCommit) {
$Headers += "ShowTheFingerprintOfTheKeyUsedToSignASignedCommit"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%GF"
if ($ShowTheFingerprintOfThePrimaryKeyWhoseSubkeyWasUsedToSignASignedCommit) {
$Headers += "ShowTheFingerprintOfThePrimaryKeyWhoseSubkeyWasUsedToSignASignedCommit"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%GP"
if ($ShowTheTrustLevelForTheKeyUsedToSignASignedCommit) {
$Headers += "ShowTheTrustLevelForTheKeyUsedToSignASignedCommit"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%GT"
if ($ReflogSelector) {
$Headers += "ReflogSelector"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%gD"
if ($ShortenedReflogSelector) {
$Headers += "ShortenedReflogSelector"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%gd"
if ($ReflogIdentityName) {
$Headers += "ReflogIdentityName"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%gn"
if ($ReflogIdentityNameRespectingMailmap) {
$Headers += "ReflogIdentityNameRespectingMailmap"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%gN"
if ($ReflogIdentityEmail) {
$Headers += "ReflogIdentityEmail"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%ge"
if ($ReflogIdentityEmailRespectingMailmap) {
$Headers += "ReflogIdentityEmailRespectingMailmap"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%gE"
if ($ReflogSubject) {
$Headers += "ReflogSubject"
$FormatString += "$Delimiter%gs"
$FormatString = $FormatString.TrimStart("$Delimiter")
$GitArgs = "log --pretty=format:$FormatString"
if ($AdditionalArgs.Length -gt 0) {
$GitArgs += " "
$GitArgs += $AdditionalArgs
if ($IncludeModifiedLineStats) {
$GitArgs += " "
$GitArgs += "--shortstat --no-merges"
$splitString = [regex]::Split( $GitArgs, ' (?=(?:[^"]|"[^"]*")*$)' )
Write-Debug "Executing git with args: [$splitString]"
$Results = (git ($splitString)) -join "`r`n"
if ($IncludeModifiedLineStats) {
foreach ($Entry in $Results -split "`r`n`r`n") {
Write-Debug $Entry
$CsvStats = ($Entry -split "`r`n")[0]
$ShortStat = ($Entry -split "`r`n")[1]
$StatObject = $CsvStats | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "$Delimiter" -Header $Headers
if ($ShortStat -match "(\d+) files? changed, (\d+) insertions?\(\+\), (\d+) deletions?\(-\)") {
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FilesChanged" -Value $Matches[1]
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Insertions" -Value $Matches[2]
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Deletions" -Value $Matches[3]
elseif ($ShortStat -match "(\d+) files? changed, (\d+) insertions?\(\+\)") {
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FilesChanged" -Value $Matches[1]
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Insertions" -Value $Matches[2]
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Deletions" -Value 0
elseif ($ShortStat -match "(\d+) files? changed, (\d+) deletions?\(\-\)") {
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FilesChanged" -Value $Matches[1]
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Insertions" -Value 0
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Deletions" -Value $Matches[2]
else {
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FilesChanged" -Value 0
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Insertions" -Value 0
$StatObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Deletions" -Value 0
else {
$Results | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "$Delimiter" -Header $Headers
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