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Created September 24, 2023 00:58
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Mails found on Polyhistors laptop:
Teddy_Bela -> Polyhistor
Spectroscopic analysis
Just reviewed the spectroscopic data you sent. Some anomalies, yeah, but nothin to tickle your testes over. Not yet anyway. Might just be poorly calibrated equipment (Kabuki techwizards strike again).
In any case, gonna rerun the analysis on a different set of parameters. The bacteriophage theory is a pretty damn sexy one, gotta say, but don't wanna warp the facts just to fit what we think we're lookin for.
I'll send ya a crosstab with the results. Take a look when ya get the chance. Maybe you can squeeze more juice outta this than I can.
Celestial69 -> Polyhistor
these fuckin monks, man…
Wondering what our monk chooms are up to? Zilch. That is to say, the same shit as usual. Pace back and forth back and forth under that statue, meditate, mumble something, meditate some more, in general go about their monk business. We ain't gonna learn jack this way. I'm about to start pushin em for answers, literally if need be. You know... who are you? Who am I? Why are we all here? What the fuck is all this about?
But I will say, I've found a silver lining in this massive waste of time. Unlike those monks, we're free to get as shitfaced as we please. So whaddaya say? Wanna hit the city? I need to let off some steam and it'd do you good to get outta that dusty-ass shack. We're in this together, aren't we? Maybe a beer or five is all we need for a breakthrough, to start askin ourselves the right questions. For instance: what the FUCK is the difference between magenta and fuchsia anyway?
TyRo/\/\aNtA -> Polyhistor
it's really happening
I have it, Polyhistor. I'm not wrong this time. I just need more time to understand.
First things first... You probably think I've finally lost my mind. Maybe. In truth, I began to doubt whether the answer we were looking could ever be found. What if we sought meaning where none existed? But I know now that we were RIGHT. To find the correct path forward, I had to first leave the wrong one I was already following. That's when I found IT.
I'll be honest, I slipped into a dar pit of apathy and despair. I left the net to seek solace in a world of fleeting, physical pleasures. I needed to feel something... anything. As I wandered Night City, I found an old arcade. Vintage games. I had forgotten such places existed, even though, in a previous life, they used to be my home away from home. That's where saw it - A SIGN. FF06B5 -- a pixel hidden in code, over 60 years old.
Do you understand what this means? The path we must follow goes much farther and much, much deeper than we could've imagined. From this point on, none of us are safe. They know the secret is out.
This will be my last message. I'm leaving, taking nothing with me but my laptop. You have to discover for yourself what I have. I told you once about a game that changed my life. Think back and remember it. Because that same game has changed my life a second time.
And now it will change yours.
Files found on Polyhistors laptop:
A new beginning
I almost laugh when I think of all the time wasted on those sad, conjured-up theories of mine. I felt genuine relief when I purged my previous notes; the gibberish of a self-proclaimed genius turned fool. Embarrassing.
It was TyRo/\/\antA who lifted the veil of secrecy; the first of us with such a breakthrough! I couldn't believe it until I saw it myself - a long-forgotten, archaic game, and within it... not an answer, but a clue. The keyhole we must find is in a door that we took for a wall.
For the time being, I've cut off all network connections to the mainframe and programmed it to accept eight datapoints.
It's time to break the news to my brothers and sisters in Night City. Face to face; I owe them that.
Besides, TyRo/\/\aNtA was right - our email correspondence put us all at too much risk.
Procedure initiated…
Loading new set of variables... DONE (45s)
Unpacking and linking neural networks… DONE (15s)
Implementing stage 1... DONE (5 sec)
Implementing stage 2... DONE (1305s)
Generating... DONE (232s)
Sequence Complete
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