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Created September 24, 2023 07:22
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Personal Log #1
I finally made it, but apparently I wasn't the first.
There's another here -- found at the epicenter, partially covered in sand, unconscious but alive... An unlucky passerby? The trespasser who accessed my mainframe?
I've tried stims, electroshocks, even a slap to face (sorry, stranger) but nothing will wake her. There's nothing more I can do except make sure she at least won't choke on her own vomit.
I need to finish setting up my equipment and examining the surrounding area. The path leads here. It's time to discover why.
Personal Log #2
Initial environmental scans:
- no abnormal electromagnetic phenomena
- normal background radiation (0.119 µSv/h)
Whatever makes this place special, I can't identify it.
In any case, if I'm right, the window should open in less than a minute now.
And this mystery woman... she still hasn't regained consciousness. A coma? Odd, odd, odd... So very odd...
Personal Log #3
Something happened. I don't know how to put it into words. I saw… a vision? A hallucination? One moment, walking in circles, barefoot in the sand. The next, suddenly indoors... a room, wholly unfamiliar.
But there was someone else. Sitting and watching a TV (or monitor?)
I couldn't see their face, but I could make out the image on their screen. It was me. They were watching me. Or rather... watching THROUGH me? It doesn't make any sense.
Whoever this "watcher" is, they were supremely focused as they watched. No... not watched, so much as observed... seemingly unaware I was in the room with them.
As I write this, I'm back in the desert. I don't remember how or when I awoke. I don't know how long this "dream" lasted (for lack of a better word).
I'm going back. I have to. But I need to prepare.
Personal Log #4
It was clearer this time. The watcher sat exactly where they had before, but this time I could make out some sounds.
I could discern more detail but it required immense focus, effort... this punishing pressure?. As if someone (or something?) didn't want me to see, as if I was a persona non grata in this place - but present all the same.
I studied the watcher in an attempt to learn more their intent, their purpose. The monitor appeared to be connected to a kind of compact computer... an entertainment console? I've seen nothing like it, yet somehow I feel certain.
This time was different than before - I didn't see myself on that screen. The image showed Night City, seen from the above, like drone footage.
The watcher is spying not only on me, but all of us... why? why why why...
It's time to make contact; to let the watcher know that they, too, are being watched.
Personal Log #5
An empty room. the watcher was gone.
I wanted to leave, to see more, but the farther i got from the screen, the more I was drawn back to it.
I sat, taking the watcher's place, focused on the image, blurry, indistinct, but gradually sharpened... that familiar outline
the watcher! sitting in their usual spot but now on my screen... looking at them, through them...
annd they watched me
watching them
watching me
watching them
then a presence in the room. I turnde around - no one
When I turned back , THEIR EYES - no longer staring at an image of me on the screen but at ME, THE REAL ME
I'm afraid
but i must return
Personal Log #6
I understand now.
but it's too late…
Something ends.
Will end?
Has ended.
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