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Created February 16, 2021 23:49
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My Minecraft Overviwer config
# Commands to generate:
# /usr/bin/ --config /mnt/hermitcraft-map/
# /usr/bin/ --config /mnt/hermitcraft-map/ --genpoi
import requests
def signFilter(poi):
if (poi['id'] == 'Sign' or poi['id'] == 'minecraft:sign'):
text = "\n".join([poi[f'Text{i}'] for i in range(1, 5)])
if len(text) > 5:
return text
# __import__('pprint').pprint(poi)
# print("Non sign poi found: ", poi)
player_names = {}
def playerIcons(poi):
global player_names
if poi['id'] == 'Player':
poi['icon'] = f"{poi['uuid']}?overlay=true&scale=3&size=30" #
if poi['uuid'] in player_names:
name = player_names[poi['uuid']]
while True: # Dirty try until success
print(f"Getting name of {poi['uuid']}")
name = __import__('requests').get(f"{poi['uuid']}", timeout=10).json()['data']['player']['username'] #
except Exception:
player_names[poi['uuid']] = name
return f"{name} ({poi['uuid']})"
worlds['Hermitcraft 6'] = '/mnt/hermitcraft-map/source/hermitcraft6/'
worlds['Hermitcraft 5'] = '/mnt/hermitcraft-map/source/hermitcraft5/'
outputdir = '/mnt/hermitcraft-map/gen'
processes = 10
# minzoom = 0
# maxzoom = ?
default_render = {
'texturepath': '/mnt/hermitcraft-map/minecraft/1.16.4.jar',
#'crop': (-100, -100, 100, 100),
'markers': [dict(name="Signs", filterFunction=signFilter, checked=False),
dict(name="Players", filterFunction=playerIcons, checked=False)]
end_smooth_lighting = [Base(), EdgeLines(), SmoothLighting(strength=0.5)]
rendermodes = {
'smooth_lighting': smooth_lighting,
'smooth_night': smooth_night,
'cave': cave,
'nether_smooth_lighting': nether_smooth_lighting,
'end_smooth_lighting': end_smooth_lighting
for world in worlds.keys():
for rendermode in ['smooth_lighting', 'smooth_night', 'cave', 'nether_smooth_lighting', 'end_smooth_lighting']:
for dimension in {'smooth_lighting': ['overworld'], 'smooth_night': ['overworld'], 'cave': ['overworld'], 'nether_smooth_lighting': ['nether'], 'end_smooth_lighting': ['end']}[rendermode]:
for northdirection in ['upper-left', 'upper-right', 'lower-left', 'lower-right']:
title = f'{dimension} - {rendermode} - {northdirection}'
renders[f'{world.lower()} - {title}'] = {
'world': world,
'dimension': dimension,
'title': title,
'northdirection': northdirection,
'rendermode': rendermodes[rendermode]
# __import__('pprint').pprint(renders)
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