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Created July 7, 2017 08:27
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Save TiliSleepStealer/c516016698677ccc37d21297646f1c97 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
single header entity component system
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
// We will implement groups by giving a group bitset to every entity,
// and storing entity pointers in the entity manager.
struct Component;
class Entity;
class Manager;
using ComponentID = std::size_t;
// Let's create a typedef for our group type...
using Group = std::size_t;
namespace Internal {
inline ComponentID getUniqueComponentID()
static ComponentID lastID{0u};
return lastID++;
template<typename T> inline ComponentID getComponentTypeID()
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Component, T>::value,
"T must inherit from Component");
static ComponentID typeID{Internal::getUniqueComponentID()};
return typeID;
constexpr std::size_t maxComponents{32};
using ComponentBitset = std::bitset<maxComponents>;
using ComponentArray = std::array<Component*, maxComponents>;
// ...and one for the bitset.
constexpr std::size_t maxGroups{32};
using GroupBitset = std::bitset<maxGroups>;
struct Component {
Entity* entity;
virtual void init() {}
virtual void update(float deltaTime) {}
virtual void draw() {}
virtual ~Component() {}
class Entity {
// The entity will need a reference to its manager now.
Manager& manager;
bool alive{true};
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Component>> components;
ComponentArray componentArray;
ComponentBitset componentBitset;
// Let's add a bitset to our entities.
GroupBitset groupBitset;
Entity(Manager& mManager) : manager(mManager) {}
void update(float deltaTime) { for(auto& c : components) c->update(deltaTime); }
void draw() { for(auto& c : components) c->draw(); }
bool isAlive() const { return alive; }
void destroy() { alive = false; }
template<typename T> bool hasComponent() const {
return componentBitset[getComponentTypeID<T>()];
// Groups will be handled at runtime, not compile-time:
// therefore we will pass groups as a function argument.
bool hasGroup(Group mGroup) const
return groupBitset[mGroup];
// To add/remove group we define some methods that alter
// the bitset and tell the manager what we're doing,
// so that the manager can internally store this entity
// in its grouped containers.
// We'll need to define this method after the definition
// of `Manager`, as we're gonna call `Manager::addtoGroup`
// here.
void addGroup(Group mGroup);
void delGroup(Group mGroup)
groupBitset[mGroup] = false;
// We won't notify the manager that a group has been
// removed here, as it will automatically remove
// entities from the "wrong" group containers during
// refresh.
template<typename T, typename... TArgs>
T& addComponent(TArgs&&... mArgs) {
T* c(new T(std::forward<TArgs>(mArgs)...));
c->entity = this;
std::unique_ptr<Component> uPtr{c};
componentArray[getComponentTypeID<T>()] = c;
componentBitset[getComponentTypeID<T>()] = true;
return *c;
template<typename T> T& getComponent() const {
auto ptr(componentArray[getComponentTypeID<T>()]);
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(ptr);
struct Manager {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Entity>> entities;
// We store entities in groups by creating "group buckets" in an
// array. `std::vector<Entity*>` could be also replaced for
// `std::set<Entity*>`.
std::array<std::vector<Entity*>, maxGroups> groupedEntities;
void update(float deltaTime) { for(auto& e : entities) e->update(deltaTime); }
void draw() { for(auto& e : entities) e->draw(); }
// When we add a group to an entity, we just add it to the
// correct "group bucket".
void addToGroup(Entity* mEntity, Group mGroup) {
// It would be wise to either assert that the bucket doesn't
// already contain `mEntity`, or use a set to prevent duplicates
// in exchange for less efficient insertion/iteration.
// To get entities that belong to a certain group, we can simply
// get one of the "buckets" from the array.
std::vector<Entity*>& getEntitiesByGroup(Group mGroup) {
return groupedEntities[mGroup];
void refresh() {
// During refresh, we need to remove dead entities and entities
// with incorrect groups from the buckets.
for(auto i(0u); i < maxGroups; ++i) {
auto& v(groupedEntities[i]);
std::remove_if(std::begin(v), std::end(v),
[i](Entity* mEntity) {
return !mEntity->isAlive() || !mEntity->hasGroup(i);
std::remove_if(std::begin(entities), std::end(entities),
[](const std::unique_ptr<Entity>& mEntity) {
return !mEntity->isAlive();
Entity& addEntity() {
Entity* e(new Entity(*this));
std::unique_ptr<Entity> uPtr{e};
return *e;
// Here's the definition of `Entity::addToGroup`:
void Entity::addGroup(Group mGroup)
groupBitset[mGroup] = true;
manager.addToGroup(this, mGroup);
struct CounterComponent : Component {
float counter;
void init() override {
std::cout << "CounterComponent added." << std::endl;
void update(float deltaTime) override {
counter += deltaTime;
//std::cout << counter << std::endl;
struct KillComponent : Component {
CounterComponent* cCounter{nullptr};
void init() override {
cCounter = &entity->getComponent<CounterComponent>();
std::cout << "KillComponent added." << std::endl;
void update(float deltaTime) override {
//if(cCounter->counter >= 100) entity->destroy();
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