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Last active June 2, 2021 06:38
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First contact with Go



  • since 2009
  • Open Source @Google
  • developed by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer
  • mainly influenced by C, C++, C# and Java


  • compiled, statically typed
  • syntax similar to C / C++ / Java
  • fast compilation and execution
  • compiles to standalone executables
  • no IL / Runtime
  • concurrency support in the language (keywords)
  • garbage collector

Built with Go

  • Hugo
  • docker
  • kubernetes
  • istio
  • prometheus

Already more than 40% of Open Source Software is written in Go, according to CNCF OpenSource Software.

Hello World


package main
import "fmt"

func main () {
  fmt.Println("Hello, world!")



  • VS Code with Go tools
  • Atom
  • GoLand (JetBrains - no Community Edition yet)
  • IntelliJ Idea

Comparison with Java

Unit Tests und Coverage in Go

  • tests are next to the code, files end with _test.go
  • there are no (built-in) asserts
  • test execution with $ go test .
  • coverage: $ go test -coverprofile=coverage.out . or go tool cover -html=coverage.out

Code Style

Go comes with its own formatter. It is best practice to follow its guidlines and run go fmt on changed files / folders, before committing.


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