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Created June 9, 2017 18:57
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Preprocessing library discord-hs-0.2.2...
[2 of 3] Compiling Network.Discord.Framework ( src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-nopie/Cabal- )
/home/jkoike/projects/Discord.hs/src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs:109:18: error:
• Could not deduce (DiscordM m0) arising from a use of ‘runGateway’
from the context: (DiscordM m, EventHandler f m)
bound by the type signature for:
runBot :: (DiscordM m, EventHandler f m) =>
Proxy (m f) -> URL -> IO ()
at src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs:108:3-73
The type variable ‘m0’ is ambiguous
• In the expression: runGateway url (DiscordApp $ mapEvent f)
In an equation for ‘runBot’:
runBot p url
= runGateway url (DiscordApp $ mapEvent f)
(appM, f) = split p
split :: Proxy (m f) -> (Proxy m, Proxy f)
split _ = (Proxy, Proxy)
/home/jkoike/projects/Discord.hs/src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs:109:47: error:
• Could not deduce (EventMap f m0) arising from a use of ‘mapEvent’
from the context: (DiscordM m, EventHandler f m)
bound by the type signature for:
runBot :: (DiscordM m, EventHandler f m) =>
Proxy (m f) -> URL -> IO ()
at src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs:108:3-73
or from: DiscordM m0
bound by a type expected by the context:
DiscordM m0 => Event -> m0 ()
at src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs:109:34-56
The type variable ‘m0’ is ambiguous
Relevant bindings include
f :: Proxy f (bound at src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs:111:14)
p :: Proxy (m f) (bound at src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs:109:10)
runBot :: Proxy (m f) -> URL -> IO ()
(bound at src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs:109:3)
These potential instances exist:
instance (DiscordRest m, EventMap f m, EventMap g m,
Domain f ~ Domain g, Codomain f ~ Codomain g) =>
EventMap (f :<>: g) m
-- Defined at src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs:96:12
instance (DiscordRest m, EventMap f m, EventMap g m,
Codomain f ~ Domain g) =>
EventMap (f :> g) m
-- Defined at src/Network/Discord/Framework.hs:84:12
• In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘mapEvent f’
In the second argument of ‘runGateway’, namely
‘(DiscordApp $ mapEvent f)’
In the expression: runGateway url (DiscordApp $ mapEvent f)
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