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Created May 22, 2014 13:10
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Shortest Successive Paths for solving Min-cost Max-flow
const int N = 1024;
bool vis[N];
double pot[N];
struct Edge {
int a, b;
double cost;
int backward, forward;
Edge(int a, int b, double cost, int cap) :a(a), b(b), cost(cost),
backward(cap), forward(0) {}
int other(int x) { return x == a ? b : a; }
double cost_from(int x) { return x == a ? forward*cost : -backward*cost; }
double red_cost_from(int x) {
return (x==a?cost:-cost) - pot[x] + pot[other(x)];
int flow_from(int x) { return x == a ? forward : backward; }
int cap_from(int x) { return x == a ? backward : forward; }
void add_flow(int x, int flow) {
if (x == a) {
forward += flow;
backward -= flow;
} else {
forward -= flow;
backward += flow;
struct Node {
int v, amt;
Edge *pred;
double d;
Node() {}
Node(int v, Edge* pred, int amt, double d) : v(v), pred(pred), amt(amt), d(d) {}
bool operator<(const Node& o) const {
return d > o.d;
typedef list<Edge*> EdgeList;
typedef vector<EdgeList> AdjList;
#define FOR_EDGE(adj,v,it) for (EdgeList::iterator it = adj[v].begin(); \
it != adj[v].end(); ++it)
AdjList adj;
vector<Edge> edges;
double dists[N];
int amt[N]; // flow amount
Edge *preds[N];
// reduce costs using bellman-ford
bool reduce_bf(int s, int t, int n) {
fill(dists, dists+n, -1);
memset(amt, 0, sizeof(amt));
memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
deque<int> q;
dists[s] = 0;
amt[s] = 1 << 29;
preds[s] = NULL;
while (q.size()) {
int curr = q.front();
vis[curr] = false;
FOR_EDGE(adj, curr, it) {
Edge *e = *it;
int o = e->other(curr);
if (e->cap_from(curr) == 0) continue;
if (dists[o] == -1 || dists[curr] + e->red_cost_from(curr) < dists[o]) {
dists[o] = dists[curr] + e->red_cost_from(curr);
amt[o] = min(amt[curr], e->cap_from(curr));
preds[o] = e;
if (!vis[o]) {
vis[o] = true;
if (amt[t] == 0) return false;
// now reduce costs. assumption: graph is connected
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
pot[i] = -dists[i];
return true;
void flow(int t) {
int curr = t;
for (Edge *e = preds[t]; e != NULL; ) {
int o = e->other(curr);
e->add_flow(o, amt[t]);
curr = o;
e = preds[curr];
// reduce costs using dijsktra's algorithm
bool reduce_dijkstra(int s, int t, int n) {
fill(dists, dists+n, -1);
memset(preds, 0, sizeof(preds));
memset(amt, 0, sizeof(amt));
priority_queue<Node> pq;
pq.push(Node(s, NULL, 1 << 29, 0));
while (pq.size()) {
Node curr =;
int v = curr.v;
double d = curr.d;
if (dists[v] != -1 && dists[v] < d) continue;
dists[v] = d;
preds[v] = curr.pred;
amt[v] = curr.amt;
if (v == t) break;
FOR_EDGE(adj, v, it) {
Edge *e = *it;
if (e->cap_from(v) == 0) continue;
int o = e->other(v);
if (dists[o] == -1 || dists[o] > d + e->red_cost_from(v)) {
pq.push(Node(o, e, min(amt[v], e->cap_from(v)),
d + e->red_cost_from(v)));
if (dists[t] != -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
pot[i] -= dists[i] >= 0 ? dists[i] : dists[t];
return true;
} else return false;
// shortest-sucessive-paths for min-cost-max-flow
void ssp(int s, int t, int n) {
memset(pot, 0, sizeof(pot));
reduce_bf(s, t, n); // not needed if costs are nonnegative
while (reduce_dijkstra(s, t, n)) flow(t);
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