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Last active January 10, 2017 23:09
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#Setting up Serverless + Phenomic + S3 client


  1. Sign up or log in to the AWS console and ensure you have a IAM user called serverless-admin with admin rights. (Obviously not a prod setting). A walkthrough is here.
  2. Create a [profile-name] in your ~/.aws/credentials file with your newly created admin user:
  1. Run npm -v and ensure npm is ^3.0.0 and run node --version and ensure node is ^4.2.0


  1. Serverless Installation
  • npm install -g serverless
  • serverless create --template aws-nodejs --path myApp
  • cd myApp
  1. Phenomic Installation
  • DIR=client
  • mkdir $DIR && cd $DIR && mkdir node_modules
  • npm install phenomic && ./node_modules/.bin/phenomic setup
  • npm install
  1. S3 Client Plugin Installation
  • cd ..
  • npm install
  1. edit the serverless.yml file for first use
  • provider should look like:

      name: aws
      runtime: nodejs4.3
      stage: dev
      profile: serverless-admin
      region: us-west-2
  • functions: should look like:

        handler: handler.hello
        events: # All events associated with this function
          - http: 
              method: GET
              path: hello
              cors: true
  • underneath functions add these two sections

  - serverless-client-s3

    bucketName: serverless-msp
  • Save the serverless.yml file
  1. Adjust the handler.js file with CORS headers
  • Modify and save handler.js with the below:
'use strict';

 module.exports.hello = (event, context, callback) => {
    const response = {
      statusCode: 200,
      headers: {
        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" : "*" // Required for CORS support to work
      body: JSON.stringify({
        message: "Yay! It's a go for Serverless Minneapolis!",
        input: event
    callback(null, response);
  1. serverless deploy and copy and paste the GET endpoint returned
  2. Edit client/src/layouts/Homepage/index.js:
  import React from "react"
  import Button from "../../components/Button"
  import LatestPosts from "../../components/LatestPosts"
  import Page from "../Page"

  function _publicClick() {
    const _get = fetch("", { method: "GET" });
    _get.then((response) => {
      response.json().then((data) => {
        document.getElementById("results").textContent = '';
        document.getElementById("results").textContent = data.message;

  const _style = {
    cursor: "pointer"
    , border: "2px solid red"

  const Homepage = (props) => {
    return (
      <Page { ...props }>
        <LatestPosts />
        <Button style={_style} onClick={_publicClick}>
          Invoke Public Hello Lambda
        <span id="results"></span>

  export default Homepage
  1. npm run
  • When localhost:3333 loads, click the button. You should see the Yay! message appear. Close the browser and ctrl-x the server.
  1. cd client && npm run build
  • Phenomic now takes the client/src directory and creates a client/dist directory that are the compiled static assets from the react app you have in the client/src directory.
  1. cd ..
  2. serverless client deploy
  • The serverless client s3 plugin is now invoked to automatically sync your client/dist folder with your s3 bucket.
  • In AWS -> S3, under properties of the bucket, in static website hosting, you'll find your URL (something like: - go to the url and click your button, you should see the Yay! message) So Yay!
  1. Removal:
  • serverless remove will tear down the api gateway and the lambda.
  • cd client && rm -fr dist && mkdir dist && cd .. && serverless client deploy will remove all the objects in your bucket
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