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Last active May 9, 2024 19:35
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PDF visual regression testing using Playwright (e.g. react-pdf)
// Just to show what I had to deal with. Do NOT copy. React-pdf encourages you to import font from CDN directly.
import LatoBold from "../../../assets/fonts/Lato-Bold.ttf";
import LatoLight from "../../../assets/fonts/Lato-Light.ttf";
import Lato from "../../../assets/fonts/Lato-Regular.ttf";
import openSansFont from "../../../assets/fonts/OpenSans-Light.ttf";
export const PDF_BOLD_FONT_NAME = "Lato Bold";
export const PDF_LIGHT_FONT_NAME = "Lato Light";
Font.register({ family: "Open Sans light", src: openSansFont });
Font.register({ family: PDF_BOLD_FONT_NAME, src: LatoBold });
Font.register({ family: PDF_LIGHT_FONT_NAME, src: LatoLight });
Font.register({ family: "Lato", src: Lato });
- Visual regression testing of a pdf created and downloaded with react-pdf
- Custom fonts used in the pdf imported directly (see second file)
- Has to work on Windows without the need for native libraries
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { imgDiff } from "img-diff-js"; // Works without native libs so works on windows too!
import pdf2img from "pdf-img-convert"; // Works without native libs so works on windows too!
test("HotelLeadPdf", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/page-with-download-button");
// Download pdf
const downloadPromise = page.waitForEvent("download");
await page.getByTestId("downloadButtonTestId").click();
const download = await downloadPromise;
// Convert pdf to images
const images = await pdf2img.convert(await download.path());
const directory = "./e2etests/hotelLeadPdfImages";
const buildImagePath = (
index: number,
type: "actual" | "expected" | "diff",
) => `${directory}/${type}-image-${index}.png`;
// Write images to filesystem
const mode = process.env.UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS ? "update" : "test"; // Use this env variable to update the expected pdf (images), index) => {
buildImagePath(index, mode === "update" ? "expected" : "actual"),
(error) => {
if (error) console.error(error);
return path;
if (mode === "update") {
console.log("Updated images");
// Compare images
const imagesDiffResults = await Promise.all(, index) =>
actualFilename: buildImagePath(0, "actual"),
diffFilename: buildImagePath(0, "diff"),
expectedFilename: buildImagePath(0, "expected"),
generateOnlyDiffFile: true,
expect(imagesDiffResults.every((result) => result.imagesAreSame)).toBe(true);
// Remove actual images
images.forEach((_, index) => {
fs.unlinkSync(buildImagePath(index, "actual"));
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