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Forked from benmarwick/artefact-morpho.R
Created August 18, 2013 10:01
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# working with images
# Get screenshot from scanstudio
# edit > paste into gimp (image > check canvas size)
# rectangle select tool
# image > crop to selection
# convert to B&W (
# colour > threshold increase to 200
# paintbrush tool > white colour over background
# save as xcf (no spaces in filename)
# export to jpg (no spaces in filename)
# setup: make sure you have
# installed
# and restarted RStudio
# get functions from Claude's website (you can download this txt file
# and source from your disk instead)
# library for greyscale stuff
# set working dir (where the jpgs are)
# make sure that all the jpgs in this folder have
# filenames that are consistently patterned
# withe underscores separating the terms, something like
# "type__subtype_region_id.jpg
setwd("C:/Users/Tim Maloney/Documents/artefact_images")
# make a list of jpgs to work on
list_imgs <- list.files(getwd(), pattern = ".jpg$")
# inspect list to make sure nothing dodgy is there
# classify the list for later analysis, we'll just get the
# word before the first underscore since that's a 'type' word
class <- unname(sapply(list_imgs, function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, split="_"))[1]))
# get vector of artefact IDs
nms <- gsub(".jpg", "", list_imgs)
# make a data frame of classifications and names for later use
fac <- data.frame(class = class, nms = nms)
# Now loop over each jpg in the list to trace its outline
# create an object to store the results
outlines <- vector("list", length = length(list_imgs))
# here's the loop
for(i in 1:length(list_imgs)) {
# from Claude p. 40
img <- nms[i]
shell(shQuote(paste0("convert ", img, ".jpg ", img, ".ppm")))
M<- read.pnm(paste0(img, ".ppm"))
# Convert the RGB image to a gray-scale image. (is this necessary?)
M<- as(M, "pixmapGrey")
# Claude p. 48
# Binarize the image (is this necessary?)
# auto-trace outline of shape
# start<-locator(1) # now click on shape to pick starting point
# or make a guess of where to start
start <- list(x = 100, y = 100)
lines(Rc$X, Rc$Y, lwd=4)
# this is the outline, we can inspect it...
str(Rc) # inspect data
# draw plot
plot(Rc$X, Rc$Y, type = "l", asp = TRUE)
# store result in list for further analysis
outlines[[i]] <- Rc
# Now for analysis of the outlines...
# I use Momocs2, which is a copy of the package that I've made
# some changes to (it's only on my hard drive). You can use Momocs
# from CRAN (the usual repository), it should work the same for
# these functions...
# convert outlines to 'Coo' format
coords <- Coo(lapply(outlines, function(i) (simplify2array(i))))
# center the coords
coords_center <- Coo(lapply(coords@coo,
# scale the coords
coords_scale <- Coo(lapply(coords_center@coo, function(i) coo.scale(i, 1)))
# give the images their file names
slot(coords_scale, 'fac') <- fac
slot(coords_scale, 'names') <- as.character(fac$nms)
# quick plot
panel(coords_scale, borders="black", cols="grey90") # no names
panel(coords_scale, borders="black", names=TRUE, cols="grey90") # with names
# determine how many harmonics to use in
# the elliptical fourier analysis
# (now just working through
# one method...
windows() # pops up a new window to hold plots
# set up a grid of plots...
lapply(coords_center@coo, function(i) hpow(Coo(i), nb.h = nb.h)) # may need to repeat this a few times to free up the graphics device
# another approach...
lapply(coords_center@coo, function(i) hqual(Coo(i), harm.range = seq(1, nb.h, 10), plot.method = c("panel")[1]))
lapply(coords_center@coo, function(i) hqual(Coo(i), harm.range = seq(1, nb.h, 10), plot.method = c("stack")[1]))
# we want to chose the lowest number of harmonics that captures
# the most meaningful variation in shape. I've gone for 100 here...
nb.h = 90
# Perform Fourier analysis
coords_F <- eFourier(coords_center, nb.h=nb.h) # elliptical
coords_R <- rFourier(coords_center, nb.h=nb.h) # radii variation
coords_T <- tFourier(coords_center, nb.h=nb.h) # tangent
# put the names and classifications on again
slot(coords_F, 'fac') <- fac
slot(coords_F, 'names') <- as.character(fac$nms)
# explore contribution of harmonics
# compute Principal Component Analysis
coords_D <- pca(coords_F)
dimnames(coords_D$coe)[[1]] <- as.character(fac$nms)
# plot
# many other types of plot
# observe how to change the point labelling
dudi.plot(coords_D, title="coords_D with no class but with ellipses")
dudi.plot(coords_D, 1, title="coords_D with no class but with ellipses")
dudi.plot(coords_D, 2, title="coords_D with no class but with ellipses")
dudi.plot(coords_D, 1, ellipses=FALSE, neighbors=TRUE,
shapes=FALSE, star=FALSE, col.nei="black",
title="coords_D with Gabriel's neighboring graph")
# this one looks good, I think:
dudi.plot(coords_D, 1, labels=FALSE, points=FALSE, boxes=FALSE,
shapes=TRUE, pos.shp="li",
title="coords_D with labels and reconstructed shapes")
dudi.plot(coords_D, 1, points=FALSE, labels=TRUE,
boxes=FALSE, shapes=FALSE,
title="coords_D with labels and ellipse")
dudi.plot(coords_D, 1, arrows=TRUE, dratio.arrow=0.2, shapes=FALSE,
title="coords_D with harmonic correlations")
# even more plots...
title("Default"), nr.shp=3, nc.shp=3,
col.shp="#1A1A1A22", border.shp=NA, pch.pts=5)
title("Custom nb of shapes"), pos.shp="li")
title("Using the PC coordinates"), pos.shp="circle")
title("A circle of shapes"), xlim=c(-0.25, 0.25), ylim=c(-0.2, 0.2),
pos.shp=expand.grid(seq(-0.2, 0.2, 0.1) , seq(-0.2, 0.2, 0.1)),
border.shp="black", col.shp="#00000011", col.pts="firebrick")
title("Custom shape positions"), xax=3, yax=4)
title("Morpho space on PC3 and PC4"), amp.shp=3)
title("3 times magnif. differences"), rotate.shp=pi/6)
title("Using rFourier")
# display the contribution of Principal Component to shape description.
PC.contrib(coords_D, PC.r=1:3, sd=3,
cols=paste0(col.sari(3), "55"), borders=col.sari(3))
# test differences between groups
# through a Multivariate Analysis of Variance.
(mnv <- manova.Coe(coords_F, "class", retain = 5))
# cluster analysis and dendrograms
# interpolate point so each shape has the same number
interp <- Coo(lapply(outlines, function(i), 3000) ))
## experimental, incomplete and not working...
APE<-array(c(panf, gorf, pongof),dim=c(8,2,80))
APE<-array(c(panf, gorf),dim=c(8,2,56))
m<-t(matrix(AP, 16, 56))
plot(hclust(dist(m), method="average"),main="UPGMA"
plot(hclust(dist(m), method="complete"),main="COMPLETE"
# inspect thin plate splines
x <- meanShapes(coords_F)
stack(Coo(x), borders=col.gallus(2))
tps.grid(botFg[[1]], botFg[[2]]) # have a look to ?"["
tps.grid(botFg$beer, botFg$whisky, grid.outside=2,
grid.size=80, amp=3, plot.full=FALSE)
my_list<- lapply(1:10, function(i) matrix(data = runif(sample(seq(2,10,2), 1)), ncol = 2))
my_array<-Map(function(x,y,z) array(n,c(x,y,z)), myrow, mycol,myz) # but this creates the list of 1 array
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