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Last active April 11, 2016 17:59
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How to React in style (pardon the pun)

The usage of React components in apps has become more popular over the last two years and rightly so. React provides a very structured paradigm for building the ui over your app, managing state and handling events. Although opinionated React doesn't make any assumptions towards how you go about styling your components yet it opens up some interesting avenues of thinking about CSS.

This talk will explore the some of different ways you can handle style in React, touching upon some of the following points.

  • The advantages of defining CSS as Javascript objects
  • CSS Modules
  • How do styled component libraries such as react-bootstrap and material-ui fit in to the mix?
  • Using preprocessors such as Sass
  • What to make of all this, which approach should you use when and why?
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KatieK2 commented Apr 11, 2016

I think this concept suffers from the same thing that a lot of "Framework X" talks do; it just doesn't seem to have any utility to folks who are not using Framework X. It would be a stronger proposal if it included some more generally relevant information, as well as some answers (or peeks of answers) to the questions that you ask.

(Also I recommend you or a friend take a proofreading pass over this; you need a comma after "Although opinionated" for example.)

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