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#! /usr/bin/env python
## Tim R ## 2014 ##
## Multithreaded acquisition of process memory from $pid - Proof of Compulsiv..eeh concept (:
## License:
## It's just some testing code, Use it as breakfast or whatever other purposes you can imagine!
## Why bother?
## I had a discussion with someone about the most optimal way
## to acquire memory from a running process without kernel modules etc.
## Why multithreaded?
## I ran into an application which didnt like ptrace hooks and died on me!!
## To know what her last memories were before she passes away i started some testing and concluded that;
## a regular script that just iterates over all readable offsets is too slow when racing..
## This script is slower in use because of the initialization of the main threads and reading
## available offsets up-front and re-arranging the threaded output afterwards.. but!
## the ptrace hook happens at the latest possible moment followed immediately by a multithreaded read on all
## readable offsets, and thats the only place where i wanted to increase performance
## see the difference for yourself:
## $ time ./thisscript 3289 |tail -2
## 0.000221967697144
## real 0m3.080s
## user 0m2.008s
## sys 0m0.068s
## $ time ./regulariterate 3289 |tail -2
## 0.0389778614044
## real 0m0.076s
## user 0m0.012s
## sys 0m0.056s
## Win! Its slower but faster.. rrright?! :)
## Bonus?
## If you try to capture output from a non-daemonized process that just runs for a second or so
## you can try this wrapper method from a screen or whatever:
## $ cat > catch << EOF
## #!/bin/bash
## # if pids found..
## if [ -n "$(ps x|grep -i process|grep -v grep)" ]; then
## pids=$(ps x|grep -i process|grep -v 'grep\|pleasegoawaydamnprocess'|awk '{print $1}')
## #kill -SIGSTOP $pids; echo "sent SIGSTOP to, $pids" ## Slow the process down
## /usr/bin/python /home/wewqerwer/ $pids > dump
## echo "Sleeping 5.....";sleep 5
## #kill -SIGCONT $pids
## exit 0
## fi
## EOF
## $ chmod +x catch ;screen
## Screen version 4.01.00devel (GNU)
## $ while [ 0 ] ; do ./catch ; done
## [detached from 10396.pts-10...]
## $ ./process
## etcetcetc...
## The SIGSTOP is not ideal but can be used if the application exits before the script finished dumping the contents
import ctypes, re, sys, Queue, threading, time
exitFlag = 0
class myThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, q):
self.threadID = threadID = name
self.q = q
def run(self):
process_data(, self.q)
def process_data(threadName, q):
while not exitFlag:
if not workQueue.empty():
data = q.get()[0])
chunk =[1] - data[0])
print chunk
#print "r0: %i r1: %i r2: %s \n" % (data[0], data[1], data[2]),
#Interface for PTRACE
c_ptrace = ctypes.CDLL("").ptrace
c_pid_t = ctypes.c_int32 # This assumes pid_t is int32_t
c_ptrace.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, c_pid_t, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p]
def ptrace(attach, pid):
op = ctypes.c_int(16 if attach else 17) #PTRACE_ATTACH or PTRACE_DETACH
c_pid = c_pid_t(pid)
null = ctypes.c_void_p()
err = c_ptrace(op, c_pid, null, null)
if err != 0: raise SysError, 'ptrace', err
## Parse a line in /proc/$pid/maps.
## Return boundaries of chunk and the read permission character.
def maps_line_range(line):
m = re.match(r'([0-9A-Fa-f]+)-([0-9A-Fa-f]+) ([-r])', line)
return [int(, 16), int(, 16),]
## Dump the readable chunks of memory mapped by a process
if __name__ == "__main__":
for pid in sys.argv[1:]:
## Read memory map from $pid
maps_file = open("/proc/" + pid + "/maps", 'r')
ranges = map(maps_line_range, maps_file.readlines())
## Initialize threads
theadList = range(len(ranges)/2)
queueLock = threading.Lock()
workQueue = Queue.Queue(0)
threads = []
threadID = 0
for tName in theadList:
thread = myThread(threadID, tName, workQueue)
threadID += 1
t1 = time.time()
## we need to ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, $pid) to read /proc/$pid/mem
ptrace(True, int(pid))
## Read the readable mapped ranges
mem_file = open("/proc/" + pid + "/mem", 'r', 0)
## Lock queue
## Spawn all tasks to workers, then release the queue lock
for r in ranges:
if r[2] == 'r':
t2 = time.time()
## Empty queue
while not workQueue.empty():
exitFlag = 1
## Wait for all threads to complete and parse output.
for t in threads:
ptrace(False, int(pid))
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