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Last active October 20, 2023 10:24
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rectangles <- function(m, rowfirst = TRUE) {
if (rowfirst)
m <- t(m)
n <- length(m)
nrow <- nrow(m)
ncol <- ncol(m)
rowindex <- seq_len(nrow)
colindex <- seq_len(ncol)
h <- hashtab()
# initial column
start <- shp <- 1L
for (i in rowindex[-nrow]) {
if (m[i] != m[i + 1L]) {
sethash(h, start:(i), shp)
start <- i + 1L
shp <- shp + 1L
sethash(h, start:nrow, shp)
shp <- shp + 1L
# subsequent columns
for (j in colindex[-1L]) {
idx <- startidx <- nrow * (j - 1L) + 1L
for (i in rowindex[-nrow]) {
if (m[idx] != m[idx + 1L]) {
current <- startidx:idx
previous <- current - nrow
hsh <- gethash(h, previous)
if (!is.null(hsh) && m[previous[1L]] == m[current[1L]]) {
sethash(h, current, hsh)
} else {
sethash(h, current, shp)
shp <- shp + 1L
startidx <- idx + 1L
idx <- idx + 1L
# handle last row
current <- startidx:idx
previous <- current - nrow
hsh <- gethash(h, previous)
if (!is.null(hsh) && m[previous[1L]] == m[current[1L]]) {
sethash(h, current, hsh)
} else {
sethash(h, current, shp)
shp <- shp + 1L
rectangle <- integer(n)
maphash(h, function(key, value) rectangle[key] <<- value)
out <- matrix(rectangle, nrow, ncol)
if (rowfirst)
out <- t(out)
(m <- matrix(c(1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1), 3, 3))
(out <- rectangles(m))
expand.grid(row = 1:nrow(m), col = 1:ncol(m)),
rectangle = as.integer(out)
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