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Created November 7, 2018 20:55
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// Copyright 1998-2018 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using Tools.DotNETCommon;
namespace UnrealBuildTool
/* UnrealPluginLanguage (UPL) is a simple XML-based language for manipulating XML and returning
* strings. It contains an <init> section which is evaluated once per architecture before any
* other sections. The state is maintained and carried forward to the next section evaluated
* so the order the sections are executed matters.
* While UPL is a general system for modifying and quering XML it is specifically used to allow
* plug-ins to effect the global configuration of the package that they are a part of. For
* example, this allows a plug-in to modify an Android's APK AndroidManfiest.xml file or an
* IOS IPA's plist file. UBT will also query a plug-in's UPL xml file for strings to be included
* in files that must be common to the package such as some .java files on Android.
* If you need to see the instructions executed in your plugin context add the following to
* enable tracing:
* <trace enable="true"/>
* After this instuction all the nodes actually executed in your context will be written to the
* log until you do a <trace enable="false"/>. You can also get a dump of all the variables in
* your context with this command:
* <dumpvars/>
* Bool, Int, and String variable types are supported. Any attribute may reference a variable
* and will be replaced with the string equivalent before evaluation using this syntax:
* $B(name) = boolean variable "name"'s value
* $I(name) = integer variable "name"'s value
* $S(name) = string variable "name"'s value
* $E(name) = element variable "name"'s value
* The following variables are initialized automatically:
* $S(Output) = the output returned for evaluating the section (initialized to Input)
* $S(Architecture) = target architecture (armeabi-armv7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64)
* $S(PluginDir) = directory the XML file was loaded from
* $S(EngineDir) = engine directory
* $S(BuildDir) = project's platform appropriate build directory (within the Intermediate folder)
* $S(Configuration) = configuration type (Debug, DebugGame, Development, Test, Shipping)
* $B(Distribution) = true if distribution build
* Note: with the exception of the above variables, all are in the context of the plugin to
* prevent namespace collision; trying to set a new value to any of the above, with the
* exception of Output, will only affect the current context.
* The following nodes allow manipulation of variables:
* <setBool result="" value=""/>
* <setInt result="" value=""/>
* <setString result="" value=""/>
* <setElement result="" value=""/>
* <setElement result="" value="" text=""/>
* <setElement result="" xml=""/>
* <setElement> with value creates an empty XML element with the tag set to value.
* <setElement> with value and text creates an XML element with tag set to value of unparsed text.
* <setElement> with xml will parse the XML provided. Remember to escape any special characters!
* Variables may also be set from a property in an ini file:
* <setBoolFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
* <setBoolFromPropertyContains result="" ini="" section="" property="" default="" contains=""/>
* <setIntFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
* <setStringFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
* Strings may also be set from an environment variable using the <setStringFromEnvVar> node.
* The environment variable must be specified as the 'value' attribute and wrapped in a pair
* of '%' characters.
* <setStringFromEnvVar result="" value=""/>
* You can also check if a specific environment variable is defined (again, wrapped in '%' characters):
* <setBoolEnvVarDefined result="" value=""/>
* A general example for using environment variable nodes:
* <setBoolEnvVarDefined result="bHasNDK" value="%NDKROOT%"/>
* <setStringFromEnvVar result="NDKPath" value="%NDKROOT%"/>
* Boolean variables may also be set to the result of applying operators:
* <setBoolNot result="" source=""/>
* <setBoolAnd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolOr result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolIsEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolIsLess result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolIsLessEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolIsGreater result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolIsGreaterEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolFromPropertyContains result="" ini="" section="" property="" contains=""/>
* Integer variables may use these arithmetic operations:
* <setIntAdd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setIntSubtract result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setIntMultiply result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setIntDivide result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* Strings are manipulated with the following:
* <setStringAdd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setStringSubstring result="" source="" start="" length=""/>
* <setStringReplace result="" source="" find="" with=""/>
* String length may be retrieved with:
* <setIntLength result="" source=""/>
* The index of a search string may be found in source with:
* <setIntFindString result="" source="" find=""/>
* The following shortcut string comparisons may also be used instead of using <setIntFindString>
* and checking the result:
* <setBoolStartsWith result="" source="" find=""/>
* <setBoolEndsWith result="" source="" find=""/>
* <setBoolContains result="" source="" find=""/>
* Messages are written to the log with this node:
* <log text=""/>
* Conditional execution uses the following form:
* <if condition="">
* <true>
* <!-- executes if boolean variable in condition is true -->
* </true>
* <false>
* <!-- executes if boolean variable in condition is false -->
* </false>
* </if>
* The <true> and <false> blocks are optional. The condition must be in a boolean variable.
* The boolean operator nodes may be combined to create a final state for more complex
* conditions:
* <setBoolNot result="notDistribution" source="$B(Distribution)/>
* <setBoolIsEqual result="isX86" arg1="$S(Architecture)" arg2="x86"/>
* <setBoolIsEqual result="isX86_64" arg2="$S(Architecture)" arg2="x86_64/">
* <setBoolOr result="isIntel" arg1="$B(isX86)" arg2="$B(isX86_64)"/>
* <setBoolAnd result="intelAndNotDistribution" arg1="$B(isIntel)" arg2="$B(notDistribution)"/>
* <if condition="intelAndNotDistribution">
* <true>
* <!-- do something for Intel if not a distribution build -->
* </true>
* </if>
* Note the "isIntel" could also be done like this:
* <setStringSubstring result="subarch" source="$S(Architecture)" start="0" length="3"/>
* <setBoolEquals result="isIntel" arg1="$S(subarch)" arg2="x86"/>
* Two shortcut nodes are available for conditional execution:
* <isArch arch="armeabi-armv7">
* <!-- do stuff -->
* </isArch>
* is the equivalent of:
* <setBoolEquals result="temp" arg1="$S(Architecture)" arg2="armeabi-armv7">
* <if condition="temp">
* <true>
* <!-- do stuff -->
* </true>
* </if>
* and
* <isDistribution>
* <!-- do stuff -->
* </isDistribution>
* is the equivalent of:
* <if condition="Distribution">
* <!-- do stuff -->
* </if>
* Execution may be stopped with:
* <return/>
* Loops may be created using these nodes:
* <while condition="">
* <!-- do stuff -->
* </while>
* <break/>
* <continue/>
* The <while> body will execute until the condition is false or a <break/> is hit. The
* <continue/> will restart execution of the loop if the condition is still true or exit.
* Note: <break/> outside a <while> body will act the same as <return/>
* Here is an example loop which writes 1 to 5 to the log, skipping 3. Note the update of the
* while condition should be done before the continue otherwise it may not exit.
* <setInt result="index" value="0"/>
* <setBool result="loopRun" value="true"/>
* <while condition="loopRun">
* <setIntAdd result="index" arg1="$I(index)" arg2="1"/>
* <setBoolIsLess result="loopRun" arg1="$I(index)" arg2="5"/>
* <setBoolIsEqual result="indexIs3" arg1="$I(index)" arg2="3"/>
* <if condition="indexIs3">
* <true>
* <continue/>
* </true>
* </if>
* <log text="$I(index)"/>
* </while>
* It is possible to use variable replacement in generating the result variable
* name as well. This makes the creation of arrays in loops possible:
* <setString result="array_$I(index)" value="element $I(index) in array"/>
* This may be retrieved using the following (value is treated as the variable
* name):
* <setStringFrom result="out" value="array_$I(index)"/>
* For boolean and integer types, you may use <setBoolFrom/> and <setIntFrom/>.
* Nodes for inserting text into the section are as follows:
* <insert> body </insert>
* <insertNewline/>
* <insertValue value=""/>
* <loadLibrary name="" failmsg=""/>
* The first one will insert either text or nodes into the returned section
* string. Please note you must use escaped characters for:
* < = &lt;
* > = &gt;
* & = &amp;
* <insertValue value=""/> evaluates variables in value before insertion. If value contains
* double quote ("), you must escape it with &quot;.
* <loadLibrary name="" failmsg=""/> is a shortcut to insert a system.LoadLibrary try/catch
* block with an optional logged message for failure to load case.
* You can do a search and replace in the Output with:
* <replace find="" with=""/>
* Note you can also manipulate the actual $S(Output) directly, the above are more efficient:
* <setStringAdd result="Input" arg1="$S(Output)" arg2="sample\n"/>
* <setStringReplace result="Input" source="$S(Output)" find=".LAUNCH" with=".INFO"/>
* XML manipulation uses the following nodes:
* <addElement tag="" name=""/>
* <addElements tag=""> body </addElements>
* <removeElement tag=""/>
* <setStringFromTag result="" tag=""/>
* <setStringFromAttribute result="" tag="" name=""/>
* <setStringFromTagText result="" tag=""/>
* <addAttribute tag="" name="" value=""/>
* <removeAttribute tag="" name=""/>
* <loopElements tag=""> instructions </loopElements>
* The current element is referenced with tag="$". Element variables are referenced with $varname
* since using $E(varname) will be expanded to the string equivalent of the XML.
* addElement, addElements, and removeElement by default are applied to all matching tags. An
* optional once="true" attribute may be added to only apply to first matching tag.
* <uses-permission>, <uses-feature>, and <uses-library> are updated with:
* <addPermission android:name="" .. />
* <addFeature android:name="" .. />
* <addLibrary android:name="" .. />
* Any attributes in the above commands are copied to the element added to the manifest so you
* can do the following, for example:
* <addFeature android:name="" android:required="true"/>
* Finally, these nodes allow copying of files useful for staging jar and so files:
* <copyFile src="" dst="" force=""/>
* <copyDir src="" dst="" force=""/>
* If force is false the file(s) are replaced only if length or timestamp don't match. Default is true.
* The following should be used as the base for the src and dst paths:
* $S(PluginDir) = directory the XML file was loaded from
* $S(EngineDir) = engine directory
* $S(BuildDir) = project's platform appropriate build directory
* While it is possible to write outside the APK directory, it is not recommended.
* If you must remove files (like development-only files from distribution builds) you can
* use this node:
* <deleteFiles filespec=""/>
* It is restricted to only removing files from the BuildDir. Here is example usage to remove
* the Oculus Signature Files (osig) from the assets directory:
* <deleteFiles filespec="assets/oculussig_*"/>
* The following sections are evaluated during the packaging or deploy stages:
* ** For all platforms **
* <!-- init section is always evaluated once per architecture -->
* <init> </init>
* ** Android Specific sections **
* <!-- optional updates applied to AndroidManifest.xml -->
* <androidManifestUpdates> </androidManifestUpdates>
* <!-- optional additions to proguard -->
* <proguardAdditions> </proguardAdditions>
* <!-- optional AAR imports additions -->
* <AARImports> </AARImports>
* <!-- optional base build.gradle additions -->
* <baseBuildGradleAdditions> </baseBuildGradleAdditions>
* <!-- optional base build.gradle buildscript additions -->
* <buildscriptGradleAdditions> </buildscriptGradleAdditions>
* <!-- optional app build.gradle additions -->
* <buildGradleAdditions> </buildGradleAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to generated build.xml before ${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml import -->
* <buildXmlPropertyAdditions> </buildXmlPropertyAdditions>
* <!-- optional files or directories to copy or delete from Intermediate/Android/APK before ndk-build -->
* <prebuildCopies> </prebuildCopies>
* <!-- optional files or directories to copy or delete from Intermediate/Android/APK after ndk-build -->
* <resourceCopies> </resourceCopies>
* <!-- optional files or directories to copy or delete from Intermediate/Android/APK before Gradle -->
* <gradleCopies> </gradleCopies>
* <!-- optional properties to add to -->
* <gradleProperties> </gradleProperties>
* <!-- optional parameters to add to Gradle commandline (prefix with a space or will run into previous parameter(s)) -->
* <gradleParameters> </gradleParameters>
* <!-- optional minimum SDK API level required -->
* <minimumSDKAPI> </minimumSDKAPI>
* <!-- optional additions to the GameActivity imports in -->
* <gameActivityImportAdditions> </gameActivityImportAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to the GameActivity after imports in -->
* <gameActivityPostImportAdditions> </gameActivityPostImportAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to the GameActivity class implements in (end each line with a comma) -->
* <gameActivityImplementsAdditions> </gameActivityImplementsAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to the GameActivity class body in -->
* <gameActivityClassAdditions> </gameActivityOnClassAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to GameActivity onCreate metadata reading in -->
* <gameActivityReadMetadata> </gameActivityReadMetadata>
* <!-- optional additions to GameActivity onCreate in -->
* <gameActivityOnCreateAdditions> </gameActivityOnCreateAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to GameActivity onDestroy in -->
* <gameActivityOnDestroyAdditions> </gameActivityOnDestroyAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to GameActivity onStart in -->
* <gameActivityOnStartAdditions> </gameActivityOnStartAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to GameActivity onStop in -->
* <gameActivityOnStopAdditions> </gameActivityOnStopAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to GameActivity onPause in -->
* <gameActivityOnPauseAdditions> </gameActivityOnPauseAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to GameActivity onResume in -->
* <gameActivityOnResumeAdditions> </gameActivityOnResumeAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to GameActivity onNewIntent in -->
* <gameActivityOnNewIntentAdditions> </gameActivityOnNewIntentAdditions>
* <!-- optional additions to GameActivity onActivityResult in -->
* <gameActivityOnActivityResultAdditions> </gameActivityOnActivityResultAdditions>
* <!-- optional libraries to load in before -->
* <soLoadLibrary> </soLoadLibrary>
* Here is the complete list of supported nodes:
* <isArch arch="">
* <isDistribution>
* <if> => <true> / <false>
* <while condition="">
* <return/>
* <break/>
* <continue/>
* <log text=""/>
* <insert> </insert>
* <insertValue value=""/>
* <replace find="" with""/>
* <copyFile src="" dst=""/>
* <copyDir src="" dst=""/>
* <loadLibrary name="" failmsg=""/>
* <setBool result="" value=""/>
* <setBoolEnvVarDefined result="" value=""/>
* <setBoolFrom result="" value=""/>
* <setBoolFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
* <setBoolFromPropertyContains result="" ini="" section="" property="" contains=""/>
* <setBoolNot result="" source=""/>
* <setBoolAnd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolOr result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolIsEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolIsLess result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolIsLessEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolIsGreater result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setBoolIsGreaterEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setInt result="" value=""/>
* <setIntFrom result="" value=""/>
* <setIntFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
* <setIntAdd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setIntSubtract result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setIntMultiply result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setIntDivide result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setIntLength result="" source=""/>
* <setIntFindString result="" source="" find=""/>
* <setString result="" value=""/>
* <setStringFrom result="" value=""/>
* <setStringFromEnvVar result="" value=""/>
* <setStringFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
* <setStringAdd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
* <setStringSubstring result="" source="" index="" length=""/>
* <setStringReplace result="" source="" find="" with=""/>
class UnrealPluginLanguage
/** The merged XML program to run */
private XDocument XDoc;
/** XML namespace */
private XNamespace XMLNameSpace;
private string XMLRootDefinition;
private UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatform;
/** Trace flag to enable debugging */
static private bool bGlobalTrace = false;
/** Project file reference */
private FileReference ProjectFile;
static private XDocument XMLDummy = XDocument.Parse("<manifest></manifest>");
private class UPLContext
/** Variable state */
public Dictionary<string, bool> BoolVariables;
public Dictionary<string, int> IntVariables;
public Dictionary<string, string> StringVariables;
public Dictionary<string, XElement> ElementVariables;
/** Local context trace */
public bool bTrace;
public UPLContext(string Architecture, string PluginDir)
BoolVariables = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
IntVariables = new Dictionary<string, int>();
StringVariables = new Dictionary<string, string>();
ElementVariables = new Dictionary<string, XElement>();
if (PluginDir == null || PluginDir == "")
PluginDir = ".";
StringVariables["PluginDir"] = PluginDir.Replace("\\", "/");
StringVariables["AbsPluginDir"] = Path.GetFullPath(PluginDir).Replace("\\", "/");
StringVariables["Architecture"] = Architecture;
bTrace = false;
private UPLContext GlobalContext;
private Dictionary<string, UPLContext> Contexts;
private int ContextIndex;
private String LastError;
public UnrealPluginLanguage(FileReference InProjectFile, List<string> InXMLFiles, List<string> InArchitectures, string InXMLNameSpace, string InRootDefinition, UnrealTargetPlatform InTargetPlatform)
ProjectFile = InProjectFile;
LastError = null;
Contexts = new Dictionary<string, UPLContext>();
GlobalContext = new UPLContext("", "");
ContextIndex = 0;
XMLNameSpace = InXMLNameSpace;
XMLRootDefinition = InRootDefinition;
TargetPlatform = InTargetPlatform;
string PathPrefix = Path.GetFileName(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Equals("Source") ? ".." : "Engine";
XDoc = XDocument.Parse("<root " + InRootDefinition + "></root>");
foreach (string Basename in InXMLFiles)
string Filename = Path.Combine(PathPrefix, Basename.Replace("\\", "/"));
Log.TraceInformation("UPL: {0}", Filename);
if (File.Exists(Filename))
string PluginDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Filename);
XDocument MergeDoc = XDocument.Load(Filename);
MergeXML(MergeDoc, PluginDir, InArchitectures);
catch (Exception e)
LastError = String.Format("Unreal Plugin file {0} parsing failed! {1}", Filename, e);
Log.TraceError("\n{0}", LastError);
LastError = String.Format("Unreal Plugin file {0} missing!", Filename);
Log.TraceError("\n{0}", LastError);
Log.TraceInformation("\nCWD: {0}", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
public String GetLastError() { return LastError; }
public bool GetTrace() { return bGlobalTrace; }
public void SetTrace() { bGlobalTrace = true; }
public void ClearTrace() { bGlobalTrace = false; }
public string GetUPLHash()
return XDoc.ToString().GetHashCode().ToString();
public bool MergeXML(XDocument MergeDoc, string PluginDir, List<string> Architectures)
if (MergeDoc == null)
return false;
// create a context for each architecture
foreach (string Architecture in Architectures)
UPLContext Context = new UPLContext(Architecture, PluginDir);
Contexts[Architecture + "_" + ContextIndex] = Context;
// merge in the nodes
foreach (XElement Element in MergeDoc.Root.Elements())
XElement Parent = XDoc.Root.Element(Element.Name);
if (Parent != null)
XElement Entry = new XElement("Context", new XAttribute("index", ContextIndex.ToString()));
XElement Entry = new XElement("Context", new XAttribute("index", ContextIndex.ToString()));
XElement Base = new XElement(Element.Name);
return true;
public void SaveXML(string Filename)
if (XDoc != null)
private string DumpContext(UPLContext Context)
StringBuilder Text = new StringBuilder();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, bool> Variable in Context.BoolVariables)
Text.AppendLine(string.Format("\tbool {0} = {1}", Variable.Key, Variable.Value.ToString().ToLower()));
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> Variable in Context.IntVariables)
Text.AppendLine(string.Format("\tint {0} = {1}", Variable.Key, Variable.Value));
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> Variable in Context.StringVariables)
Text.AppendLine(string.Format("\tstring {0} = {1}", Variable.Key, Variable.Value));
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, XElement> Variable in Context.ElementVariables)
Text.AppendLine(string.Format("\telement {0} = {1}", Variable.Key, Variable.Value));
return Text.ToString();
public string DumpVariables()
string Result = "Global Context:\n" + DumpContext(GlobalContext);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, UPLContext> Context in Contexts)
Result += "Context " + Context.Key + ": " + Context.Value.StringVariables["PluginDir"] + "\n" + DumpContext(Context.Value);
return Result;
private bool GetCondition(UPLContext Context, XElement Node, string Condition, out bool Result)
Result = false;
if (!Context.BoolVariables.TryGetValue(Condition, out Result))
if (!GlobalContext.BoolVariables.TryGetValue(Condition, out Result))
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing condition '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", Condition, TraceNodeString(Node));
return false;
return true;
private string ExpandVariables(UPLContext Context, string InputString)
string Result = InputString;
for (int Idx = Result.IndexOf("$B("); Idx != -1; Idx = Result.IndexOf("$B(", Idx))
// Find the end of the variable name
int EndIdx = Result.IndexOf(')', Idx + 3);
if (EndIdx == -1)
// Extract the variable name from the string
string Name = Result.Substring(Idx + 3, EndIdx - (Idx + 3));
// Find the value for it, either from the dictionary or the environment block
bool Value;
if (!Context.BoolVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
if (!GlobalContext.BoolVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
Idx = EndIdx + 1;
// Replace the variable, or skip past it
Result = Result.Substring(0, Idx) + Value.ToString().ToLower() + Result.Substring(EndIdx + 1);
for (int Idx = Result.IndexOf("$I("); Idx != -1; Idx = Result.IndexOf("$I(", Idx))
// Find the end of the variable name
int EndIdx = Result.IndexOf(')', Idx + 3);
if (EndIdx == -1)
// Extract the variable name from the string
string Name = Result.Substring(Idx + 3, EndIdx - (Idx + 3));
// Find the value for it, either from the dictionary or the environment block
int Value;
if (!Context.IntVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
if (!GlobalContext.IntVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
Idx = EndIdx + 1;
// Replace the variable, or skip past it
Result = Result.Substring(0, Idx) + Value.ToString() + Result.Substring(EndIdx + 1);
for (int Idx = Result.IndexOf("$S("); Idx != -1; Idx = Result.IndexOf("$S(", Idx))
// Find the end of the variable name
int EndIdx = Result.IndexOf(')', Idx + 3);
if (EndIdx == -1)
// Extract the variable name from the string
string Name = Result.Substring(Idx + 3, EndIdx - (Idx + 3));
// Find the value for it, either from the dictionary or the environment block
string Value;
if (!Context.StringVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
if (!GlobalContext.StringVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
Idx = EndIdx + 1;
// Replace the variable, or skip past it
Result = Result.Substring(0, Idx) + Value + Result.Substring(EndIdx + 1);
for (int Idx = Result.IndexOf("$E("); Idx != -1; Idx = Result.IndexOf("$E(", Idx))
// Find the end of the variable name
int EndIdx = Result.IndexOf(')', Idx + 3);
if (EndIdx == -1)
// Extract the variable name from the string
string Name = Result.Substring(Idx + 3, EndIdx - (Idx + 3));
// Find the value for it, either from the dictionary or the environment block
XElement Value;
if (!Context.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
if (!GlobalContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
Idx = EndIdx + 1;
// Replace the variable, or skip past it
Result = Result.Substring(0, Idx) + Value + Result.Substring(EndIdx + 1);
return Result;
private string TraceNodeString(XElement Node)
string Result = Node.Name.ToString();
foreach (XAttribute Attrib in Node.Attributes())
Result += " " + Attrib.ToString();
return Result;
private bool StringToBool(string Input)
if (Input == null)
return false;
Input = Input.ToLower();
return !(Input.Equals("0") || Input.Equals("false") || Input.Equals("off") || Input.Equals("no"));
private int StringToInt(string Input, XElement Node)
int Result = 0;
if (!int.TryParse(Input, out Result))
Log.TraceWarning("\nInvalid integer '{0}' in '{1}' (defaulting to 0)", Input, TraceNodeString(Node));
return Result;
private string GetAttribute(UPLContext Context, XElement Node, string AttributeName, bool bExpand = true, bool bRequired = true, string Fallback = null)
XAttribute Attribute = Node.Attribute(AttributeName);
if (Attribute == null)
if (bRequired)
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing attribute '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", AttributeName, TraceNodeString(Node));
return Fallback;
string Result = Attribute.Value;
return bExpand ? ExpandVariables(Context, Result) : Result;
private string GetAttributeWithNamespace(UPLContext Context, XElement Node, XNamespace Namespace, string AttributeName, bool bExpand = true, bool bRequired = true, string Fallback = null)
XAttribute Attribute = Node.Attribute(Namespace + AttributeName);
if (Attribute == null)
if (bRequired)
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing attribute '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", AttributeName, TraceNodeString(Node));
return Fallback;
string Result = Attribute.Value;
return bExpand ? ExpandVariables(Context, Result) : Result;
static private Dictionary<string, ConfigCacheIni_UPL> ConfigCache = null;
private ConfigCacheIni_UPL GetConfigCacheIni_UPL(string baseIniName)
if (ConfigCache == null)
ConfigCache = new Dictionary<string, ConfigCacheIni_UPL>();
ConfigCacheIni_UPL config = null;
if (!ConfigCache.TryGetValue(baseIniName, out config))
// note: use our own ConfigCacheIni since EngineConfiguration.cs only parses RequiredSections!
config = ConfigCacheIni_UPL.CreateConfigCacheIni_UPL(TargetPlatform, baseIniName, DirectoryReference.FromFile(ProjectFile));
ConfigCache.Add(baseIniName, config);
return config;
private static bool FilesAreDifferent(string SourceFilename, string DestFilename)
// source must exist
FileInfo SourceInfo = new FileInfo(SourceFilename);
if (!SourceInfo.Exists)
Log.TraceInformation("File {0} does not exist", SourceFilename);
return false;
// different if destination doesn't exist
FileInfo DestInfo = new FileInfo(DestFilename);
if (!DestInfo.Exists)
return true;
// file lengths differ?
if (SourceInfo.Length != DestInfo.Length)
return true;
// validate timestamps
TimeSpan Diff = DestInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc - SourceInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc;
if (Diff.TotalSeconds < -1 || Diff.TotalSeconds > 1)
return true;
// could check actual bytes just to be sure, but good enough
return false;
private static void CopyFileDirectory(string SourceDir, string DestDir, bool bForce = false)
if (!Directory.Exists(SourceDir))
string[] Files = Directory.GetFiles(SourceDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (string Filename in Files)
// make the dst filename with the same structure as it was in SourceDir
string DestFilename = Path.Combine(DestDir, Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(Filename, SourceDir));
if (bForce || FilesAreDifferent(Filename, DestFilename))
if (File.Exists(DestFilename))
File.SetAttributes(DestFilename, FileAttributes.Normal);
// make the subdirectory if needed
string DestSubdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(DestFilename);
if (!Directory.Exists(DestSubdir))
File.Copy(Filename, DestFilename);
// remove any read only flags and keep timestamp
FileInfo DestFileInfo = new FileInfo(DestFilename);
DestFileInfo.Attributes = DestFileInfo.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;
File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(DestFilename, File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(Filename));
private static void DeleteFiles(string Filespec)
string BaseDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Filespec);
string Mask = Path.GetFileName(Filespec);
if (!Directory.Exists(BaseDir))
string[] Files = Directory.GetFiles(BaseDir, Mask, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
foreach (string Filename in Files)
File.SetAttributes(Filename, FileAttributes.Normal);
Log.TraceInformation("\nDeleted file {0}", Filename);
private void AddAttribute(XElement Element, string Name, string Value)
XAttribute Attribute;
int Index = Name.IndexOf(":");
if (Index >= 0)
Name = Name.Substring(Index + 1);
Attribute = Element.Attribute(XMLNameSpace + Name);
Attribute = Element.Attribute(Name);
if (Attribute != null)
if (Index >= 0)
Element.Add(new XAttribute(XMLNameSpace + Name, Value));
Element.Add(new XAttribute(Name, Value));
private void RemoveAttribute(XElement Element, string Name)
XAttribute Attribute;
int Index = Name.IndexOf(":");
if (Index >= 0)
Name = Name.Substring(Index + 1);
Attribute = Element.Attribute(XMLNameSpace + Name);
Attribute = Element.Attribute(Name);
if (Attribute != null)
private void AddElements(XElement Target, XElement Source)
if (Source.HasElements)
foreach (XElement Index in Source.Elements())
// if (Target.Element(Index.Name) == null)
public string ProcessPluginNode(string Architecture, string NodeName, string Input)
return ProcessPluginNode(Architecture, NodeName, Input, ref XMLDummy);
public string ProcessPluginNode(string Architecture, string NodeName, string Input, ref XDocument XMLWork)
// add all instructions to execution list
Stack<XElement> ExecutionStack = new Stack<XElement>();
XElement StartNode = XDoc.Root.Element(NodeName);
if (StartNode != null)
foreach (XElement Instruction in StartNode.Elements().Reverse())
if (ExecutionStack.Count == 0)
return Input;
Stack<UPLContext> ContextStack = new Stack<UPLContext>();
UPLContext CurrentContext = GlobalContext;
// update Output in global context
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] = Input;
Stack<XElement> ElementStack = new Stack<XElement>();
XElement CurrentElement = XMLWork.Elements().First();
// run the instructions
while (ExecutionStack.Count > 0)
XElement Node = ExecutionStack.Pop();
if (bGlobalTrace || CurrentContext.bTrace)
Log.TraceInformation("Execute: '{0}'", TraceNodeString(Node));
switch (Node.Name.ToString())
case "trace":
string Enable = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "enable");
if (Enable != null)
CurrentContext.bTrace = StringToBool(Enable);
if (!bGlobalTrace && CurrentContext.bTrace)
Log.TraceInformation("Context: '{0}' using Architecture='{1}', NodeName='{2}', Input='{3}'", CurrentContext.StringVariables["PluginDir"], Architecture, NodeName, Input);
case "dumpvars":
if (!bGlobalTrace && !CurrentContext.bTrace)
Log.TraceInformation("Context: '{0}' using Architecture='{1}', NodeName='{2}', Input='{3}'", CurrentContext.StringVariables["PluginDir"], Architecture, NodeName, Input);
Log.TraceInformation("Variables:\n{0}", DumpContext(CurrentContext));
case "Context":
string index = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "index");
CurrentContext = Contexts[Architecture + "_" + index];
ExecutionStack.Push(new XElement("PopContext"));
foreach (XElement instruction in Node.Elements().Reverse())
if (bGlobalTrace || CurrentContext.bTrace)
Log.TraceInformation("Context: '{0}' using Architecture='{1}', NodeName='{2}', Input='{3}'", CurrentContext.StringVariables["PluginDir"], Architecture, NodeName, Input);
case "PopContext":
CurrentContext = ContextStack.Pop();
case "PopElement":
CurrentElement = ElementStack.Pop();
case "isArch":
string arch = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arch");
if (arch != null && arch.Equals(Architecture))
foreach (XElement instruction in Node.Elements().Reverse())
case "isDistribution":
bool Result = false;
if (GetCondition(CurrentContext, Node, "Distribution", out Result))
if (Result)
foreach (XElement Instruction in Node.Elements().Reverse())
case "if":
bool Result;
if (GetCondition(CurrentContext, Node, GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "condition"), out Result))
XElement ResultNode = Node.Element(Result ? "true" : "false");
if (ResultNode != null)
foreach (XElement Instruction in ResultNode.Elements().Reverse())
case "while":
bool Result;
if (GetCondition(CurrentContext, Node, GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "condition"), out Result))
if (Result)
IEnumerable<XElement> ResultNode = Node.Elements();
if (ResultNode != null)
foreach (XElement Instruction in ResultNode.Reverse())
case "return":
while (ExecutionStack.Count > 0)
case "break":
// remove up to while (or acts like a return if outside by removing everything)
while (ExecutionStack.Count > 0)
Node = ExecutionStack.Pop();
if (Node.Name.ToString().Equals("while"))
case "continue":
// remove up to while (or acts like a return if outside by removing everything)
while (ExecutionStack.Count > 0)
Node = ExecutionStack.Pop();
if (Node.Name.ToString().Equals("while"))
case "log":
string Text = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "text");
if (Text != null)
Log.TraceInformation("{0}", Text);
case "loopElements":
string Tag = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "tag");
ExecutionStack.Push(new XElement("PopElement"));
IEnumerable<XElement> WorkList = (Tag == "$") ? CurrentElement.Elements().Reverse() : CurrentElement.Descendants(Tag).Reverse();
foreach (XElement WorkNode in WorkList)
foreach (XElement Instruction in Node.Elements().Reverse())
ExecutionStack.Push(new XElement("PopElement"));
case "addAttribute":
string Tag = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "tag");
string Name = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "name");
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value");
if (Tag != null && Name != null && Value != null)
if (Tag.StartsWith("$"))
XElement Target = CurrentElement;
if (Tag.Length > 1)
if (!CurrentContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Target))
if (!GlobalContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Target))
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing element variable '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", Tag, TraceNodeString(Node));
AddAttribute(Target, Name, Value);
if (CurrentElement.Name.ToString().Equals(Tag))
AddAttribute(CurrentElement, Name, Value);
foreach (XElement WorkNode in CurrentElement.Descendants(Tag))
AddAttribute(WorkNode, Name, Value);
case "removeAttribute":
string Tag = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "tag");
string Name = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "name");
if (Tag != null && Name != null)
if (Tag.StartsWith("$"))
XElement Target = CurrentElement;
if (Tag.Length > 1)
if (!CurrentContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Target))
if (!GlobalContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Target))
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing element variable '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", Tag, TraceNodeString(Node));
RemoveAttribute(Target, Name);
if (CurrentElement.Name.ToString().Equals(Tag))
RemoveAttribute(CurrentElement, Name);
foreach (XElement WorkNode in CurrentElement.Descendants(Tag))
RemoveAttribute(WorkNode, Name);
case "addPermission":
string Name = GetAttributeWithNamespace(CurrentContext, Node, XMLNameSpace, "name");
if (Name != null)
// make sure it isn't already added
bool bFound = false;
foreach (XElement Element in XMLWork.Descendants("uses-permission"))
XAttribute Attribute = Element.Attribute(XMLNameSpace + "name");
if (Attribute != null)
if (Attribute.Value == Name)
bFound = true;
// add it if not found
if (!bFound)
// Get the attributes and apply any variable expansion needed
List<XAttribute> AttributeList = Node.Attributes().ToList();
foreach (XAttribute Attribute in AttributeList)
string NewValue = ExpandVariables(CurrentContext, Attribute.Value);
XMLWork.Element("manifest").Add(new XElement("uses-permission", AttributeList));
case "removePermission":
string Name = GetAttributeWithNamespace(CurrentContext, Node, XMLNameSpace, "name");
if (Name != null)
foreach (XElement Element in XMLWork.Descendants("uses-permission"))
XAttribute Attribute = Element.Attribute(XMLNameSpace + "name");
if (Attribute != null)
if (Attribute.Value == Name)
case "addFeature":
string Name = GetAttributeWithNamespace(CurrentContext, Node, XMLNameSpace, "name");
if (Name != null)
// make sure it isn't already added
bool bFound = false;
foreach (XElement Element in XMLWork.Descendants("uses-feature"))
XAttribute Attribute = Element.Attribute(XMLNameSpace + "name");
if (Attribute != null)
if (Attribute.Value == Name)
bFound = true;
// add it if not found
if (!bFound)
// Get the attributes and apply any variable expansion needed
List<XAttribute> AttributeList = Node.Attributes().ToList();
foreach (XAttribute Attribute in AttributeList)
string NewValue = ExpandVariables(CurrentContext, Attribute.Value);
XMLWork.Element("manifest").Add(new XElement("uses-feature", AttributeList));
case "removeFeature":
string Name = GetAttributeWithNamespace(CurrentContext, Node, XMLNameSpace, "name");
if (Name != null)
foreach (XElement Element in XMLWork.Descendants("uses-feature"))
XAttribute Attribute = Element.Attribute(XMLNameSpace + "name");
if (Attribute != null)
if (Attribute.Value == Name)
case "addLibrary":
string Name = GetAttributeWithNamespace(CurrentContext, Node, XMLNameSpace, "name");
if (Name != null)
// make sure it isn't already added
bool bFound = false;
foreach (XElement Element in XMLWork.Descendants("uses-library"))
XAttribute Attribute = Element.Attribute(XMLNameSpace + "name");
if (Attribute != null)
if (Attribute.Value == Name)
bFound = true;
// add it if not found
if (!bFound)
// Get the attributes and apply any variable expansion needed
List<XAttribute> AttributeList = Node.Attributes().ToList();
foreach (XAttribute Attribute in AttributeList)
string NewValue = ExpandVariables(CurrentContext, Attribute.Value);
XMLWork.Element("manifest").Element("application").Add(new XElement("uses-library", AttributeList));
case "removeLibrary":
string Name = GetAttributeWithNamespace(CurrentContext, Node, XMLNameSpace, "name");
if (Name != null)
foreach (XElement Element in XMLWork.Descendants("uses-library"))
XAttribute Attribute = Element.Attribute(XMLNameSpace + "name");
if (Attribute != null)
if (Attribute.Value == Name)
case "removeElement":
string Tag = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "tag");
bool bOnce = StringToBool(GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "once", true, false));
if (Tag != null)
if (Tag == "$")
XElement Parent = CurrentElement.Parent;
CurrentElement = Parent;
// use a list since Remove() may modify it
foreach (XElement Element in XMLWork.Descendants(Tag).ToList())
if (bOnce)
case "addElement":
string Tag = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "tag");
string Name = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "name");
bool bOnce = StringToBool(GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "once", true, false));
if (Tag != null && Name != null)
XElement Element;
if (!CurrentContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Element))
if (!GlobalContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Element))
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing element variable '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", Name, TraceNodeString(Node));
if (Tag.StartsWith("$"))
XElement Target = CurrentElement;
if (Tag.Length > 1)
if (!CurrentContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Target))
if (!GlobalContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Target))
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing element variable '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", Tag, TraceNodeString(Node));
Target.Add(new XElement(Element));
if (CurrentElement.Name.ToString().Equals(Tag))
CurrentElement.Add(new XElement(Element));
// make sure we don't recurse forever if Tag is in Element
List<XElement> AddSet = new List<XElement>();
foreach (XElement WorkNode in CurrentElement.Descendants(Tag))
if (bOnce)
foreach (XElement WorkNode in AddSet)
WorkNode.Add(new XElement(Element));
case "addElements":
string Tag = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "tag");
bool bOnce = StringToBool(GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "once", true, false));
if (Tag != null)
if (Tag.StartsWith("$"))
XElement Target = CurrentElement;
if (Tag.Length > 1)
if (!CurrentContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Target))
if (!GlobalContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Target))
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing element variable '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", Tag, TraceNodeString(Node));
AddElements(Target, Node);
if (CurrentElement.Name.ToString().Equals(Tag))
AddElements(CurrentElement, Node);
// make sure we don't recurse forever if Tag is in Node
List<XElement> AddSet = new List<XElement>();
foreach (XElement WorkNode in CurrentElement.Descendants(Tag))
if (bOnce)
foreach (XElement WorkNode in AddSet)
AddElements(WorkNode, Node);
case "insert":
if (Node.HasElements)
foreach (XElement Element in Node.Elements())
string Value = Element.ToString().Replace(" " + XMLRootDefinition + " ", "");
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] += Value + "\n";
string Value = Node.Value.ToString();
// trim trailing tabs
int Index = Value.Length;
while (Index > 0 && Value[Index - 1] == '\t')
if (Index < Value.Length)
Value = Value.Substring(0, Index);
// trim leading newlines
Index = 0;
while (Index < Value.Length && Value[Index] == '\n')
if (Index < Value.Length)
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] += Value.Substring(Index);
case "insertNewline":
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] += "\n";
case "insertValue":
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value");
if (Value != null)
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] += Value;
case "replace":
string Find = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "find");
string With = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "with");
if (Find != null && With != null)
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] = GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"].Replace(Find, With);
case "copyFile":
string Src = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "src");
string Dst = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "dst");
bool bForce = StringToBool(GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "force", true, false, "true"));
if (Src != null && Dst != null)
if (File.Exists(Src))
// check to see if newer than last time we copied
if (bForce || FilesAreDifferent(Src, Dst))
if (File.Exists(Dst))
File.SetAttributes(Dst, FileAttributes.Normal);
File.Copy(Src, Dst, true);
Log.TraceInformation("\nFile {0} copied to {1}", Src, Dst);
// remove any read only flags and keep timestamp
FileInfo DestFileInfo = new FileInfo(Dst);
DestFileInfo.Attributes = DestFileInfo.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;
File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(Dst, File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(Src));
Log.TraceInformation("\nFile {0} does not exist, not copied!", Src);
case "copyDir":
string Src = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "src");
string Dst = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "dst");
bool bForce = StringToBool(GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "force", true, false, "true"));
if (Src != null && Dst != null)
CopyFileDirectory(Src, Dst, bForce);
Log.TraceInformation("\nDirectory {0} copied to {1}", Src, Dst, bForce);
case "deleteFiles":
string Filespec = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "filespec");
if (Filespec != null)
if (Filespec.Contains(":") || Filespec.Contains(".."))
Log.TraceInformation("\nFilespec {0} not allowed; ignored.", Filespec);
// force relative to BuildDir (and only from global context so someone doesn't try to be clever)
DeleteFiles(Path.Combine(GlobalContext.StringVariables["BuildDir"], Filespec));
case "loadLibrary":
string Name = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "name");
string FailMsg = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "failmsg", true, false);
if (Name != null)
string Work = "\t\ttry\n" +
"\t\t{\n" +
"\t\t\tSystem.loadLibrary(\"" + Name + "\");\n" +
"\t\t}\n" +
"\t\tcatch (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError e)\n" +
if (FailMsg != null)
Work += "\t\t\tLog.debug(e.toString());\n";
Work += "\t\t\tLog.debug(\"" + FailMsg + "\");\n";
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] += Work + "\t\t}\n";
case "setBool":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value", true, false, "false");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = StringToBool(Value);
case "setBoolEnvVarDefined":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = (Value != null && Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(Value).Length > 0);
case "setBoolFrom":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value", true, false, "false");
if (Result != null)
Value = ExpandVariables(CurrentContext, "$B(" + Value + ")");
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = StringToBool(Value);
case "setBoolFromProperty":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Ini = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "ini");
string Section = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "section");
string Property = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "property");
string DefaultVal = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "default", true, false, "false");
if (Result != null && Ini != null && Section != null && Property != null)
bool Value = StringToBool(DefaultVal);
ConfigCacheIni_UPL ConfigIni = GetConfigCacheIni_UPL(Ini);
if (ConfigIni != null)
if (!ConfigIni.GetBool(Section, Property, out Value))
Value = StringToBool(DefaultVal);
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = Value;
case "setBoolFromPropertyContains":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Ini = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "ini");
string Section = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "section");
string Property = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "property");
string DefaultVal = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "default", true, false, "false");
string Contains = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "contains", true, true, "");
if (Result != null && Ini != null && Section != null && Property != null)
bool Value = StringToBool(DefaultVal);
ConfigCacheIni_UPL ConfigIni = GetConfigCacheIni_UPL(Ini);
if (ConfigIni != null)
List<string> StringList;
if (ConfigIni.GetArray(Section, Property, out StringList))
Value = false;
foreach (string Entry in StringList)
if (Entry.Equals(Contains))
Value = true;
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = Value;
case "setBoolContains":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Source = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "source", true, false, "");
string Find = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "find", true, false, "");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = Source.Contains(Find);
case "setBoolStartsWith":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Source = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "source", true, false, "");
string Find = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "find", true, false, "");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = Source.StartsWith(Find);
case "setBoolEndsWith":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Source = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "source", true, false, "");
string Find = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "find", true, false, "");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = Source.EndsWith(Find);
case "setBoolNot":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Source = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "source", true, false, "false");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = !StringToBool(Source);
case "setBoolAnd":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false, "false");
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false, "false");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = StringToBool(Arg1) && StringToBool(Arg2);
case "setBoolOr":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false, "false");
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false, "false");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = StringToBool(Arg1) || StringToBool(Arg2);
case "setBoolIsEqual":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false, "");
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false, "");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = Arg1.Equals(Arg2);
case "setBoolIsLess":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false);
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false);
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = (StringToInt(Arg1, Node) < StringToInt(Arg2, Node));
case "setBoolIsLessEqual":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false);
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false);
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = (StringToInt(Arg1, Node) <= StringToInt(Arg2, Node));
case "setBoolIsGreater":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false);
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false);
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = (StringToInt(Arg1, Node) > StringToInt(Arg2, Node));
case "setBoolIsGreaterEqual":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false);
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false);
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.BoolVariables[Result] = (StringToInt(Arg1, Node) >= StringToInt(Arg2, Node));
case "setInt":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value", true, false, "0");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.IntVariables[Result] = StringToInt(Value, Node);
case "setIntFrom":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value", true, false, "0");
if (Result != null)
Value = ExpandVariables(CurrentContext, "$I(" + Value + ")");
CurrentContext.IntVariables[Result] = StringToInt(Value, Node);
case "setIntFromProperty":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Ini = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "ini");
string Section = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "section");
string Property = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "property");
string DefaultVal = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "default", true, false, "0");
if (Result != null && Ini != null && Section != null && Property != null)
int Value = StringToInt(DefaultVal, Node);
ConfigCacheIni_UPL ConfigIni = GetConfigCacheIni_UPL(Ini);
if (ConfigIni != null)
ConfigIni.GetInt32(Section, Property, out Value);
CurrentContext.IntVariables[Result] = Value;
case "setIntAdd":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false, "0");
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false, "0");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.IntVariables[Result] = StringToInt(Arg1, Node) + StringToInt(Arg2, Node);
case "setIntSubtract":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false, "0");
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false, "0");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.IntVariables[Result] = StringToInt(Arg1, Node) - StringToInt(Arg2, Node);
case "setIntMultiply":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false, "1");
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false, "1");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.IntVariables[Result] = StringToInt(Arg1, Node) * StringToInt(Arg2, Node);
case "setIntDivide":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false, "1");
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false, "1");
if (Result != null)
int Denominator = StringToInt(Arg2, Node);
if (Denominator == 0)
CurrentContext.IntVariables[Result] = StringToInt(Arg1, Node);
CurrentContext.IntVariables[Result] = StringToInt(Arg1, Node) / Denominator;
case "setIntLength":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Source = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "source", true, false, "");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.IntVariables[Result] = Source.Length;
case "setIntFindString":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Source = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "source", true, false, "");
string Find = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "find", true, false, "");
if (Result != null)
CurrentContext.IntVariables[Result] = Source.IndexOf(Find);
case "setString":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value", true, false, "");
if (Result != null)
if (Result == "Output")
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] = Value;
CurrentContext.StringVariables[Result] = Value;
case "setStringFrom":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value", true, false, "0");
if (Result != null)
Value = ExpandVariables(CurrentContext, "$S(" + Value + ")");
CurrentContext.StringVariables[Result] = Value;
case "setStringFromEnvVar":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value");
if (Result != null && Value != null)
CurrentContext.StringVariables[Result] = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(Value);
case "setStringFromTag":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Tag = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "tag", true, false, "$");
if (Result != null)
XElement Element = CurrentElement;
if (Tag.StartsWith("$"))
if (Tag.Length > 1)
if (!CurrentContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Element))
if (!GlobalContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Element))
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing element variable '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", Tag, TraceNodeString(Node));
CurrentContext.StringVariables[Result] = Element.Name.ToString();
case "setStringFromAttribute":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Tag = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "tag");
string Name = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "name");
if (Result != null && Tag != null && Name != null)
XElement Element = CurrentElement;
if (Tag.StartsWith("$"))
if (Tag.Length > 1)
if (!CurrentContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Element))
if (!GlobalContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Element))
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing element variable '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", Tag, TraceNodeString(Node));
XAttribute Attribute;
int Index = Name.IndexOf(":");
if (Index >= 0)
Name = Name.Substring(Index + 1);
Attribute = Element.Attribute(XMLNameSpace + Name);
Attribute = Element.Attribute(Name);
CurrentContext.StringVariables[Result] = (Attribute != null) ? Attribute.Value : "";
case "setStringFromTagText":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Tag = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "tag", true, false, "$");
if (Result != null)
XElement Element = CurrentElement;
if (Tag.StartsWith("$"))
if (Tag.Length > 1)
if (!CurrentContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Element))
if (!GlobalContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Tag.Substring(1), out Element))
Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing element variable '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", Tag, TraceNodeString(Node));
if (Element.Value == null)
Log.TraceWarning("\nExpected text in element '{0}' in '{1}' but found none (skipping instruction)", Element.Name.ToString(), TraceNodeString(Node));
CurrentContext.StringVariables[Result] = Element.Value;
case "setStringFromProperty":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Ini = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "ini");
string Section = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "section");
string Property = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "property");
string DefaultVal = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "default", true, false, "");
if (Result != null && Ini != null && Section != null && Property != null)
string Value = DefaultVal;
ConfigCacheIni_UPL ConfigIni = GetConfigCacheIni_UPL(Ini);
if (ConfigIni != null)
if (!ConfigIni.GetString(Section, Property, out Value))
// If the string was not found in the config, Value will have been set to an empty string
// Set it back to the DefaultVal
Value = DefaultVal;
if (Result == "Output")
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] = Value;
CurrentContext.StringVariables[Result] = Value;
case "setStringAdd":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Arg1 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg1", true, false, "");
string Arg2 = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "arg2", true, false, "");
if (Result != null)
string Value = Arg1 + Arg2;
if (Result == "Output")
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] = Value;
CurrentContext.StringVariables[Result] = Value;
case "setStringSubstring":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Source = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "source", true, false, "");
string Start = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "start", true, false, "0");
string Length = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "length", true, false, "0");
if (Result != null && Source != null)
int Index = StringToInt(Start, Node);
int Count = StringToInt(Length, Node);
Index = (Index < 0) ? 0 : (Index > Source.Length) ? Source.Length : Index;
Count = (Index + Count > Source.Length) ? Source.Length - Index : Count;
string Value = Source.Substring(Index, Count);
if (Result == "Output")
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] = Value;
CurrentContext.StringVariables[Result] = Value;
case "setStringReplace":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Source = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "source", true, false, "");
string Find = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "find");
string With = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "with", true, false, "");
if (Result != null && Find != null)
string Value = Source.Replace(Find, With);
if (Result == "Output")
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"] = Value;
CurrentContext.StringVariables[Result] = Value;
case "setElement":
string Result = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "result");
string Value = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "value", true, false);
string Text = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "text", true, false);
string Parse = GetAttribute(CurrentContext, Node, "xml", true, false);
if (Result != null)
if (Value != null)
XElement NewElement = new XElement(Value);
if (Text != null)
NewElement.Value = Text;
CurrentContext.ElementVariables[Result] = NewElement;
else if (Parse != null)
CurrentContext.ElementVariables[Result] = XElement.Parse(Parse);
catch (Exception e)
Log.TraceError("\nXML parsing {0} failed! {1} (skipping instruction)", Parse, e);
Log.TraceWarning("\nUnknown command: {0}", Node.Name);
return GlobalContext.StringVariables["Output"];
public void Init(List<string> Architectures, bool bDistribution, string EngineDirectory, string BuildDirectory, string ProjectDirectory, string Configuration)
GlobalContext.BoolVariables["Distribution"] = bDistribution;
GlobalContext.StringVariables["Configuration"] = Configuration;
GlobalContext.StringVariables["EngineDir"] = EngineDirectory.Replace("\\", "/");
GlobalContext.StringVariables["BuildDir"] = BuildDirectory.Replace("\\", "/");
GlobalContext.StringVariables["ProjectDir"] = ProjectDirectory.Replace("\\", "/");
if (GlobalContext.StringVariables["EngineDir"].Length < 1)
GlobalContext.StringVariables["EngineDir"] = "./";
if (GlobalContext.StringVariables["BuildDir"].Length < 1)
GlobalContext.StringVariables["BuildDir"] = "./";
if (GlobalContext.StringVariables["ProjectDir"].Length < 1)
GlobalContext.StringVariables["ProjectDir"] = "./";
GlobalContext.StringVariables["AbsEngineDir"] = Path.GetFullPath(GlobalContext.StringVariables["EngineDir"]).Replace("\\", "/");
GlobalContext.StringVariables["AbsBuildDir"] = Path.GetFullPath(GlobalContext.StringVariables["BuildDir"]).Replace("\\", "/");
GlobalContext.StringVariables["AbsProjectDir"] = Path.GetFullPath(GlobalContext.StringVariables["ProjectDir"]).Replace("\\", "/");
foreach (string Arch in Architectures)
Log.TraceInformation("UPL Init: {0}", Arch);
ProcessPluginNode(Arch, "init", "");
if (bGlobalTrace)
Log.TraceInformation("\nVariables:\n{0}", DumpVariables());
public void SetGlobalContextVariable(string VariableName, bool Value)
if (VariableName != null)
GlobalContext.BoolVariables[VariableName] = Value;
public void SetGlobalContextVariable(string VariableName, int Value)
if (VariableName != null)
GlobalContext.IntVariables[VariableName] = Value;
public void SetGlobalContextVariable(string VariableName, string Value)
if (VariableName != null && Value != null)
GlobalContext.StringVariables[VariableName] = Value;
/// <summary>
/// Equivalent of FConfigCacheIni_UPL. Parses ini files. This version reads ALL sections since ConfigCacheIni_UPL does NOT
/// </summary>
class ConfigCacheIni_UPL
/// <summary>
/// Exception when parsing ini files
/// </summary>
public class IniParsingException : Exception
public IniParsingException(string Message)
: base(Message)
{ }
public IniParsingException(string Format, params object[] Args)
: base(String.Format(Format, Args))
{ }
/// <summary>
/// command class for being able to create config caches over and over without needing to read the ini files
/// </summary>
public class Command
public string TrimmedLine;
class SectionCommand : Command
public FileReference Filename;
public int LineIndex;
class KeyValueCommand : Command
public string Key;
public string Value;
public ParseAction LastAction;
// cached ini files
static Dictionary<string, List<Command>> FileCache = new Dictionary<string, List<Command>>();
static Dictionary<string, ConfigCacheIni_UPL> IniCache = new Dictionary<string, ConfigCacheIni_UPL>();
static Dictionary<string, ConfigCacheIni_UPL> BaseIniCache = new Dictionary<string, ConfigCacheIni_UPL>();
// static creation functions for ini files
public static ConfigCacheIni_UPL CreateConfigCacheIni_UPL(UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, string BaseIniName, DirectoryReference ProjectDirectory, DirectoryReference EngineDirectory = null)
if (EngineDirectory == null)
EngineDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory;
// cache base ini for use as the seed for the rest
if (!BaseIniCache.ContainsKey(BaseIniName))
BaseIniCache.Add(BaseIniName, new ConfigCacheIni_UPL(UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown, BaseIniName, null, EngineDirectory, EngineOnly: true));
// build the new ini and cache it for later re-use
ConfigCacheIni_UPL BaseCache = BaseIniCache[BaseIniName];
string Key = GetIniPlatformName(Platform) + BaseIniName + EngineDirectory.FullName + (ProjectDirectory != null ? ProjectDirectory.FullName : "");
if (!IniCache.ContainsKey(Key))
IniCache.Add(Key, new ConfigCacheIni_UPL(Platform, BaseIniName, ProjectDirectory, EngineDirectory, BaseCache: BaseCache));
return IniCache[Key];
/// <summary>
/// List of values (or a single value)
/// </summary>
public class IniValues : List<string>
public IniValues()
public IniValues(IniValues Other)
: base(Other)
public override string ToString()
return String.Join(",", ToArray());
/// <summary>
/// Ini section (map of keys and values)
/// </summary>
public class IniSection : Dictionary<string, IniValues>
public IniSection()
: base(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
{ }
public IniSection(IniSection Other)
: this()
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IniValues> Pair in Other)
Add(Pair.Key, new IniValues(Pair.Value));
public override string ToString()
return "IniSection";
/// <summary>
/// True if we are loading a hierarchy of config files that should be merged together
/// </summary>
bool bIsMergingConfigs;
/// <summary>
/// All sections parsed from ini file
/// </summary>
Dictionary<string, IniSection> Sections;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor. Parses a single ini file. No Platform settings, no engine hierarchy. Do not use this with ini files that have hierarchy!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Filename">The ini file to load</param>
public ConfigCacheIni_UPL(FileReference Filename)
/// <summary>
/// Constructor. Parses ini hierarchy for the specified project. No Platform settings.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="BaseIniName">Ini name (Engine, Editor, etc)</param>
/// <param name="ProjectDirectory">Project path</param>
/// <param name="EngineDirectory"></param>
public ConfigCacheIni_UPL(string BaseIniName, string ProjectDirectory, string EngineDirectory = null)
Init(UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown, BaseIniName, (ProjectDirectory == null) ? null : new DirectoryReference(ProjectDirectory), (EngineDirectory == null) ? null : new DirectoryReference(EngineDirectory));
/// <summary>
/// Constructor. Parses ini hierarchy for the specified project. No Platform settings.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="BaseIniName">Ini name (Engine, Editor, etc)</param>
/// <param name="ProjectDirectory">Project path</param>
/// <param name="EngineDirectory"></param>
public ConfigCacheIni_UPL(string BaseIniName, DirectoryReference ProjectDirectory, DirectoryReference EngineDirectory = null)
Init(UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown, BaseIniName, ProjectDirectory, EngineDirectory);
/// <summary>
/// Constructor. Parses ini hierarchy for the specified platform and project.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ProjectDirectory">Project path</param>
/// <param name="Platform">Target platform</param>
/// <param name="BaseIniName">Ini name (Engine, Editor, etc)</param>
/// <param name="EngineDirectory"></param>
public ConfigCacheIni_UPL(UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, string BaseIniName, string ProjectDirectory, string EngineDirectory = null)
Init(Platform, BaseIniName, (ProjectDirectory == null) ? null : new DirectoryReference(ProjectDirectory), (EngineDirectory == null) ? null : new DirectoryReference(EngineDirectory));
/// <summary>
/// Constructor. Parses ini hierarchy for the specified platform and project.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ProjectDirectory">Project path</param>
/// <param name="Platform">Target platform</param>
/// <param name="BaseIniName">Ini name (Engine, Editor, etc)</param>
/// <param name="EngineDirectory"></param>
/// <param name="EngineOnly"></param>
/// <param name="BaseCache"></param>
public ConfigCacheIni_UPL(UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, string BaseIniName, DirectoryReference ProjectDirectory, DirectoryReference EngineDirectory = null, bool EngineOnly = false, ConfigCacheIni_UPL BaseCache = null)
Init(Platform, BaseIniName, ProjectDirectory, EngineDirectory, EngineOnly, BaseCache);
private void InitCommon()
Sections = new Dictionary<string, IniSection>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
private void Init(FileReference IniFileName)
bIsMergingConfigs = false;
private void Init(UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, string BaseIniName, DirectoryReference ProjectDirectory, DirectoryReference EngineDirectory, bool EngineOnly = false, ConfigCacheIni_UPL BaseCache = null)
bIsMergingConfigs = true;
if (EngineDirectory == null)
EngineDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory;
if (BaseCache != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IniSection> Pair in BaseCache.Sections)
Sections.Add(Pair.Key, new IniSection(Pair.Value));
if (EngineOnly)
foreach (FileReference IniFileName in EnumerateEngineIniFileNames(EngineDirectory, BaseIniName))
if (FileReference.Exists(IniFileName))
foreach (FileReference IniFileName in EnumerateCrossPlatformIniFileNames(ProjectDirectory, EngineDirectory, Platform, BaseIniName, BaseCache != null))
if (FileReference.Exists(IniFileName))
/// <summary>
/// Finds a section in INI
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SectionName"></param>
/// <returns>Found section or null</returns>
public IniSection FindSection(string SectionName)
IniSection Section;
Sections.TryGetValue(SectionName, out Section);
return Section;
/// <summary>
/// Finds values associated with the specified key (does not copy the list)
/// </summary>
private bool GetList(string SectionName, string Key, out IniValues Value)
bool Result = false;
IniSection Section = FindSection(SectionName);
Value = null;
if (Section != null)
if (Section.TryGetValue(Key, out Value))
Result = true;
return Result;
/// <summary>
/// Gets all values associated with the specified key
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SectionName">Section where the key is located</param>
/// <param name="Key">Key name</param>
/// <param name="Value">Copy of the list containing all values associated with the specified key</param>
/// <returns>True if the key exists</returns>
public bool GetArray(string SectionName, string Key, out List<string> Value)
Value = null;
IniValues ValueList;
bool Result = GetList(SectionName, Key, out ValueList);
if (Result)
Value = new List<string>(ValueList);
return Result;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a single string value associated with the specified key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SectionName">Section name</param>
/// <param name="Key">Key name</param>
/// <param name="Value">Value associated with the specified key. If the key has more than one value, only the first one is returned</param>
/// <returns>True if the key exists</returns>
public bool GetString(string SectionName, string Key, out string Value)
Value = String.Empty;
IniValues ValueList;
bool Result = GetList(SectionName, Key, out ValueList);
if (Result && ValueList != null && ValueList.Count > 0)
Value = ValueList[0];
Result = true;
Result = false;
return Result;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a single bool value associated with the specified key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SectionName">Section name</param>
/// <param name="Key">Key name</param>
/// <param name="Value">Value associated with the specified key. If the key has more than one value, only the first one is returned</param>
/// <returns>True if the key exists</returns>
public bool GetBool(string SectionName, string Key, out bool Value)
Value = false;
string TextValue;
bool Result = GetString(SectionName, Key, out TextValue);
if (Result)
// C# Boolean type expects "False" or "True" but since we're not case sensitive, we need to suppor that manually
if (String.Compare(TextValue, "true", true) == 0 || String.Compare(TextValue, "1") == 0)
Value = true;
else if (String.Compare(TextValue, "false", true) == 0 || String.Compare(TextValue, "0") == 0)
Value = false;
// Failed to parse
Result = false;
return Result;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a single Int32 value associated with the specified key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SectionName">Section name</param>
/// <param name="Key">Key name</param>
/// <param name="Value">Value associated with the specified key. If the key has more than one value, only the first one is returned</param>
/// <returns>True if the key exists</returns>
public bool GetInt32(string SectionName, string Key, out int Value)
Value = 0;
string TextValue;
bool Result = GetString(SectionName, Key, out TextValue);
if (Result)
Result = Int32.TryParse(TextValue, out Value);
return Result;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a single GUID value associated with the specified key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SectionName">Section name</param>
/// <param name="Key">Key name</param>
/// <param name="Value">Value associated with the specified key. If the key has more than one value, only the first one is returned</param>
/// <returns>True if the key exists</returns>
public bool GetGUID(string SectionName, string Key, out Guid Value)
Value = Guid.Empty;
string TextValue;
bool Result = GetString(SectionName, Key, out TextValue);
if (Result)
string HexString = "";
if (TextValue.Contains("A=") && TextValue.Contains("B=") && TextValue.Contains("C=") && TextValue.Contains("D="))
char[] Separators = new char[] { '(', ')', '=', ',', ' ', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' };
string[] ComponentValues = TextValue.Split(Separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (ComponentValues.Length == 4)
for (int ComponentIndex = 0; ComponentIndex < 4; ComponentIndex++)
int IntegerValue;
Result &= Int32.TryParse(ComponentValues[ComponentIndex], out IntegerValue);
HexString += IntegerValue.ToString("X8");
HexString = TextValue;
Value = Guid.ParseExact(HexString, "N");
Result = true;
catch (Exception)
Result = false;
return Result;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a single float value associated with the specified key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SectionName">Section name</param>
/// <param name="Key">Key name</param>
/// <param name="Value">Value associated with the specified key. If the key has more than one value, only the first one is returned</param>
/// <returns>True if the key exists</returns>
public bool GetSingle(string SectionName, string Key, out float Value)
Value = 0.0f;
string TextValue;
bool Result = GetString(SectionName, Key, out TextValue);
if (Result)
Result = Single.TryParse(TextValue, out Value);
return Result;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a single double value associated with the specified key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SectionName">Section name</param>
/// <param name="Key">Key name</param>
/// <param name="Value">Value associated with the specified key. If the key has more than one value, only the first one is returned</param>
/// <returns>True if the key exists</returns>
public bool GetDouble(string SectionName, string Key, out double Value)
Value = 0.0;
string TextValue;
bool Result = GetString(SectionName, Key, out TextValue);
if (Result)
Result = Double.TryParse(TextValue, out Value);
return Result;
private static bool ExtractPath(string Source, out string Path)
int start = Source.IndexOf('"');
int end = Source.LastIndexOf('"');
if (start != 1 && end != -1 && start < end)
Path = Source.Substring(start, end - start);
return true;
Path = "";
return false;
public bool GetPath(string SectionName, string Key, out string Value)
string temp;
if (GetString(SectionName, Key, out temp))
return ExtractPath(temp, out Value);
Value = "";
return false;
/// <summary>
/// List of actions that can be performed on a single line from ini file
/// </summary>
enum ParseAction
/// <summary>
/// Checks what action should be performed on a single line from ini file
/// </summary>
private ParseAction GetActionForLine(ref string Line)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Line) || Line.StartsWith(";") || Line.StartsWith("//"))
return ParseAction.None;
else if (Line.StartsWith("-"))
Line = Line.Substring(1).TrimStart();
return ParseAction.Remove;
else if (Line.StartsWith("+"))
Line = Line.Substring(1).TrimStart();
return ParseAction.Add;
// We use Add rather than New when we're not merging config files together in order
// to mimic the behavior of the C++ config cache when loading a single file
return (bIsMergingConfigs) ? ParseAction.New : ParseAction.Add;
/// <summary>
/// Loads and parses ini file.
/// </summary>
public void ParseIniFile(FileReference Filename)
String[] IniLines = null;
List<Command> Commands = null;
if (!FileCache.ContainsKey(Filename.FullName))
IniLines = File.ReadAllLines(Filename.FullName);
Commands = new List<Command>();
FileCache.Add(Filename.FullName, Commands);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.TraceInformation("Error reading ini file: " + Filename + " Exception: " + ex.Message);
Commands = FileCache[Filename.FullName];
if (IniLines != null && Commands != null)
IniSection CurrentSection = null;
// Line Index for exceptions
int LineIndex = 1;
bool bMultiLine = false;
string SingleValue = "";
string Key = "";
ParseAction LastAction = ParseAction.None;
// Parse each line
foreach (string Line in IniLines)
string TrimmedLine = Line.Trim();
// Multiline value support
bool bWasMultiLine = bMultiLine;
bMultiLine = TrimmedLine.EndsWith("\\");
if (bMultiLine)
TrimmedLine = TrimmedLine.Substring(0, TrimmedLine.Length - 1).TrimEnd();
if (!bWasMultiLine)
if (TrimmedLine.StartsWith("["))
CurrentSection = FindOrAddSection(TrimmedLine, Filename, LineIndex);
LastAction = ParseAction.None;
if (CurrentSection != null)
SectionCommand Command = new SectionCommand();
Command.Filename = Filename;
Command.LineIndex = LineIndex;
Command.TrimmedLine = TrimmedLine;
if (LastAction != ParseAction.None)
throw new IniParsingException("Parsing new key/value pair when the previous one has not yet been processed ({0}, {1}) in {2}, line {3}: {4}", Key, SingleValue, Filename, LineIndex, TrimmedLine);
// Check if the line is empty or a comment, also remove any +/- markers
LastAction = GetActionForLine(ref TrimmedLine);
if (LastAction != ParseAction.None)
/* if (CurrentSection == null)
throw new IniParsingException("Trying to parse key/value pair that doesn't belong to any section in {0}, line {1}: {2}", Filename, LineIndex, TrimmedLine);
ParseKeyValuePair(TrimmedLine, Filename, LineIndex, out Key, out SingleValue);
if (bWasMultiLine)
SingleValue += TrimmedLine;
if (!bMultiLine && LastAction != ParseAction.None && CurrentSection != null)
ProcessKeyValuePair(CurrentSection, Key, SingleValue, LastAction);
KeyValueCommand Command = new KeyValueCommand();
Command.Key = Key;
Command.Value = SingleValue;
Command.LastAction = LastAction;
LastAction = ParseAction.None;
SingleValue = "";
Key = "";
else if (CurrentSection == null)
LastAction = ParseAction.None;
else if (Commands != null)
IniSection CurrentSection = null;
// run each command
for (int Idx = 0; Idx < Commands.Count; ++Idx)
Command Command = Commands[Idx];
if (Command is SectionCommand)
CurrentSection = FindOrAddSection((Command as SectionCommand).TrimmedLine, (Command as SectionCommand).Filename, (Command as SectionCommand).LineIndex);
else if (Command is KeyValueCommand)
ProcessKeyValuePair(CurrentSection, (Command as KeyValueCommand).Key, (Command as KeyValueCommand).Value, (Command as KeyValueCommand).LastAction);
/// <summary>
/// Splits a line into key and value
/// </summary>
private static void ParseKeyValuePair(string TrimmedLine, FileReference Filename, int LineIndex, out string Key, out string Value)
int AssignIndex = TrimmedLine.IndexOf('=');
if (AssignIndex < 0)
throw new IniParsingException("Failed to find value when parsing {0}, line {1}: {2}", Filename, LineIndex, TrimmedLine);
Key = TrimmedLine.Substring(0, AssignIndex).Trim();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Key))
throw new IniParsingException("Empty key when parsing {0}, line {1}: {2}", Filename, LineIndex, TrimmedLine);
Value = TrimmedLine.Substring(AssignIndex + 1).Trim();
if (Value.StartsWith("\""))
// Remove quotes
int QuoteEnd = Value.LastIndexOf('\"');
if (QuoteEnd == 0)
throw new IniParsingException("Mismatched quotes when parsing {0}, line {1}: {2}", Filename, LineIndex, TrimmedLine);
Value = Value.Substring(1, Value.Length - 2);
/// <summary>
/// Processes parsed key/value pair
/// </summary>
private static void ProcessKeyValuePair(IniSection CurrentSection, string Key, string SingleValue, ParseAction Action)
switch (Action)
case ParseAction.New:
// New/replace
IniValues Value;
if (CurrentSection.TryGetValue(Key, out Value) == false)
Value = new IniValues();
CurrentSection.Add(Key, Value);
case ParseAction.Add:
IniValues Value;
if (CurrentSection.TryGetValue(Key, out Value) == false)
Value = new IniValues();
CurrentSection.Add(Key, Value);
case ParseAction.Remove:
IniValues Value;
if (CurrentSection.TryGetValue(Key, out Value))
int ExistingIndex = Value.FindIndex(X => (String.Compare(SingleValue, X, true) == 0));
if (ExistingIndex >= 0)
/// <summary>
/// Finds an existing section or adds a new one
/// </summary>
private IniSection FindOrAddSection(string TrimmedLine, FileReference Filename, int LineIndex)
int SectionEndIndex = TrimmedLine.IndexOf(']');
if (SectionEndIndex != (TrimmedLine.Length - 1))
throw new IniParsingException("Mismatched brackets when parsing section name in {0}, line {1}: {2}", Filename, LineIndex, TrimmedLine);
string SectionName = TrimmedLine.Substring(1, TrimmedLine.Length - 2);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SectionName))
throw new IniParsingException("Empty section name when parsing {0}, line {1}: {2}", Filename, LineIndex, TrimmedLine);
IniSection CurrentSection;
if (Sections.TryGetValue(SectionName, out CurrentSection) == false)
CurrentSection = new IniSection();
Sections.Add(SectionName, CurrentSection);
return CurrentSection;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of INI filenames for the engine
/// </summary>
private static IEnumerable<FileReference> EnumerateEngineIniFileNames(DirectoryReference EngineDirectory, string BaseIniName)
// Engine/Config/Base.ini (included in every ini type, required)
yield return FileReference.Combine(EngineDirectory, "Config", "Base.ini");
// Engine/Config/Base* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(EngineDirectory, "Config", "Base" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
// Engine/Config/NotForLicensees/Base* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(EngineDirectory, "Config", "NotForLicensees", "Base" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of INI filenames for the given project
/// </summary>
private static IEnumerable<FileReference> EnumerateCrossPlatformIniFileNames(DirectoryReference ProjectDirectory, DirectoryReference EngineDirectory, UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, string BaseIniName, bool SkipEngine)
if (!SkipEngine)
// Engine/Config/Base.ini (included in every ini type, required)
yield return FileReference.Combine(EngineDirectory, "Config", "Base.ini");
// Engine/Config/Base* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(EngineDirectory, "Config", "Base" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
// Engine/Config/NotForLicensees/Base* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(EngineDirectory, "Config", "NotForLicensees", "Base" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
// NOTE: 4.7: See comment in GetSourceIniHierarchyFilenames()
// Engine/Config/NoRedist/Base* ini
// yield return Path.Combine(EngineDirectory, "Config", "NoRedist", "Base" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
if (ProjectDirectory != null)
// Game/Config/Default* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(ProjectDirectory, "Config", "Default" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
// Game/Config/NotForLicensees/Default* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(ProjectDirectory, "Config", "NotForLicensees", "Default" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
// Game/Config/NoRedist/Default* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(ProjectDirectory, "Config", "NoRedist", "Default" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
string PlatformName = GetIniPlatformName(Platform);
if (Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)
// Engine/Config/Platform/Platform* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(EngineDirectory, "Config", PlatformName, PlatformName + BaseIniName + ".ini");
if (ProjectDirectory != null)
// Game/Config/Platform/Platform* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(ProjectDirectory, "Config", PlatformName, PlatformName + BaseIniName + ".ini");
DirectoryReference UserSettingsFolder = Utils.GetUserSettingDirectory(); // Match FPlatformProcess::UserSettingsDir()
DirectoryReference PersonalFolder = null; // Match FPlatformProcess::UserDir()
if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)
PersonalFolder = new DirectoryReference(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "Documents"));
else if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix)
PersonalFolder = new DirectoryReference(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "Documents"));
// Not all user accounts have a local application data directory (eg. SYSTEM, used by Jenkins for builds).
string PersonalFolderSetting = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
PersonalFolder = new DirectoryReference(PersonalFolderSetting);
if(UserSettingsFolder != null)
// <AppData>/UE4/EngineConfig/User* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(UserSettingsFolder, "Unreal Engine", "Engine", "Config", "User" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
if(PersonalFolder != null)
// <Documents>/UE4/EngineConfig/User* ini
yield return FileReference.Combine(PersonalFolder, "Unreal Engine", "Engine", "Config", "User" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
// Game/Config/User* ini
if (ProjectDirectory != null)
yield return FileReference.Combine(ProjectDirectory, "Config", "User" + BaseIniName + ".ini");
/// <summary>
/// Returns the platform name to use as part of platform-specific config files
/// </summary>
private static string GetIniPlatformName(UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatform)
if (TargetPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 || TargetPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
return "Windows";
return Enum.GetName(typeof(UnrealTargetPlatform), TargetPlatform);
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