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Created February 14, 2012 18:07
now mentions native types and warnings on literal OKness smartmatch attemps
OKness type unification (DRAFT)
Current problems
Plethora of acceptance/rejection types/values
Match() looks to a newbie like it indicates success when it indicates failure
my $x = 0 but True; if $x { say "T" } else { say "F" } # says F in rakudo
Bare Failure and Nil are essentially multiplied entities for the same concept
The meta-Bool rule for .ACCEPTS feels arbitrary and non-extensible
Neither Match nor Nil can deal with arbitrary "interesting values of success/failure"
Infectious failure on cascaded methods is hard to check with //
Nil has too many methods that make it look like ()
Nil should not be pretending to be () at all
Failure and Match will both go away as insufficiently general.
Unify all these under a role called OKness.
Within OKness, there are two roles, OK and Nil.
Either of these can be instantiated empty or with "interesting values"
(those with interesting values denotes as OK+ and Nil+ below).
OK lives inside Any.
Nil lives outside of Any.
A successful match now returns OK instantiated with match info, if any.
A failed match returns Nil, with optional "why it didn't match" info for bad failure.
(Whether this throws/warns/ignores might depend on the info type.)
OK and Nil are primarily for forcing direct resolution of smartmatching;
To first approximation, OK/Nil force only truth, definedness, and .REALLY;
all other normal methods are delegated to the delegate in .REALLY.
OK is intrinsically true, not just via .Bool method, hence:
'0 but True' needs to become more like 'OK[REALLY => 0]' so that primitive 'if'
works both correctly and quickly.
Nil is likewise intrinsically false, not just via .Bool method.
In this table, OK/Nil must work in 'if' conditionals, not just ?* and friends:
if *.defined inAny payload sink=die unmeta
OK+ yes yes yes yes no *.does(OK) & *.can('REALLY')
OK yes yes yes no no *.does(OK) & none *.can('REALLY')
True yes yes yes no no *.doos(Bool) & ?*
False no yes yes no no *.does(Bool) & !*
Nil no no no no no *.does(Nil) & none *.can('REALLY')
Nil+ no no no yes yes *.does(Nil) & *.can('REALLY')
(*.can('REALLY') is probably something more intrinsic)
Types outside of OKness must call .Bool to determine truthiness (though native types
and known-non-derived types can generally optimize this away).
Smartmatching adopts a meta-OKness instead of meta-Bool.
[Conjecture: in order to allow a smartmatch that encompasses
only OKness types, the OKness type object itself is not meta
to smartmatch, so you can say $result ~~ OKness, or have a
parameter of type OKness. Otherwise *.does(OKness) would do.]
Along with Bool, OKness types may not be used literally in smartmatching,
and will warn when such usage is parsed.
return; returns ()
fail "message"; returns Nil+Exception(message)
fail $exception ;returns Nil+$exception
fail; returns fail "Failed"
succeed retains same scoping to topicalizer
succeed; returns OK
succeed($foo) returns OK+$foo
[Conjecture: fail scopes to topicalizer/sub the same as succeed]
Any failed method call on any form of Nil passes the Nil through transparently
bogus()[$x] // die "Oops: $!"; # sees Nil from bogus()
Nil is now an item.
Nil no longer tries to emulate () in list context; use () if you mean that.
Autovivifying whence probably becomes a form of Nil that is not transparent to .[] and .{}
(that is, subscript methods respond to Nil, but pass on any Nil that is not a closure)
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raiph commented May 22, 2015

What about something like:

if *.defined inAny payload sink=die unmeta
true yes yes yes no no ~~ True[Mu]
true+ yes yes yes yes no ~~ True[Any]
false no yes yes no no ~~ False[Mu]
false+ no yes yes yes yes ~~ False[Any]
undef no no no no no ~~ Mu

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