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Last active June 13, 2024 12:24
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  • Save TimWolla/a5aeaa52fe0c475e4a209fc708edcc16 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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yes: Invalid return value: callable object expected, "%s" returned from "%s".
yes: Doctrine %s Connection named "%s" does not exist.
yes: Doctrine %s Manager named "%s" does not exist.
yes: Doctrine %s Manager named "%s" does not exist.
yes: Using short namespace alias "%s" when calling %s
yes: Invalid $connection argument of type %s given%s.
yes: Using short namespace alias "%s" by calling %s
yes: The attribute metadata driver cannot be enabled on PHP 7. Please upgrade to PHP 8 or choose a different metadata driver.
yes: The attribute "%s" is repeatable. Call getPropertyAttributeCollection() instead.
yes: The attribute "%s" is not repeatable. Call getPropertyAttribute() instead.
yes: %s[%s][%s]
yes: DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[%s]
yes: Partial clearing of entities for class %s
yes: Undefined method "%s". The method name must start with either findBy, findOneBy or countBy!
yes: An object was expected, but got "%s".
yes: There is no service named "%s"
yes: The service "%s" must implement ObjectRepository (or extend a base class, like ServiceEntityRepository).
yes: The "%s" entity repository implements "%s", but its service could not be found. Make sure the service exists and is tagged with "%s".
yes: The "%s" entity has a repositoryClass set to "%s", but this is not a valid class. Check your class naming. If this is meant to be a service id, make sure this service exists and is tagged with "%s".
yes: (%s:%d called by %s:%d, %s, package %s)
yes: The driver connection %s does not support accessing the native connection.
yes: ESCAPE %s
yes: ESCAPE %s
yes: JULIANDAY(%s, 'start of day') - JULIANDAY(%s, 'start of day')
yes: SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name = %s AND sql NOT NULL ORDER BY name
yes: PRAGMA table_info(%s)
yes: PRAGMA index_list(%s)
yes: %s LIMIT -1 OFFSET %d
yes: PRAGMA foreign_key_list(%s)
yes: INSERT INTO %s (%s) SELECT %s FROM %s
yes: COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.%s IS %s
yes: Incomplete or invalid index definition %s on table %s
yes: CONSTRAINT %s %s (%s)
yes: Offset must be a positive integer or zero, %d given
yes: Platform %s does not support offset values in limit queries.
yes: LIMIT %d
yes: OFFSET %d
yes: SELECT %s
yes: Unexpected entity state: %s. %s
yes: Unexpected entity state: %s. %s
yes: trigger_error(sprintf('Undefined property: %%s::$%%s', __CLASS__, %s), E_USER_NOTICE);
no: too long, ((?(DEFINE)
yes: Could not find the entity manager for class "%s". Check your Doctrine configuration to make sure it is configured to load this entity’s metadata.
yes: Could not find the entity manager for class "%s". Check your Doctrine configuration to make sure it is configured to load this entity’s metadata.
yes: Endless recursion detected in %s. Please implement generateId() without calling the parent implementation.
yes: %s:%d:"%s":0:{}
yes: Specified root alias %s must be set before invoking indexBy().
yes: Expression of type '%s' not allowed in this context.
yes: line 0, col %d: Error:
yes: Expected %s, got
yes: '%s'
yes: '%s' is not defined.
yes: '%s' does not point to a Class.
yes: '%s' is used outside the scope of its declaration.
yes: Class "%s" is not defined.
yes: Class "%s" can not be instantiated.
yes: Class "%s" has not a valid constructor.
yes: Number of arguments does not match with "%s" constructor dec<br />
yes: There is no mapped field named '%s' on class %s.
yes: '%s' is not defined.
yes: '%s' does not point to a ResultVariable.
yes: '%s' is used outside the scope of its declaration.
yes: '%s' is already defined.
yes: Class '%s' is not defined.
yes: '%s' is already defined.
yes: No metadata for DQL alias: %s
yes: /(%s)|%s/%s
yes: Attempting to change readonly property %s::$%s.
yes: No metadata for DQL alias: %s
yes: No metadata for DQL alias: %s
yes: (%s)
yes: No result variable found for string expression "%s".
yes: Unknown result variable: %s
yes: The class '%s' was not found in the chain configured namespaces %s
yes: Specifying the paths to your entities is required when using %s to retrieve all class names.
yes: File mapping drivers must have a valid directory path, however the given path %s seems to be incorrect!
yes: No mapping file found named '%s' for class '%s'.
yes: Invalid mapping file '%s' for class '%s'.
yes: Class '%s' does not exist
yes: Class "%s" is anonymous
yes: %s: Expected parameter $stmt to be an instance of %s or %s, got %s
yes: %s: Expected parameter $stmt to be an instance of %s or %s, got %s
yes: Could not resolve type of column "%s" of class "%s"
yes: %s.%s AS %s
yes: INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)
yes: %s.%s
no: not const
yes: %s IN (%s)
yes: (%s OR %s IS NULL)
yes: %s IS NULL
yes: %s = %s
yes: (%s)
yes: The "replace" filter expects an array or "Traversable" as replace values, got "%s".
yes: The merge filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "%s" as first argument.
yes: The merge filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "%s" as second argument.
yes: The sort filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "%s".
yes: Regexp "%s" passed to "matches" is not valid
yes: Macro "%s" is not defined in template "%s".
yes: Constant "%s" is undefined.
yes: The "batch" filter expects an array or "Traversable", got "%s".
yes: Key "%s" in object with ArrayAccess of class "%s" does not exist.
yes: Impossible to access a key "%s" on an object of class "%s" that does not implement ArrayAccess interface.
yes: Key "%s" does not exist as the array is empty.
yes: Key "%s" for array with keys "%s" does not exist.
yes: Impossible to access a key ("%s") on a null variable.
yes: Impossible to access a key ("%s") on a %s variable ("%s").
yes: Impossible to access an attribute ("%s") on a null variable.
yes: Impossible to access an attribute ("%s") on a %s variable ("%s").
yes: Impossible to invoke a method ("%s") on a null variable.
yes: Impossible to invoke a method ("%s") on an array.
yes: Impossible to invoke a method ("%s") on a %s variable ("%s").
no: unknown placeholder '1', Neither the property "%1$s" nor one of the methods "%1$s()", "get%1$s()"/"is%1$s()"/"has%1$s()" or "__call()" exist and have public access in class "%2$s".
yes: The column filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "%s" as first argument.
yes: The "filter" filter expects an array or "Traversable", got "%s".
yes: The "reduce" filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "%s" as first argument.
yes: The callable passed to the "%s" %s must be a Closure in sandbox mode.
no: unknown placeholder '0', \u%04X
no: unknown placeholder '0', \u%04X\u%04X
no: unknown placeholder 'X', \%X
no: unknown placeholder '0', &#x%02X;
no: unknown placeholder '0', &#x%04X;
yes: Invalid escaping strategy "%s" (valid ones: %s).
yes: <div class="highlight highlight-sql"><pre>%s</pre></div>
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