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Created January 6, 2024 13:54
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Godot De Casteljau Algorithm for 3D Path Splitting
using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public partial class DeCasteljau : Node3D
public Path3D path;
public Path3D outputPath;
private bool showDebugPoints = true;
private bool showDebugSubCurves = true;
private bool explodeDebugSubCurves = false;
private bool showOutputCombinedCurve = true;
public bool ShowDebugPoints {
get => showDebugPoints;
set {
showDebugPoints = value;
public bool ShowDebugSubCurves {
get => showDebugSubCurves;
set {
showDebugSubCurves = value;
public bool ExplodeDebugSubCurves {
get => explodeDebugSubCurves;
set {
explodeDebugSubCurves = value;
public bool ShowOutputCombinedCurve {
get => showOutputCombinedCurve;
set {
showOutputCombinedCurve = value;
private float midpoint = 0.5f;
public float Midpoint {
get => midpoint;
set {
midpoint = value;
public override void _Ready()
private void UpdateCurves()
if(path != null && outputPath != null)
DeCasteljau3D_Split(path.Curve, midpoint);
private void DeCasteljau3D_Split(Curve3D curve, float t)
Dictionary<int,List<int>> curveIdxMap = new();
List<Curve3D> curves = new();
// Decompose into 2-point curves
for(var i = 0; i < curve.PointCount - 1; i++)
var c = new Curve3D();
c.AddPoint(curve.GetPointPosition(i), null, curve.GetPointOut(i));
c.AddPoint(curve.GetPointPosition(i+1), curve.GetPointIn(i+1), null);
curveIdxMap[i] = new List<int> { i, i+1 };
foreach(var c in outputPath.GetChildren()) {
var _renderDebugPoints = (Vector3[] p) => {
_addDebugSphere(p[0], 0.1f);
_addDebugSphere(p[3], 0.1f);
_addDebugSphere(p[1], 0.01f);
_addDebugSphere(p[2], 0.01f);
// Figure out which sub-curve the cut will be on
var bp = curve.SampleBaked(curve.GetBakedLength() * t);
_addDebugSphere(bp, 0.075f);
var errorBias = 0.01f;
var subCurveIdx = -1;
var localMidpoint = 0f;
for(var i = 0; i < curves.Count; i++)
var subClosest = curves[i].GetClosestPoint(bp);
if((bp - subClosest).Length() < errorBias) {
GD.Print("T probably belongs in sub-curve ", i);
subCurveIdx = i;
// Calculate midpoint
var prevCombinedSegmentLength = curves.GetRange(0, subCurveIdx).Sum(c => c.GetBakedLength());
var desiredOffset = curve.GetBakedLength() * t;
var desiredLocalOffset = desiredOffset - prevCombinedSegmentLength;
localMidpoint = desiredLocalOffset / curves[i].GetBakedLength();
GD.Print("DLO ", desiredLocalOffset, " Local midpoint ", localMidpoint);
(Vector3[] Left,Vector3[] Right, CurvePoint K) = DCJ2(_GetPointsAndControlsFromCurve(curves[subCurveIdx]), localMidpoint);
_addDebugSphere(K.Point, 0.1f);
_addDebugSphere(K.In, 0.01f);
_addDebugSphere(K.Out, 0.01f);
if(showDebugSubCurves) {
// Debug sub-curves
var newCurves = curves.GetRange(0, subCurveIdx);
newCurves.AddRange(curves.GetRange(subCurveIdx + 1, curves.Count - (subCurveIdx + 1)));
for(var i = 0; i < newCurves.Count; i++)
var p = new Path3D();
p.Owner = GetTree().EditedSceneRoot;
p.Curve = newCurves[i];
if(explodeDebugSubCurves) p.Position = path.Position + new Vector3(i * 0.5f, 0, 2);
Curve3D combinedCurve = null;
// Combine L+R
var replacementCurve = _combineCurves(_GetCurveFromPointsAndControls(Left), _GetCurveFromPointsAndControls(Right));
// Put it all back together
var newCurves = curves.GetRange(0, subCurveIdx);
newCurves.AddRange(curves.GetRange(subCurveIdx + 1, curves.Count - (subCurveIdx + 1)));
GD.Print("New Curves: ", newCurves.Count);
combinedCurve = newCurves[0];
for(var i = 1; i < newCurves.Count; i++)
combinedCurve = _combineCurves(combinedCurve, newCurves[i]);
outputPath.Curve = combinedCurve;
private Curve3D _combineCurves(Curve3D a, Curve3D b)
// End point of a and first point of b are assumed to be identical
Curve3D c = new();
c.BakeInterval = 0.1f;
for(var i = 0; i < a.PointCount; i++)
c.SetPointIn(i, a.GetPointIn(i));
c.SetPointOut(i, (i < a.PointCount - 1) ? a.GetPointOut(i) : b.GetPointOut(0));
for(var i = 1; i < b.PointCount; i++)
c.SetPointIn(a.PointCount + i - 1, b.GetPointIn(i));
c.SetPointOut(a.PointCount + i - 1, b.GetPointOut(i));
GD.Print("Combined curve has ", c.PointCount, " points");
return c;
private void _addDebugSphere(Vector3 x, float r) {
if(!showDebugPoints) return;
var p = new CsgSphere3D();
p.Owner = GetTree().EditedSceneRoot;
p.Radius = r;
p.Position = x;
private Vector3[] _GetPointsAndControlsFromCurve(Curve3D c)
return new[] {
c.GetPointPosition(0) + c.GetPointOut(0),
c.GetPointPosition(1) + c.GetPointIn(1),
private Curve3D _GetCurveFromPointsAndControls(Vector3[] p)
var c = new Curve3D();
c.SetPointOut(0, p[1] - p[0]); // Make out relative to point
c.SetPointIn(1, p[2] - p[3]);
return c;
private (Vector3[] Left,Vector3[] Right, CurvePoint K) DCJ2(Vector3[] points, float t)
// Adapted from Paul LeBeau's explanation here:
if(points.Length != 4) throw new Exception();
var A = points[0];
var B = points[1];
var C = points[2];
var D = points[3];
var E = A.Lerp(B, t);
var F = B.Lerp(C, t);
var G = C.Lerp(D, t);
var H = E.Lerp(F, t);
var J = F.Lerp(G, t);
var K = H.Lerp(J, t);
var left = new Vector3[] { A, E, H, K };
var right = new Vector3[] { K, J, G, D };
return (left, right, new CurvePoint { Point = K, In = H, Out = J });
private struct CurvePoint
public Vector3 Point;
public Vector3 In;
public Vector3 Out;
public int Idx;
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