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Last active May 23, 2019 07:27
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* This codemod refactors calls like combineLatest(stream1$, stream2$, ...) to combineLatest([stream1$, stream2$, ...]) as
* the first call signature was deprecated in rxjs 6.5 (see the reason here:
* I run this with jscodeshift (for Typescript files): jscodeshift -t combineLatest.js PATH --parser ts --extensions=ts
module.exports = function(file, api) {
const j = api.jscodeshift;
const root = j(file.source);
const calls = root
.find(j.CallExpression, {
callee: {
name: 'combineLatest'
p =>
p.value.arguments.length > 1 ||
(p.value.arguments[0].type !== 'ArrayExpression' && p.value.arguments[0].type !== 'SpreadElement')
calls.forEach(p => {
p.value.arguments = [j.arrayExpression([...p.value.arguments])];
console.log(`Transformed ${calls.length} instances of combineLatest()`);
return root.toSource();
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