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Created July 30, 2022 08:30
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  • Save TimelessP/73dd7e2111f66a1e8294f886f74f7db6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TimelessP/73dd7e2111f66a1e8294f886f74f7db6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. is some slightly-edited code that was generated by openai after some prompting by me. The functionality is mainly around calculating vessel movement around a sphere. Caution, there are calculation bugs in this gist that need fixing.
import math
def calculate_new_coordinate(ship_coordinate, ship_heading, ship_speed, time_elapsed_seconds, heading_hold=False,
Calculates the new coordinates of the ship (lat, long), given the current heading, speed in knots,
and the time elapsed in seconds. A spherical Earth model is used, with no tides.
:param ship_coordinate: (lat, long) in range -90 <= lat <= 90, -180 <= long <= 180.
:param ship_heading: heading in degrees in range 0 <= heading <= 360.
:param ship_speed: speed in knots in the range -999 <= speed <= 999.
:param time_elapsed_seconds: time elapsed in seconds from the ship coordinates at the current heading and speed.
:param heading_hold: True if the ship is to maintain its heading, False if the ship is to change its heading.
:param depth_metres: depth in metres in the range 0 <= depth <= 99999.
:return: the new coordinates (lat, long) in range -90 <= lat <= 90, -180 <= long <= 180.
# Earth's diameter in km:
earth_diameter = 12742
depth_km = depth_metres / 1000
spherical_diameter = earth_diameter - depth_km
# Convert the ship heading to radians.
ship_heading_radians = ship_heading * (math.pi / 180)
# Convert the ship speed to "meters per second".
ship_speed_meters_per_second = ship_speed * 0.514444444
# Calculate the distance traveled.
distance_traveled = ship_speed_meters_per_second * time_elapsed_seconds
# Calculate the new latitude, factoring in the size of the planet.
new_latitude = ship_coordinate[0] + (distance_traveled * math.cos(ship_heading_radians) / spherical_diameter)
# Calculate the new longitude, factoring in the size of the planet.
new_longitude = ship_coordinate[1] + (distance_traveled * math.sin(ship_heading_radians) / spherical_diameter)
# Return the new coordinates.
new_coordinates = (new_latitude, new_longitude)
# If heading hold is False then calculate the new heading.
# This prevents simulating the ship going in spirals towards the poles on the sphere.
if heading_hold is False:
# Calculate the new heading.
new_heading = math.atan2(new_coordinates[1] - ship_coordinate[1], new_coordinates[0] - ship_coordinate[0]) *\
(180 / math.pi)
# Return the new heading.
return new_coordinates, new_heading
return new_coordinates, ship_heading
def calculate_new_heading(ship_coordinate, waypoint):
Calculates the new heading of the ship so that the vessel can reach the waypoint in the shortest distance
on a spherical Earth model. A spherical Earth model is used, with no tides.
:param ship_coordinate: (lat, long) in range -90 <= lat <= 90, -180 <= long <= 180.
:param waypoint: (lat, long) in range -90 <= lat <= 90, -180 <= long <= 180.
:return: the new heading in degrees in range 0 <= heading <= 360.
# Calculate the new heading.
new_heading = math.atan2(waypoint[1] - ship_coordinate[1], waypoint[0] - ship_coordinate[0]) * (180 / math.pi)
# Return the new heading.
return new_heading
# TODO: Fix this calculation.
def calculate_distance_to_waypoint(ship_coordinate, waypoint, depth_metres):
Calculates the distance to the waypoint in nautical miles.
:param ship_coordinate: (lat, long) in range -90 <= lat <= 90, -180 <= long <= 180.
:param waypoint: (lat, long) in range -90 <= lat <= 90, -180 <= long <= 180.
:param depth_metres: depth in metres in the range 0 <= depth <= 99999.
:return: the distance to the waypoint in nautical miles.
# Earth's diameter in km:
earth_diameter = 12742
depth_km = depth_metres / 1000
# Diameter of the spherical Earth model in kilometres.
spherical_diameter_km = earth_diameter - depth_km
# Convert to nautical miles.
spherical_diameter_nm = spherical_diameter_km * 0.539956803456
# Calculate the haversine distance to the waypoint in nautical miles, factoring in the Earth's diameter.
distance_to_waypoint = spherical_diameter_nm * math.acos(
math.sin(math.radians(ship_coordinate[0])) * math.sin(math.radians(waypoint[0])) +
math.cos(math.radians(ship_coordinate[0])) * math.cos(math.radians(waypoint[0])) *
math.cos(math.radians(ship_coordinate[1] - waypoint[1])))
# distance_to_waypoint = spherical_diameter_km * math.pi * math.sqrt(
# (math.pow(waypoint[0] - ship_coordinate[0], 2) + math.pow(waypoint[1] - ship_coordinate[1], 2))) / 1852
# distance_to_waypoint = (spherical_diameter_km * math.pi) / 180 * math.acos(
# math.sin(ship_coordinate[0] * (math.pi / 180)) * math.sin(waypoint[0] * (math.pi / 180)) + math.cos(
# ship_coordinate[0] * (math.pi / 180)) * math.cos(waypoint[0] * (math.pi / 180)) * math.cos(
# ship_coordinate[1] * (math.pi / 180) - waypoint[1] * (math.pi / 180)))
# Return the distance to the waypoint in nautical miles.
return distance_to_waypoint
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set depth to 0 metres.
depth_metres = 0
# Define a coordinate in WGS84 of the ship on the ocean.
# The coordinate is in the form of a tuple (latitude, longitude)
# The latitude is in the range [-90, 90] and the longitude in [-180, 180]
ship_coordinate = (0.0, -1.0)
# Define the ship heading in degrees.
# The heading is in the range [0, 360]
ship_heading = 45.0
# Define the ship speed in knots.
# The speed is in the range [0, 100]
ship_speed = 10.0
# Calculate the new coordinate of the ship after the time has passed.
# The time is in the range [0, 600] in seconds.
# The result is in the form of a tuple (latitude, longitude)
time_elapsed_secs = 60.0
new_coordinate = calculate_new_coordinate(ship_coordinate, ship_heading, ship_speed, time_elapsed_secs,
heading_hold=False, depth_metres=depth_metres)
# Print the new coordinate
# Define a waypoint as a lat, long tuple.
waypoint = (45.0, 90.0)
# Calculate the new heading to the waypoint.
# The result is in the range [0, 360]
ship_heading = calculate_new_heading(ship_coordinate, waypoint)
distance_to_wp = calculate_distance_to_waypoint(ship_coordinate, waypoint, depth_metres)
print(f"Distance to waypoint: {distance_to_wp} nautical miles")
# Calculate the circumference from the diameter.
earth_diameter = 12742
circumference = earth_diameter * math.pi
# Convert the circumference from kilometres to nautical miles.
circumference_nm = circumference * 0.539957
# Calculate the distance from pole to pole.
# The result is in the range [0, earth_circumference_nm]
distance_from_pole_to_pole = circumference_nm / 2
print(f"Distance from pole to pole: {distance_from_pole_to_pole} nautical miles")
north_pole = (90.0, 0.0)
south_pole = (-90.0, 0.0)
distance_to_pole = calculate_distance_to_waypoint(south_pole, north_pole, depth_metres)
print(f"Distance to pole: {distance_to_pole} nautical miles")
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It's a mess, I know, but I'm dumping the generated code here because I'd really hate to lose it.

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