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Last active December 12, 2018 15:38
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Erstellen von drei AWS EC2 Instanzen für den Aufbau eines Hochverfügbaren Vault Clusters
# author: Timo Stankowitz <>
# create date: 2017-11-04
# last change: 2018-12-12
# version 5
# this script creates 3 servers in 3 different AZ's in EU-Central (aka. Frankfurt)
# make sure you have the following variables set in your .bashrc or declare it in this script
operatingImage="ami-05e7f7fc79cd6ba7e" # Container OS (last checked 2018-12-12)
profile="vault-instance-role" # you have to create this by yourself
sshKey="timo_ssh_key" # change to your SSH-Key
securityGroupId="sg-c702b7ad" # change to your security Group
# subnetID in AZ's (change to your subnet-id)
subAZa="subnet-8a9c47e1" #
subAZb="subnet-73a9b709" #
subAZc="subnet-1343975e" #
# create first server in FRA-AZ A
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $operatingImage --instance-type $serverType --iam-instance-profile Name=$profile \
--key-name $sshKey --security-group-ids $securityGroupId \
--subnet-id $subAZa \
--tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=Server_A},{Key=OS,Value=CoreOS},{Key=Cluster,Value=vault-cluster}]'
# second server in FRA-AZ B
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $operatingImage --instance-type $serverType --iam-instance-profile Name=$profile \
--key-name $sshKey --security-group-ids $securityGroupId \
--subnet-id $subAZb \
--tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=Server_B},{Key=OS,Value=CoreOS},{Key=Cluster,Value=vault-cluster}]'
# third server in FRA-AZ C
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $operatingImage --instance-type $serverType --iam-instance-profile Name=$profile \
--key-name $sshKey --security-group-ids $securityGroupId \
--subnet-id $subAZc \
--tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=Server_C},{Key=OS,Value=CoreOS},{Key=Cluster,Value=vault-cluster}]'
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