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Created May 6, 2020 23:01
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CoffeeScript to JavaScript conversion stats

I wrote this to get some stats on the conversion from CoffeeScript to JavaScript. It's not interesting enough to frame on the wall, but I want to clean up my local git repo but want to have a tiny chance of finding it again if I ever need to. :) This runs through a bunch of commits and puts some stats about it in a couple of files.

I used these files with an online tool to display the evolution over time

echo "" > $CJSX_FILE
echo "" > $JSX_FILE
echo "" > $COMBINED
for commit in $(git rev-list --merges --reverse -n 10000 master)
# echo $commit
date=$(git log -n1 $commit --format="%aI")
author=$(git log -n1 $commit --format="%ae")
jsx_count=$(git ls-tree -r $commit | grep -c "\.jsx$")
cjsx_count=$(git ls-tree -r $commit | grep -c "\.cjsx$")
count=$(git ls-tree -r --name-only $commit | grep -c "\.cjsx$")
# echo $count
if [ $lastcount -ne $count ]; then
author=$(git log $commit -n 1 --format="%ae")
echo "$date,$lastcount" >> $CJSX_FILE
echo "$date,$jsx_count" >> $JSX_FILE
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