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Last active March 11, 2023 14:12
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This is an implementation of using MIDI messages to control values in the nannou model. The MIDI connection is running on a separate thread per device. Custom devices can be added by extending Tested with nannou = "0.15", midir = "0.7.0".
use nannou::prelude::*;
mod midi;
use std::sync::mpsc;
fn main() {
struct Model {
_window: window::Id,
minilogue_data: mpsc::Receiver<midi::MidiMessage>,
minilogue_notes: Vec<midi::PlayedNote>,
alpha_ctrl: f32,
fn model(app: &App) -> Model {
let _window = app.new_window().view(view).build().unwrap();
let minilogue_data = midi::make_thread_for_device(midi::MidiDevice::MINILOGUEXD);
let minilogue_notes = vec![];
let alpha_ctrl = 1.0;
Model {
fn update(_app: &App, model: &mut Model, _update: Update) {
let mut done = false;
while !done {
let midi_result = model.minilogue_data.try_recv();
let (midi_cc, midi_note) = midi::parse_midi_event(&midi_result);
let has_cc = match midi_cc {
Some(c) => {
let value_mapped = map_range(c.value, 0, 127, 0.0, 1.0);
println!("Controller change: {} to value {}", c.controller_num, c.value);
if c.controller_num == 43 {
// Minilogue Cutoff Control
model.alpha_ctrl = value_mapped;
None => {false},
midi::update_model_notes(&mut model.minilogue_notes, &midi_note);
let has_note = match midi_note {
Some(n) => {
println!("Note event: {}, note value {}, velocity {}", n.event_type, n.note_value, n.velocity);
None => {false}
done = !has_cc && !has_note;
fn view(app: &App, model: &Model, frame: Frame) {
let draw = app.draw();
let boundary = app.window_rect();
if app.elapsed_frames() == 1 {
for note in model.minilogue_notes.iter() {
let note_x = map_range(note.note_value as f32, 24.0, 108.0, boundary.left(), boundary.right());
draw.ellipse().w_h(100.0, 100.0).x_y(note_x, 0.0).color(rgba(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, model.alpha_ctrl));
draw.rect().w_h(boundary.right() - boundary.left(), - boundary.bottom()).color(srgba(0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.1));
draw.to_frame(app, &frame).unwrap();
extern crate midir;
use midir::{MidiInput, MidiInputPort, Ignore};
use std::error::Error;
use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::fmt;
pub struct MidiMessage {
status: u8,
data_1: u8,
data_2: u8,
pub enum MidiNoteEventType {
impl fmt::Display for MidiNoteEventType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
MidiNoteEventType::ON => {
write!(f, "ON")
MidiNoteEventType::OFF => {
write!(f, "OFF")
pub struct MidiNoteEvent {
pub event_type: MidiNoteEventType,
pub note_value: u8,
pub velocity: u8,
pub struct MidiControlEvent {
pub controller_num: u8,
pub value: u8,
pub struct PlayedNote {
pub note_value: u8,
pub note_velocity: u8,
impl PartialEq for PlayedNote
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.note_value == other.note_value
pub enum MidiDevice {
// Add enum option for specific devices here.
pub fn midi_device_from_port_name(port_name: &String) -> Option<MidiDevice> {
match &port_name[..] {
// Add mapping from port name to midi device here. Device name may vary based on edition and setup; run init_midi once to show available input ports.
"Oxygen 49" => Some(MidiDevice::OXYGEN49),
"Arturia MicroFreak" => Some(MidiDevice::MICROFREAK),
"MicroBrute" => Some(MidiDevice::MICROBRUTE),
"MIDIIN2 (minilogue xd)" => Some(MidiDevice::MINILOGUEXD),
"MIDIIN2 (Launchpad Pro)" => Some(MidiDevice::LAUNCHPADPRO),
"loopMIDI Port" => Some(MidiDevice::LOOPMIDI),
_ => None
pub fn init_midi(device: MidiDevice) -> Result<(MidiInput, MidiInputPort), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut midi_in = MidiInput::new("midir reading input")?;
let in_ports = midi_in.ports();
println!("\nAvailable input ports:");
for (i, p) in in_ports.iter().enumerate() {
println!("{}: {}", i, midi_in.port_name(p).unwrap());
// Get an input port
let mut port_index = 0;
let in_port = loop {
let port = in_ports.get(port_index).unwrap();
let port_name = midi_in.port_name(&port).unwrap();
let port_device = midi_device_from_port_name(&port_name);
match port_device {
Some(d) => {
if d == device {
break port;
_ => {}
port_index += 1;
println!("\nOpening connection for port {}", port_index);
Ok((midi_in, in_port.clone()))
pub fn make_thread_for_device(device: MidiDevice) -> mpsc::Receiver<MidiMessage> {
let (talk_to_nannou, data_from_my_thread) = mpsc::channel();
thread::spawn(move || {
match init_midi(device) {
Ok((midi_in, in_port)) => {
let _conn_in = midi_in.connect(&in_port, "midir-read-input", move |_stamp, message, _| {
let status = message[0];
match message.len() {
2 => {
// println!("MIDI message length of 2 currently not implemented.");
3 => {
let data1 = message[1];
let data2 = message[2];
// let msg = format!("{}: [{:X}, {:X}, {:X}] (len = {})", stamp, status, data1, data2, message.len());
let midi_msg = MidiMessage{status: status, data_1: data1, data_2:data2};
let result = talk_to_nannou.send(midi_msg);
match result {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(e) => println!("Error sending msg: {}", e)
_ => {
// println!("MIDI message length of {} currently not implemented.", message.len());
}, ());
Err(_) => {},
return data_from_my_thread;
pub fn parse_midi_cc_message(msg: &MidiMessage) -> Option<MidiControlEvent> {
if msg.status >= 0xB0 && msg.status < 0xC0 {
// control message
return Some(MidiControlEvent{controller_num: msg.data_1, value: msg.data_2});
return None;
pub fn parse_midi_note_message(msg: &MidiMessage) -> Option<MidiNoteEvent> {
if msg.status >= 0x80 && msg.status < 0x90 {
return Some(MidiNoteEvent{event_type: MidiNoteEventType::OFF, note_value: msg.data_1, velocity: msg.data_2});
} else if msg.status >= 0x90 && msg.status < 0xA0 {
return Some(MidiNoteEvent{event_type: MidiNoteEventType::ON, note_value: msg.data_1, velocity: msg.data_2});
return None;
pub fn parse_midi_event(midi_result: &Result<MidiMessage, mpsc::TryRecvError>) -> (Option<MidiControlEvent>, Option<MidiNoteEvent>) {
match midi_result {
Ok(v) => {
return (parse_midi_cc_message(&v), parse_midi_note_message(&v))
Err(_) => {return (None, None)},
pub fn update_model_notes(model_notes: &mut Vec<PlayedNote>, note_event: &Option<MidiNoteEvent>) {
match note_event {
Some(e) => {
match e.event_type {
MidiNoteEventType::ON => {
let played_note = PlayedNote{note_value: e.note_value, note_velocity: e.velocity};
if e.velocity > 0 {
// If note velocity is above 0, add it to the played notes list
if !model_notes.contains(&played_note) {
} else {
// If note velocity is 0, find whether the note was already played and remove it
// Note: this was added as a workaround for the Launchpad Pro
// which appears to send note on events with velocity 0 instead of note off events.
let position = model_notes.iter().position(|x| x == &played_note);
match position {
Some(p) => {
None => {}
MidiNoteEventType::OFF => {
let played_note = PlayedNote{note_value: e.note_value, note_velocity: e.velocity};
let position = model_notes.iter().position(|x| x == &played_note);
match position {
Some(p) => {
None => {}
None => {}
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