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Coffee script version of jQuery-Retina-Plugin
$ = JQuery
$.fn.retina = (options) ->
settings = { 'retina-background': false, 'retina-suffix': "@2x" }
if options
$.extend settings, options
preload = (path, callback) ->
img = new Image()
img.onload = ->
callback img
img.src = path
if window.devicePixelRation > 1
@each ->
element = $(@)
if (@tagName.toLowerCase() is 'img') and element.attr("src")
path = element.attr('src').replace(/\.(?!.*\.)/, "#{settings['retina-suffix']}.")
preload path, (img) ->
element.attr 'src', img.src
imgHtml = $('<div>').append(element.clone()).remove().html()
if not /(width|height)=["']\d+['"]/.test imgHtml
element.attr 'width', img.width / 2
if settings['retina-background']
backgroundImageUrl = element.css('background-image')
if /^url\(.*)$/.test(backgroundImageUrl)
path = backgroundImageUrl.substring 4, backgroundImageUrl.length - 1
path = path.replace /\.(?!.*\.)/, "#{settings['retina-suffix']}."
preload path, (img) ->
element.css 'background-image', "url(#{img.src})"
if element.css('background-size') is 'auto auto'
element.css 'background-size', "#{img.width / 2}px auto"
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